/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace transport { namespace protocol { namespace rtc { using namespace interface; RTCTransportProtocol::RTCTransportProtocol( implementation::ConsumerSocket *icn_socket) : TransportProtocol(icn_socket, nullptr), DatagramReassembly(icn_socket, this), number_(0) { icn_socket->getSocketOption(PORTAL, portal_); round_timer_ = std::make_unique(portal_->getIoService()); scheduler_timer_ = std::make_unique(portal_->getIoService()); } RTCTransportProtocol::~RTCTransportProtocol() {} void RTCTransportProtocol::resume() { if (is_running_) return; is_running_ = true; newRound(); portal_->runEventsLoop(); is_running_ = false; } // private void RTCTransportProtocol::initParams() { portal_->setConsumerCallback(this); rc_ = std::make_shared(); ldr_ = std::make_shared( std::bind(&RTCTransportProtocol::sendRtxInterest, this, std::placeholders::_1), portal_->getIoService()); state_ = std::make_shared( std::bind(&RTCTransportProtocol::sendProbeInterest, this, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&RTCTransportProtocol::discoveredRtt, this), portal_->getIoService()); rc_->setState(state_); // TODO: for the moment we keep the congestion control disabled // rc_->tunrOnRateControl(); ldr_->setState(state_); // protocol state start_send_interest_ = false; current_state_ = SyncState::catch_up; // Cancel timer number_++; round_timer_->cancel(); scheduler_timer_->cancel(); scheduler_timer_on_ = false; // delete all timeouts and future nacks timeouts_or_nacks_.clear(); // cwin vars current_sync_win_ = INITIAL_WIN; max_sync_win_ = INITIAL_WIN_MAX; // names/packets var next_segment_ = 0; socket_->setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::INTEREST_LIFETIME, RTC_INTEREST_LIFETIME); } // private void RTCTransportProtocol::reset() { TRANSPORT_LOGD("reset called"); initParams(); newRound(); } void RTCTransportProtocol::inactiveProducer() { // when the producer is inactive we reset the consumer state // cwin vars current_sync_win_ = INITIAL_WIN; max_sync_win_ = INITIAL_WIN_MAX; TRANSPORT_LOGD("Current window: %u, max_sync_win_: %u", current_sync_win_, max_sync_win_); // names/packets var next_segment_ = 0; ldr_->clear(); } void RTCTransportProtocol::newRound() { round_timer_->expires_from_now(std::chrono::milliseconds(ROUND_LEN)); // TODO pass weak_ptr here round_timer_->async_wait([this, n{number_}](std::error_code ec) { if (ec) return; if (n != number_) { return; } // saving counters that will be reset on new round uint32_t sent_retx = state_->getSentRtxInRound(); uint32_t received_bytes = state_->getReceivedBytesInRound(); uint32_t sent_interest = state_->getSentInterestInRound(); uint32_t lost_data = state_->getLostData(); uint32_t recovered_losses = state_->getRecoveredLosses(); uint32_t received_nacks = state_->getReceivedNacksInRound(); bool in_sync = (current_state_ == SyncState::in_sync); state_->onNewRound((double)ROUND_LEN, in_sync); rc_->onNewRound((double)ROUND_LEN); // update sync state if needed if (current_state_ == SyncState::in_sync) { double cache_rate = state_->getPacketFromCacheRatio(); if (cache_rate > MAX_DATA_FROM_CACHE) { current_state_ = SyncState::catch_up; } } else { double target_rate = state_->getProducerRate() * PRODUCTION_RATE_FRACTION; double received_rate = state_->getReceivedRate(); uint32_t round_without_nacks = state_->getRoundsWithoutNacks(); double cache_ratio = state_->getPacketFromCacheRatio(); if (round_without_nacks >= ROUNDS_IN_SYNC_BEFORE_SWITCH && received_rate >= target_rate && cache_ratio < MAX_DATA_FROM_CACHE) { current_state_ = SyncState::in_sync; } } TRANSPORT_LOGD("Calling updateSyncWindow in newRound function"); updateSyncWindow(); sendStatsToApp(sent_retx, received_bytes, sent_interest, lost_data, recovered_losses, received_nacks); newRound(); }); } void RTCTransportProtocol::discoveredRtt() { start_send_interest_ = true; ldr_->turnOnRTX(); updateSyncWindow(); } void RTCTransportProtocol::computeMaxSyncWindow() { double production_rate = state_->getProducerRate(); double packet_size = state_->getAveragePacketSize(); if (production_rate == 0.0 || packet_size == 0.0) { // the consumer has no info about the producer, // keep the previous maxCWin TRANSPORT_LOGD( "Returning in computeMaxSyncWindow because: prod_rate: %d || " "packet_size: %d", (int)(production_rate == 0.0), (int)(packet_size == 0.0)); return; } uint32_t lifetime = default_values::interest_lifetime; socket_->getSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::INTEREST_LIFETIME, lifetime); double lifetime_ms = (double)lifetime / MILLI_IN_A_SEC; max_sync_win_ = (uint32_t)ceil((production_rate * lifetime_ms * INTEREST_LIFETIME_REDUCTION_FACTOR) / packet_size); max_sync_win_ = std::min(max_sync_win_, rc_->getCongesionWindow()); } void RTCTransportProtocol::updateSyncWindow() { computeMaxSyncWindow(); if (max_sync_win_ == INITIAL_WIN_MAX) { if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_FALSE(!state_->isProducerActive())) return; current_sync_win_ = INITIAL_WIN; scheduleNextInterests(); return; } double prod_rate = state_->getProducerRate(); double rtt = (double)state_->getRTT() / MILLI_IN_A_SEC; double packet_size = state_->getAveragePacketSize(); // if some of the info are not available do not update the current win if (prod_rate != 0.0 && rtt != 0.0 && packet_size != 0.0) { current_sync_win_ = (uint32_t)ceil(prod_rate * rtt / packet_size); current_sync_win_ += ceil(prod_rate * (PRODUCER_BUFFER_MS / MILLI_IN_A_SEC) / packet_size); if(current_state_ == SyncState::catch_up) { current_sync_win_ = current_sync_win_ * CATCH_UP_WIN_INCREMENT; } current_sync_win_ = std::min(current_sync_win_, max_sync_win_); current_sync_win_ = std::max(current_sync_win_, WIN_MIN); } scheduleNextInterests(); } void RTCTransportProtocol::decreaseSyncWindow() { // called on future nack // we have a new sample of the production rate, so update max win first computeMaxSyncWindow(); current_sync_win_--; current_sync_win_ = std::max(current_sync_win_, WIN_MIN); scheduleNextInterests(); } void RTCTransportProtocol::sendInterest(Name *interest_name) { TRANSPORT_LOGD("Sending interest for name %s", interest_name->toString().c_str()); auto interest = core::PacketManager<>::getInstance().getPacket(); interest->setName(*interest_name); uint32_t lifetime = default_values::interest_lifetime; socket_->getSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::INTEREST_LIFETIME, lifetime); interest->setLifetime(uint32_t(lifetime)); if (*on_interest_output_) { (*on_interest_output_)(*socket_->getInterface(), *interest); } if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_FALSE(!is_running_ && !is_first_)) { return; } portal_->sendInterest(std::move(interest)); } void RTCTransportProtocol::sendRtxInterest(uint32_t seq) { if (!is_running_ && !is_first_) return; if(!start_send_interest_) return; Name *interest_name = nullptr; socket_->getSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::NETWORK_NAME, &interest_name); TRANSPORT_LOGD("send rtx %u", seq); interest_name->setSuffix(seq); sendInterest(interest_name); } void RTCTransportProtocol::sendProbeInterest(uint32_t seq) { if (!is_running_ && !is_first_) return; Name *interest_name = nullptr; socket_->getSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::NETWORK_NAME, &interest_name); TRANSPORT_LOGD("send probe %u", seq); interest_name->setSuffix(seq); sendInterest(interest_name); } void RTCTransportProtocol::scheduleNextInterests() { TRANSPORT_LOGD("Schedule next interests"); if (!is_running_ && !is_first_) return; if(!start_send_interest_) return; // RTT discovering phase is not finished so // do not start to send interests if (scheduler_timer_on_) return; // wait befor send other interests if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_FALSE(!state_->isProducerActive())) { TRANSPORT_LOGD("Inactive producer."); // here we keep seding the same interest until the producer // does not start again if (next_segment_ != 0) { // the producer just become inactive, reset the state inactiveProducer(); } Name *interest_name = nullptr; socket_->getSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::NETWORK_NAME, &interest_name); TRANSPORT_LOGD("send interest %u", next_segment_); interest_name->setSuffix(next_segment_); if (portal_->interestIsPending(*interest_name)) { // if interest 0 is already pending we return return; } sendInterest(interest_name); state_->onSendNewInterest(interest_name); return; } TRANSPORT_LOGD("Pending interest number: %d -- current_sync_win_: %d", state_->getPendingInterestNumber(), current_sync_win_); // skip nacked pacekts if (next_segment_ <= state_->getLastSeqNacked()) { next_segment_ = state_->getLastSeqNacked() + 1; } // skipe received packets if (next_segment_ <= state_->getHighestSeqReceivedInOrder()) { next_segment_ = state_->getHighestSeqReceivedInOrder() + 1; } uint32_t sent_interests = 0; while ((state_->getPendingInterestNumber() < current_sync_win_) && (sent_interests < MAX_INTERESTS_IN_BATCH)) { TRANSPORT_LOGD("In while loop. Window size: %u", current_sync_win_); Name *interest_name = nullptr; socket_->getSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::NETWORK_NAME, &interest_name); interest_name->setSuffix(next_segment_); // send the packet only if: // 1) it is not pending yet (not true for rtx) // 2) the packet is not received or lost // 3) is not in the rtx list if (portal_->interestIsPending(*interest_name) || state_->isReceivedOrLost(next_segment_) != PacketState::UNKNOWN || ldr_->isRtx(next_segment_)) { TRANSPORT_LOGD( "skip interest %u because: pending %u, recv %u, rtx %u", next_segment_, (portal_->interestIsPending(*interest_name)), (state_->isReceivedOrLost(next_segment_) != PacketState::UNKNOWN), (ldr_->isRtx(next_segment_))); next_segment_ = (next_segment_ + 1) % MIN_PROBE_SEQ; continue; } sent_interests++; TRANSPORT_LOGD("send interest %u", next_segment_); sendInterest(interest_name); state_->onSendNewInterest(interest_name); next_segment_ = (next_segment_ + 1) % MIN_PROBE_SEQ; } if (state_->getPendingInterestNumber() < current_sync_win_) { // we still have space in the window but we already sent a batch of // MAX_INTERESTS_IN_BATCH interest. for the following ones wait one // WAIT_BETWEEN_INTEREST_BATCHES to avoid local packets drop scheduler_timer_on_ = true; scheduler_timer_->expires_from_now( std::chrono::microseconds(WAIT_BETWEEN_INTEREST_BATCHES)); scheduler_timer_->async_wait([this](std::error_code ec) { if (ec) return; if (!scheduler_timer_on_) return; scheduler_timer_on_ = false; scheduleNextInterests(); }); } } void RTCTransportProtocol::onTimeout(Interest::Ptr &&interest) { uint32_t segment_number = interest->getName().getSuffix(); TRANSPORT_LOGD("timeout for packet %u", segment_number); if (segment_number >= MIN_PROBE_SEQ) { // this is a timeout on a probe, do nothing return; } timeouts_or_nacks_.insert(segment_number); if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_TRUE(state_->isProducerActive()) && segment_number <= state_->getHighestSeqReceivedInOrder()) { // we retransmit packets only if the producer is active, otherwise we // use timeouts to avoid to send too much traffic // // a timeout is sent using RTX only if it is an old packet. if it is for a // seq number that we didn't reach yet, we send the packet using the normal // schedule next interest TRANSPORT_LOGD("handle timeout for packet %u using rtx", segment_number); ldr_->onTimeout(segment_number); state_->onTimeout(segment_number); scheduleNextInterests(); return; } TRANSPORT_LOGD("handle timeout for packet %u using normal interests", segment_number); if (segment_number < next_segment_) { // this is a timeout for a packet that will be generated in the future but // we are asking for higher sequence numbers. we need to go back like in the // case of future nacks TRANSPORT_LOGD("on timeout next seg = %u, jump to %u", next_segment_, segment_number); next_segment_ = segment_number; } state_->onTimeout(segment_number); scheduleNextInterests(); } void RTCTransportProtocol::onNack(const ContentObject &content_object) { struct nack_packet_t *nack = (struct nack_packet_t *)content_object.getPayload()->data(); uint32_t production_seg = nack->getProductionSegement(); uint32_t nack_segment = content_object.getName().getSuffix(); bool is_rtx = ldr_->isRtx(nack_segment); // check if the packet got a timeout TRANSPORT_LOGD("Nack received %u. Production segment: %u", nack_segment, production_seg); bool compute_stats = true; auto tn_it = timeouts_or_nacks_.find(nack_segment); if (tn_it != timeouts_or_nacks_.end() || is_rtx) { compute_stats = false; // remove packets from timeouts_or_nacks only in case of a past nack } state_->onNackPacketReceived(content_object, compute_stats); ldr_->onNackPacketReceived(content_object); // both in case of past and future nack we set next_segment_ equal to the // production segment in the nack. In case of past nack we will skip unneded // interest (this is already done in the scheduleNextInterest in any case) // while in case of future nacks we can go back in time and ask again for the // content that generated the nack TRANSPORT_LOGD("on nack next seg = %u, jump to %u", next_segment_, production_seg); next_segment_ = production_seg; if (production_seg > nack_segment) { // remove the nack is it exists if (tn_it != timeouts_or_nacks_.end()) timeouts_or_nacks_.erase(tn_it); // the client is asking for content in the past // switch to catch up state and increase the window // this is true only if the packet is not an RTX if (!is_rtx) current_state_ = SyncState::catch_up; updateSyncWindow(); } else { // if production_seg == nack_segment we consider this a future nack, since // production_seg is not yet created. this may happen in case of low // production rate (e.g. ping at 1pps) // if a future nack was also retransmitted add it to the timeout_or_nacks // set if (is_rtx) timeouts_or_nacks_.insert(nack_segment); // the client is asking for content in the future // switch to in sync state and decrease the window current_state_ = SyncState::in_sync; decreaseSyncWindow(); } } void RTCTransportProtocol::onProbe(const ContentObject &content_object) { bool valid = state_->onProbePacketReceived(content_object); if(!valid) return; struct nack_packet_t *probe = (struct nack_packet_t *)content_object.getPayload()->data(); uint32_t production_seg = probe->getProductionSegement(); // as for the nacks set next_segment_ TRANSPORT_LOGD("on probe next seg = %u, jump to %u", next_segment_, production_seg); next_segment_ = production_seg; ldr_->onProbePacketReceived(content_object); updateSyncWindow(); } void RTCTransportProtocol::onContentObject(Interest &interest, ContentObject &content_object) { TRANSPORT_LOGD("Received content object of size: %zu", content_object.payloadSize()); uint32_t payload_size = content_object.payloadSize(); uint32_t segment_number = content_object.getName().getSuffix(); if (segment_number >= MIN_PROBE_SEQ) { TRANSPORT_LOGD("Received probe %u", segment_number); if (*on_content_object_input_) { (*on_content_object_input_)(*socket_->getInterface(), content_object); } onProbe(content_object); return; } if (payload_size == NACK_HEADER_SIZE) { TRANSPORT_LOGD("Received nack %u", segment_number); if (*on_content_object_input_) { (*on_content_object_input_)(*socket_->getInterface(), content_object); } onNack(content_object); return; } TRANSPORT_LOGD("Received content %u", segment_number); rc_->onDataPacketReceived(content_object); bool compute_stats = true; auto tn_it = timeouts_or_nacks_.find(segment_number); if (tn_it != timeouts_or_nacks_.end()) { compute_stats = false; timeouts_or_nacks_.erase(tn_it); } if (ldr_->isRtx(segment_number)) { compute_stats = false; } // check if the packet was already received PacketState state = state_->isReceivedOrLost(segment_number); state_->onDataPacketReceived(content_object, compute_stats); ldr_->onDataPacketReceived(content_object); // if the stat for this seq number is received do not send the packet to app if (state != PacketState::RECEIVED) { if (*on_content_object_input_) { (*on_content_object_input_)(*socket_->getInterface(), content_object); } reassemble(content_object); } else { TRANSPORT_LOGD("Received duplicated content %u, drop it", segment_number); } updateSyncWindow(); } void RTCTransportProtocol::sendStatsToApp( uint32_t retx_count, uint32_t received_bytes, uint32_t sent_interests, uint32_t lost_data, uint32_t recovered_losses, uint32_t received_nacks) { if (*stats_summary_) { // Send the stats to the app stats_->updateQueuingDelay(state_->getQueuing()); // stats_->updateInterestFecTx(0); //todo must be implemented // stats_->updateBytesFecRecv(0); //todo must be implemented stats_->updateRetxCount(retx_count); stats_->updateBytesRecv(received_bytes); stats_->updateInterestTx(sent_interests); stats_->updateReceivedNacks(received_nacks); stats_->updateAverageWindowSize(current_sync_win_); stats_->updateLossRatio(state_->getLossRate()); stats_->updateAverageRtt(state_->getRTT()); stats_->updateLostData(lost_data); stats_->updateRecoveredData(recovered_losses); stats_->updateCCState((unsigned int)current_state_ ? 1 : 0); (*stats_summary_)(*socket_->getInterface(), *stats_); } } void RTCTransportProtocol::reassemble(ContentObject &content_object) { auto read_buffer = content_object.getPayload(); TRANSPORT_LOGD("Size of payload: %zu", read_buffer->length()); read_buffer->trimStart(DATA_HEADER_SIZE); Reassembly::read_buffer_ = std::move(read_buffer); Reassembly::notifyApplication(); } } // end namespace rtc } // end namespace protocol } // end namespace transport