/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include namespace transport { namespace protocol { namespace fec { RelyEncoder::RelyEncoder(uint32_t k, uint32_t n, uint32_t /* seq_offset */) : RelyBase(k, n) { configure(kmtu, ktimeout, kmax_stream_size); set_repair_trigger(k_, n_ - k_, n_ - k_); } void RelyEncoder::onPacketProduced(core::ContentObject &content_object, uint32_t offset, uint32_t metadata) { // Get pointer to payload, leaving space to insert FEC header. // TODO Check if this additional header is really needed. auto data = content_object.writableData() + offset - sizeof(fec_metadata); auto length = content_object.length() - offset + sizeof(fec_metadata); // Check packet length does not exceed maximum length supported by the // encoder (otherwise segmentation would take place). DCHECK(length < max_packet_bytes()); DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(4)) << "Encoding packet of length " << length - sizeof(fec_metadata); // Get the suffix. With rely we need to write it in the fec_metadata in order // to be able to recognize the seq number upon recovery. auto suffix = content_object.getName().getSuffix(); DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(4)) << "Producing packet " << suffix << " (index == " << current_index_ << ")"; // Consume payload. Add fec_metadata in front before feeding payload to // encoder, and copy original content of packet fec_metadata *h = reinterpret_cast(data); fec_metadata copy = *h; h->setSeqNumberBase(suffix); h->setMetadataBase(metadata); auto packets = consume(data, length, getCurrentTime()); DCHECK(packets == 1); // Update packet counter current_index_ += packets; // Restore original packet content and increment data pointer to the correct // position *h = copy; data += sizeof(fec_metadata); // Check position of this packet inside N size block auto i = current_index_ % n_; // encoder will produce a source packet if (i <= k_) { // Rely modifies the payload of the packet. We replace the packet with the // one returned by rely. // TODO Optimize it by copying only the RELY header // Be sure encoder can produce DCHECK(can_produce()); // Check new payload size and make sure it fits in packet buffer auto new_payload_size = produce_bytes(); int difference = new_payload_size - length; DCHECK(difference > 0); DCHECK(content_object.ensureCapacity(difference)); // Update length DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(4)) << "The packet length will be incremented by " << difference + sizeof(fec_metadata); content_object.append(difference + sizeof(fec_metadata)); content_object.updateLength(); // Make sure we got a source packet, otherwise we would put a repair symbol // in a source packet DCHECK(rely::packet_is_systematic(produce_data())); // Copy rely packet replacing old source packet. std::memcpy(data, produce_data(), new_payload_size); // Advance the encoder to next symbol. produce_next(); } #if 0 if (i == k_) { // Ensure repair are generated after k source packets flush_repair(); } #endif // Here we should produce all the repair packets while (can_produce()) { // The current index MUST be k_, because we enforce n - k repair to be // produced after k sources DCHECK(current_index_ == k_); buffer packet; if (!buffer_callback_) { // If no callback is installed, let's allocate a buffer from global pool packet = core::PacketManager<>::getInstance().getMemBuf(); packet->append(produce_bytes()); } else { // Otherwise let's ask a buffer to the caller. packet = buffer_callback_(produce_bytes()); } DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(4)) << "Producing symbol of size " << produce_bytes(); // Copy symbol to packet buffer std::memcpy(packet->writableData(), produce_data(), produce_bytes()); // Push symbol in repair_packets packets_.emplace_back(0, metadata, std::move(packet)); // Advance the encoder produce_next(); } // Print number of unprotected symbols DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(4)) << "Number of unprotected symbols: " << unprotected_symbols(); // If we have generated repair symbols, let's notify caller via the installed // callback if (packets_.size()) { DCHECK(packets_.size() == n_ - k_); fec_callback_(packets_); packets_.clear(); current_index_ = 0; } } RelyDecoder::RelyDecoder(uint32_t k, uint32_t n, uint32_t seq_offset) : RelyBase(k, n, seq_offset) { configure(kmtu, ktimeout, kmax_stream_size); } void RelyDecoder::onDataPacket(core::ContentObject &content_object, uint32_t offset, uint32_t metadata) { // Adjust pointers to point to packet payload auto data = content_object.writableData() + offset; auto size = content_object.length() - offset; // Pass payload to decoder consume(data, size, getCurrentTime()); producePackets(); } void RelyDecoder::producePackets() { // Drain decoder if possible while (can_produce()) { auto fec_header_size = sizeof(fec_metadata); auto payload_size = produce_bytes() - sizeof(fec_metadata); buffer packet; if (!buffer_callback_) { packet = core::PacketManager<>::getInstance().getMemBuf(); packet->append(payload_size); } else { packet = buffer_callback_(payload_size); } // Read seq number const fec_metadata *h = reinterpret_cast(produce_data()); uint32_t index = h->getSeqNumberBase(); uint32_t metadata = h->getMetadataBase(); DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(4)) << "The index written in the packet is " << index; // Copy payload std::memcpy(packet->writableData(), produce_data() + fec_header_size, payload_size); // Save packet in buffer packets_.emplace_back(index, metadata, std::move(packet)); // Advance to next packet produce_next(); } // If we produced packets, lets notify the caller via the callback if (packets_.size() > 0) { fec_callback_(packets_); packets_.clear(); } flushOutOfOrder(); } void RelyDecoder::flushOutOfOrder() { if (flush_timer_ == nullptr) return; flush_timer_->cancel(); if (has_upcoming_flush()) { flush_timer_->expires_from_now(std::chrono::milliseconds( std::max((int64_t)0, upcoming_flush(getCurrentTime())))); flush_timer_->async_wait([this](const std::error_code &ec) { if (ec) return; if (has_upcoming_flush()) { flush(getCurrentTime()); producePackets(); } }); } } } // namespace fec } // namespace protocol } // namespace transport