/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include namespace transport { namespace protocol { namespace rtc { using namespace transport::interface; RecoveryStrategy::RecoveryStrategy( Indexer *indexer, SendRtxCallback &&callback, asio::io_service &io_service, bool use_rtx, bool use_fec, interface::StrategyCallback &&external_callback) : recovery_on_(false), rtx_during_fec_(0), next_rtx_timer_(MAX_TIMER_RTX), send_rtx_callback_(std::move(callback)), indexer_(indexer), round_id_(0), last_fec_used_(0), callback_(std::move(external_callback)) { setRtxFec(use_rtx, use_fec); timer_ = std::make_unique(io_service); } RecoveryStrategy::RecoveryStrategy(RecoveryStrategy &&rs) : rtx_during_fec_(0), rtx_state_(std::move(rs.rtx_state_)), rtx_timers_(std::move(rs.rtx_timers_)), recover_with_fec_(std::move(rs.recover_with_fec_)), timer_(std::move(rs.timer_)), next_rtx_timer_(std::move(rs.next_rtx_timer_)), send_rtx_callback_(std::move(rs.send_rtx_callback_)), n_(std::move(rs.n_)), k_(std::move(rs.k_)), indexer_(std::move(rs.indexer_)), state_(std::move(rs.state_)), rc_(std::move(rs.rc_)), round_id_(std::move(rs.round_id_)), last_fec_used_(std::move(rs.last_fec_used_)), callback_(std::move(rs.callback_)) { setFecParams(n_, k_); } RecoveryStrategy::~RecoveryStrategy() {} void RecoveryStrategy::setFecParams(uint32_t n, uint32_t k) { n_ = n; k_ = k; // XXX for the moment we go in steps of 5% loss rate. // max loss rate = 95% for (uint32_t loss_rate = 5; loss_rate < 100; loss_rate += 5) { double dec_loss_rate = (double)(loss_rate + 5) / 100.0; double exp_losses = (double)k_ * dec_loss_rate; uint32_t fec_to_ask = ceil(exp_losses / (1 - dec_loss_rate)); fec_state_ f; f.fec_to_ask = std::min(fec_to_ask, (n_ - k_)); f.last_update = round_id_; f.avg_residual_losses = 0.0; f.consecutive_use = 0; fec_per_loss_rate_.push_back(f); } } bool RecoveryStrategy::lossDetected(uint32_t seq) { if (isRtx(seq)) { // this packet is already in the list of rtx return false; } auto it_fec = recover_with_fec_.find(seq); if (it_fec != recover_with_fec_.end()) { // this packet is already in list of packets to recover with fec // this list contians also fec packets that will not be recovered with rtx return false; } auto it_nack = nacked_seq_.find(seq); if (it_nack != nacked_seq_.end()) { // this packet was nacked so we do not use it to determine the loss rate return false; } return true; } void RecoveryStrategy::notifyNewLossDetedcted(uint32_t seq) { // new loss detected // first record the loss. second do what is needed to recover it state_->onLossDetected(seq); newPacketLoss(seq); } void RecoveryStrategy::requestPossibleLostPacket(uint32_t seq) { // these are packets for which we send a RTX but we do not increase the loss // counter beacuse we don't know if they are lost or not addNewRtx(seq, false); } void RecoveryStrategy::receivedFutureNack(uint32_t seq) { nacked_seq_.insert(seq); } void RecoveryStrategy::clear() { rtx_state_.clear(); rtx_timers_.clear(); recover_with_fec_.clear(); if (next_rtx_timer_ != MAX_TIMER_RTX) { next_rtx_timer_ = MAX_TIMER_RTX; timer_->cancel(); } } // rtx functions void RecoveryStrategy::addNewRtx(uint32_t seq, bool force) { if (!indexer_->isFec(seq) || force) { // this packet needs to be re-transmitted rtxState state; state.first_send_ = state_->getInterestSentTime(seq); if (state.first_send_ == 0) // this interest was never sent before state.first_send_ = getNow(); state.next_send_ = computeNextSend(seq, true); state.rtx_count_ = 0; DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(4)) << "Add " << seq << " to retransmissions. next rtx is in " << state.next_send_ - getNow() << " ms"; rtx_state_.insert(std::pair(seq, state)); rtx_timers_.insert(std::pair(state.next_send_, seq)); // if a new rtx is introduced, check the rtx timer scheduleNextRtx(); } else { // do not re-send fec packets but keep track of them recover_with_fec_.insert(seq); state_->onPossibleLossWithNoRtx(seq); } } uint64_t RecoveryStrategy::computeNextSend(uint32_t seq, bool new_rtx) { uint64_t now = getNow(); if (new_rtx) { // for the new rtx we wait one estimated IAT after the loss detection. this // is bacause, assuming that packets arrive with a constant IAT, we should // get a new packet every IAT double prod_rate = state_->getProducerRate(); uint32_t estimated_iat = SENTINEL_TIMER_INTERVAL; uint32_t