/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include namespace transport { namespace protocol { namespace rtc { ProbeHandler::ProbeHandler(SendProbeCallback &&send_callback, asio::io_service &io_service) : probe_interval_(0), max_probes_(0), sent_probes_(0), recv_probes_(0), probe_timer_(std::make_unique(io_service)), rand_eng_((std::random_device())()), distr_(MIN_RTT_PROBE_SEQ, MAX_RTT_PROBE_SEQ), send_probe_callback_(std::move(send_callback)) {} ProbeHandler::~ProbeHandler() {} uint64_t ProbeHandler::getRtt(uint32_t seq, bool is_valid) { auto it = pending_probes_.find(seq); if (it == pending_probes_.end()) return 0; if (!is_valid) { // delete the probe anyway pending_probes_.erase(it); valid_batch_ = false; return 0; } uint64_t now = utils::SteadyTime::nowMs().count(); uint64_t rtt = now - it->second; if (rtt < 1) rtt = 1; pending_probes_.erase(it); recv_probes_++; return rtt; } double ProbeHandler::getProbeLossRate() { if (!valid_batch_) return 1.0; return 1.0 - ((double)recv_probes_ / (double)sent_probes_); } void ProbeHandler::setSuffixRange(uint32_t min, uint32_t max) { DCHECK(min <= max && min >= MIN_PROBE_SEQ); distr_ = std::uniform_int_distribution(min, max); } void ProbeHandler::setProbes(uint32_t probe_interval, uint32_t max_probes) { stopProbes(); probe_interval_ = probe_interval; max_probes_ = max_probes; } void ProbeHandler::stopProbes() { probe_interval_ = 0; max_probes_ = 0; sent_probes_ = 0; recv_probes_ = 0; valid_batch_ = true; probe_timer_->cancel(); } void ProbeHandler::sendProbes() { if (probe_interval_ == 0) return; std::weak_ptr self(shared_from_this()); probe_timer_->expires_from_now(std::chrono::microseconds(probe_interval_)); probe_timer_->async_wait([self](const std::error_code &ec) { if (ec) return; auto s = self.lock(); if (s) { s->generateProbe(); } }); } void ProbeHandler::generateProbe() { if (probe_interval_ == 0) return; if (max_probes_ != 0 && sent_probes_ >= max_probes_) return; uint64_t now = utils::SteadyTime::nowMs().count(); uint32_t seq = distr_(rand_eng_); pending_probes_.insert(std::pair(seq, now)); send_probe_callback_(seq); sent_probes_++; // clean up // a probe may get lost. if the pending_probes_ size becomes bigger than // MAX_PENDING_PROBES remove all the probes older than a seconds if (pending_probes_.size() > MAX_PENDING_PROBES) { for (auto it = pending_probes_.begin(); it != pending_probes_.end();) { if ((now - it->second) > 1000) it = pending_probes_.erase(it); else it++; } } sendProbes(); } ProbeType ProbeHandler::getProbeType(uint32_t seq) { if (MIN_INIT_PROBE_SEQ <= seq && seq <= MAX_INIT_PROBE_SEQ) { return ProbeType::INIT; } if (MIN_RTT_PROBE_SEQ <= seq && seq <= MAX_RTT_PROBE_SEQ) { return ProbeType::RTT; } return ProbeType::NOT_PROBE; } } // namespace rtc } // namespace protocol } // namespace transport