/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace transport { namespace core { constexpr char Forwarder::forwarder_config_section[]; Forwarder::Forwarder() : config_() { using namespace std::placeholders; GlobalConfiguration::getInstance().registerConfigurationParser( forwarder_config_section, std::bind(&Forwarder::parseForwarderConfiguration, this, _1, _2)); if (!config_.empty()) { initThreads(); initListeners(); initConnectors(); } } Forwarder::~Forwarder() { for (auto &l : listeners_) { l->close(); } for (auto &c : remote_connectors_) { c.second->close(); } GlobalConfiguration::getInstance().unregisterConfigurationParser( forwarder_config_section); } void Forwarder::initThreads() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < config_.getThreadNumber(); i++) { thread_pool_.emplace_back(io_service_, /* detached */ false); } } void Forwarder::initListeners() { using namespace std::placeholders; for (auto &l : config_.getListeners()) { listeners_.emplace_back(std::make_shared( io_service_, std::bind(&Forwarder::onPacketFromListener, this, _1, _2, _3), asio::ip::udp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(l.address), l.port))); } } void Forwarder::initConnectors() { using namespace std::placeholders; for (auto &c : config_.getConnectors()) { auto id = GlobalCounter::getInstance().getNext(); auto conn = new UdpTunnelConnector( io_service_, std::bind(&Forwarder::onPacketReceived, this, _1, _2, _3), std::bind(&Forwarder::onPacketSent, this, _1, _2), std::bind(&Forwarder::onConnectorClosed, this, _1), std::bind(&Forwarder::onConnectorReconnected, this, _1)); conn->setConnectorId(id); remote_connectors_.emplace(id, conn); conn->connect(c.remote_address, c.remote_port, c.local_address, c.local_port); } } Connector::Id Forwarder::registerLocalConnector( asio::io_service &io_service, Connector::PacketReceivedCallback &&receive_callback, Connector::PacketSentCallback &&sent_callback, Connector::OnReconnectCallback &&reconnect_callback) { utils::SpinLock::Acquire locked(connector_lock_); auto id = GlobalCounter::getInstance().getNext(); auto connector = std::make_shared( io_service, receive_callback, sent_callback, nullptr, reconnect_callback); connector->setConnectorId(id); local_connectors_.emplace(id, std::move(connector)); return id; } Forwarder &Forwarder::deleteConnector(Connector::Id id) { utils::SpinLock::Acquire locked(connector_lock_); auto it = local_connectors_.find(id); if (it != local_connectors_.end()) { it->second->close(); local_connectors_.erase(it); } else { } return *this; } Connector::Ptr Forwarder::getConnector(Connector::Id id) { utils::SpinLock::Acquire locked(connector_lock_); auto it = local_connectors_.find(id); if (it != local_connectors_.end()) { return it->second; } return nullptr; } void Forwarder::onPacketFromListener( Connector *connector, const std::vector &packets, const std::error_code &ec) { // Create connector connector->setReceiveCallback( std::bind(&Forwarder::onPacketReceived, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(3)) << "Packet received from listener."; { utils::SpinLock::Acquire locked(connector_lock_); remote_connectors_.emplace(connector->getConnectorId(), connector->shared_from_this()); } // TODO Check if control packet or not. For the moment it is not. onPacketReceived(connector, packets, ec); } void Forwarder::onPacketReceived(Connector *connector, const std::vector &packets, const std::error_code &ec) { if (ec) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error receiving packet: " << ec.message(); return; } for (auto &packet_buffer_ptr : packets) { auto &packet_buffer = *packet_buffer_ptr; // Figure out the type of packet we received bool is_interest = Packet::isInterest(packet_buffer.data()); Packet *packet = nullptr; if (is_interest) { packet = static_cast(&packet_buffer); } else { packet = static_cast(&packet_buffer); } for (auto &c : local_connectors_) { auto role = c.second->getRole(); auto is_producer = role == Connector::Role::PRODUCER; if ((is_producer && is_interest) || (!is_producer && !is_interest)) { c.second->send(*packet); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Error sending packet to local connector. is_interest = " << is_interest << " - is_producer = " << is_producer; } } // PCS Lookup + FIB lookup. Skip for now // Forward packet to local connectors } } void Forwarder::send(Packet &packet) { // TODo Here a nice PIT/CS / FIB would be required:) // For now let's just forward the packet on the remote connector we get if (remote_connectors_.begin() == remote_connectors_.end()) { return; } auto remote_endpoint = remote_connectors_.begin()->second->getRemoteEndpoint(); DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(3)) << "Sending packet to: " << remote_endpoint.getAddress() << ":" << remote_endpoint.getPort(); remote_connectors_.begin()->second->send(packet); } void Forwarder::onPacketSent(Connector *connector, const std::error_code &ec) {} void Forwarder::onConnectorClosed(Connector *connector) {} void Forwarder::onConnectorReconnected(Connector *connector) {} void Forwarder::parseForwarderConfiguration( const libconfig::Setting &forwarder_config, std::error_code &ec) { using namespace libconfig; // n_thread if (forwarder_config.exists("n_threads")) { // Get number of threads int n_threads = 1; forwarder_config.lookupValue("n_threads", n_threads); VLOG(1) << "Forwarder threads from config file: " << n_threads; config_.setThreadNumber(n_threads); } // listeners if (forwarder_config.exists("listeners")) { // get path where looking for modules const Setting &listeners = forwarder_config.lookup("listeners"); auto count = listeners.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const Setting &listener = listeners[i]; ListenerConfig list; unsigned port; list.name = listener.getName(); listener.lookupValue("local_address", list.address); listener.lookupValue("local_port", port); list.port = (uint16_t)(port); VLOG(1) << "Adding listener " << list.name << ", ( " << list.address << ":" << list.port << ")"; config_.addListener(std::move(list)); } } // connectors if (forwarder_config.exists("connectors")) { // get path where looking for modules const Setting &connectors = forwarder_config.lookup("connectors"); auto count = connectors.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const Setting &connector = connectors[i]; ConnectorConfig conn; conn.name = connector.getName(); unsigned port = 0; if (!connector.lookupValue("local_address", conn.local_address)) { conn.local_address = ""; } if (!connector.lookupValue("local_port", port)) { port = 0; } conn.local_port = (uint16_t)(port); if (!connector.lookupValue("remote_address", conn.remote_address)) { throw errors::RuntimeException( "Error in configuration file: remote_address is a mandatory field " "of Connectors."); } if (!connector.lookupValue("remote_port", port)) { throw errors::RuntimeException( "Error in configuration file: remote_port is a mandatory field " "of Connectors."); } conn.remote_port = (uint16_t)(port); VLOG(1) << "Adding connector " << conn.name << ", (" << conn.local_address << ":" << conn.local_port << " " << conn.remote_address << ":" << conn.remote_port << ")"; config_.addConnector(std::move(conn)); } } // Routes if (forwarder_config.exists("routes")) { const Setting &routes = forwarder_config.lookup("routes"); auto count = routes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const Setting &route = routes[i]; RouteConfig r; unsigned weight; r.name = route.getName(); route.lookupValue("prefix", r.prefix); route.lookupValue("weight", weight); route.lookupValue("connector", r.connector); r.weight = (uint16_t)(weight); VLOG(1) << "Adding route " << r.name << " " << r.prefix << " (" << r.connector << " " << r.weight << ")"; config_.addRoute(std::move(r)); } } } } // namespace core } // namespace transport