jitter = 0; if (prod_rate != 0) { double packet_size = state_->getAveragePacketSize(); estimated_iat = ceil(1000.0 / (prod_rate / packet_size)); jitter = ceil(state_->getJitter()); } uint32_t wait = 1; if (estimated_iat < 18) { // for low rate app we do not wait to send a RTX // we consider low rate stream with less than 50pps (iat >= 20ms) // (e.g. audio in videoconf, mobile games). // in the check we use 18ms to accomodate for measurements errors // for flows with higher rate wait 1 ait + jitter wait = estimated_iat + jitter; } DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(3)) << "first rtx for " << seq << " in " << wait << " ms, rtt = " << state_->getMinRTT() << " ait = " << estimated_iat << " jttr = " << jitter; return now + wait; } else { // wait one RTT uint32_t wait = SENTINEL_TIMER_INTERVAL; double prod_rate = state_->getProducerRate(); if (prod_rate == 0) { return now + SENTINEL_TIMER_INTERVAL; } double packet_size = state_->getAveragePacketSize(); uint32_t estimated_iat = ceil(1000.0 / (prod_rate / packet_size)); uint64_t rtt = state_->getMinRTT(); if (rtt == 0) rtt = SENTINEL_TIMER_INTERVAL; wait = rtt; uint32_t jitter = ceil(state_->getJitter()); wait += jitter; // it may happen that the channel is congested and we have some additional // queuing delay to take into account uint32_t queue = ceil(state_->getQueuing()); wait += queue; DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(3)) << "next rtx for " << seq << " in " << wait << " ms, rtt = " << state_->getMinRTT() << " ait = " << estimated_iat << " jttr = " << jitter << " queue = " << queue; return now + wait; } } void RecoveryStrategy::retransmit() { if (rtx_timers_.size() == 0) return; uint64_t now = getNow(); auto it = rtx_timers_.begin(); std::unordered_set lost_pkt; uint32_t sent_counter = 0; while (it != rtx_timers_.end() && it->first <= now && sent_counter < MAX_RTX_IN_BATCH) { uint32_t seq = it->second; auto rtx_it = rtx_state_.find(seq); // this should always return a valid iter if (rtx_it->second.rtx_count_ >= RTC_MAX_RTX || (now - rtx_it->second.first_send_) >= RTC_MAX_AGE || seq < state_->getLastSeqNacked()) { // max rtx reached or packet too old or packet nacked, this packet is lost DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(3)) << "packet " << seq << " lost because 1) max rtx: " << (rtx_it->second.rtx_count_ >= RTC_MAX_RTX) << " 2) max age: " << ((now - rtx_it->second.first_send_) >= RTC_MAX_AGE) << " 3) nacked: " << (seq < state_->getLastSeqNacked()); lost_pkt.insert(seq); it++; } else { // resend the packet state_->onRetransmission(seq); double prod_rate = state_->getProducerRate(); if (prod_rate != 0) rtx_it->second.rtx_count_++; rtx_it->second.next_send_ = computeNextSend(seq, false); it = rtx_timers_.erase(it); rtx_timers_.insert( std::pair(rtx_it->second.next_send_, seq)); DLOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(3)) << "send rtx for sequence " << seq << ", next send in " << (rtx_it->second.next_send_ - now); // if fec is on increase the number of RTX send during fec if (fec_on_) rtx_during_fec_++; send_rtx_callback_(seq); sent_counter++; } } // remove packets if needed for (auto lost_it = lost_pkt.begin(); lost_it != lost_pkt.end(); lost_it++) { uint32_t seq = *lost_it; state_->onPacketLost(seq); deleteRtx(seq); } } void RecoveryStrategy::scheduleNextRtx() { if (rtx_timers_.size() == 0) { // all the rtx were removed, reset timer next_rtx_timer_ = MAX_TIMER_RTX; return; } // check if timer is alreay set if (next_rtx_timer_ != MAX_TIMER_RTX) { // a new check for rtx is already scheduled if (next_rtx_timer_ > rtx_timers_.begin()->first) { // we need to re-schedule it timer_->cancel(); } else { // wait for the next timer return; } } // set a new timer next_rtx_timer_ = rtx_timers_.begin()->first; uint64_t now = utils::SteadyTime::nowMs().count(); uint64_t wait = 1; if (next_rtx_timer_ != MAX_TIMER_RTX && next_rtx_timer_ > now) wait = next_rtx_timer_ - now; std::weak_ptr self(shared_from_this()); timer_->expires_from_now(std::chrono::milliseconds(wait)); timer_->async_wait([self](const std::error_code &ec) { if (ec) return; if (auto s = self.lock()) { s->retransmit(); s->next_rtx_timer_ = MAX_TIMER_RTX; s->scheduleNextRtx(); } }); } void RecoveryStrategy::deleteRtx(uint32_t seq) { auto it_rtx = rtx_state_.find(seq); if (it_rtx == rtx_state_.end()) return; // rtx not found // remove the rtx from the timers list uint64_t ts = it_rtx->second.next_send_; auto it_timers = rtx_timers_.find(ts); while (it_timers != rtx_timers_.end() && it_timers->first == ts) { if (it_timers->second == seq) { rtx_timers_.erase(it_timers); break; } it_timers++; } // remove rtx rtx_state_.erase(it_rtx); } // fec functions uint32_t RecoveryStrategy::computeFecPacketsToAsk() { double loss_rate = state_->getMaxLossRate() * 100; // use loss rate in % if (loss_rate > 95) loss_rate = 95; // max loss rate if (loss_rate == 0) return 0; // once per minute try to reduce the fec rate. it may happen that for some bin // we ask too many fec packet. here we try to reduce this values gently if (round_id_ % ROUNDS_PER_MIN == 0) { reduceFec(); } // keep track of the last used fec. if we use a new bin on this round reset // consecutive use and avg loss in the prev bin uint32_t bin = ceil(loss_rate / 5.0) - 1; if (bin > fec_per_loss_rate_.size() - 1) bin = fec_per_loss_rate_.size() - 1; if (bin != last_fec_used_) { fec_per_loss_rate_[last_fec_used_].consecutive_use = 0; fec_per_loss_rate_[last_fec_used_].avg_residual_losses = 0.0; } last_fec_used_ = bin; fec_per_loss_rate_[last_fec_used_].consecutive_use++; // we update the stats only once very 5 rounds (1sec) that is the rate at // which we compute residual losses if (round_id_ % ROUNDS_PER_SEC == 0) { double residual_losses = state_->getResidualLossRate() * 100; // update residual loss rate fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].avg_residual_losses = (fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].avg_residual_losses * MOVING_AVG_ALPHA) + (1 - MOVING_AVG_ALPHA) * residual_losses; if ((fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].last_update - round_id_) < WAIT_BEFORE_FEC_UPDATE) { // this bin is been updated recently so don't modify it and // return the current state return fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].fec_to_ask; } // if the residual loss rate is too high and we can ask more fec packets and // we are using this configuration since at least 5 sec update fec if (fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].avg_residual_losses > MAX_RESIDUAL_LOSS_RATE && fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].fec_to_ask < (n_ - k_) && fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].consecutive_use > WAIT_BEFORE_FEC_UPDATE) { // so increase the number of fec packets to ask fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].fec_to_ask++; fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].last_update = round_id_; fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].avg_residual_losses = 0.0; } } return fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].fec_to_ask; } void RecoveryStrategy::setRtxFec(std::optional rtx_on, std::optional fec_on) { if (rtx_on) rtx_on_ = *rtx_on; if (fec_on) { if (fec_on_ == false && (*fec_on) == true) { // turn on fec // reset the number of RTX sent during fec rtx_during_fec_ = 0; } fec_on_ = *fec_on; } notification::RecoveryStrategy strategy = notification::RecoveryStrategy::RECOVERY_OFF; if (rtx_on_ && fec_on_) strategy = notification::RecoveryStrategy::RTX_AND_FEC; else if (rtx_on_) strategy = notification::RecoveryStrategy::RTX_ONLY; else if (fec_on_) strategy = notification::RecoveryStrategy::FEC_ONLY; callback_(strategy); } // common functions void RecoveryStrategy::onLostTimeout(uint32_t seq) { removePacketState(seq); } void RecoveryStrategy::removePacketState(uint32_t seq) { auto it_fec = recover_with_fec_.find(seq); if (it_fec != recover_with_fec_.end()) { recover_with_fec_.erase(it_fec); return; } auto it_nack = nacked_seq_.find(seq); if (it_nack != nacked_seq_.end()) { nacked_seq_.erase(it_nack); return; } deleteRtx(seq); } // private methods void RecoveryStrategy::reduceFec() { for (uint32_t loss_rate = 5; loss_rate < 100; loss_rate += 5) { double dec_loss_rate = (double)loss_rate / 100.0; double exp_losses = (double)k_ * dec_loss_rate; uint32_t fec_to_ask = ceil(exp_losses / (1 - dec_loss_rate)); uint32_t bin = ceil(loss_rate / 5.0) - 1; if (fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].fec_to_ask > fec_to_ask) { fec_per_loss_rate_[bin].fec_to_ask--; } } } } // end namespace rtc } // end namespace protocol } // end namespace transport