 * Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once
#include <hicn/transport/interfaces/callbacks.h>
#include <hicn/transport/utils/chrono_typedefs.h>
#include <protocols/indexer.h>
#include <protocols/rtc/rtc_rc.h>
#include <protocols/rtc/rtc_state.h>

#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>

namespace transport {

namespace protocol {

namespace rtc {

class RecoveryStrategy : public std::enable_shared_from_this<RecoveryStrategy> {
  struct rtx_state_ {
    uint64_t first_send_;  // first time this interest was sent
    uint64_t last_send_;   // last time this rtx was sent
    uint64_t next_send_;   // next retransmission time
    uint32_t rtx_count_;   // number or rtx

  using rtxState = struct rtx_state_;

  using SendRtxCallback = std::function<void(uint32_t)>;

  RecoveryStrategy(Indexer *indexer, SendRtxCallback &&callback,
                   asio::io_service &io_service, bool use_rtx, bool use_fec,
                   interface::RtcTransportRecoveryStrategies rs_type,
                   interface::StrategyCallback &&external_callback);

  RecoveryStrategy(RecoveryStrategy &&rs);

  virtual ~RecoveryStrategy();

  void setRtxFec(std::optional<bool> rtx_on = {},
                 std::optional<bool> fec_on = {});
  void setState(RTCState *state) { state_ = state; }
  void setRateControl(RTCRateControl *rateControl) { rc_ = rateControl; }
  void setFecParams(uint32_t n, uint32_t k);
  void setContentSharingMode() { content_sharing_mode_ = true; }

  bool isRtx(uint32_t seq) {
    if (rtx_state_.find(seq) != rtx_state_.end()) return true;
    return false;

  bool isPossibleLossWithNoRtx(uint32_t seq) {
    if (recover_with_fec_.find(seq) != recover_with_fec_.end()) return true;
    return false;

  bool wasNacked(uint32_t seq) {
    if (nacked_seq_.find(seq) != nacked_seq_.end()) return true;
    return false;

  interface::RtcTransportRecoveryStrategies getType() {
    return rs_type_;
  void updateType(interface::RtcTransportRecoveryStrategies type) {
    rs_type_ = type;
  bool isRtxOn() { return rtx_on_; }
  bool isFecOn() { return fec_on_; }

  RTCState *getState() { return state_; }

  // if the function returns 0 it means that the packet is not an RTX or it is
  // not a valid packet to safely compute the RTT
  uint64_t getRtxRtt(uint32_t seq);
  bool lossDetected(uint32_t seq);
  void notifyNewLossDetedcted(uint32_t seq);
  void requestPossibleLostPacket(uint32_t seq);
  void receivedFutureNack(uint32_t seq);
  void clear();

  virtual void turnOnRecovery() = 0;
  virtual void onNewRound(bool in_sync) = 0;
  virtual void newPacketLoss(uint32_t seq) = 0;
  virtual void receivedPacket(uint32_t seq) = 0;
  void onLostTimeout(uint32_t seq);

  void incRoundId() { round_id_++; }

  // utils
  uint64_t getNow() {
    uint64_t now = utils::SteadyTime::nowMs().count();
    return now;

  // rtx functions
  void addNewRtx(uint32_t seq, bool force);
  uint64_t computeNextSend(uint32_t seq, uint32_t rtx_counter);
  void retransmit();
  void scheduleNextRtx();
  void deleteRtx(uint32_t seq);

  // fec functions
  uint32_t computeFecPacketsToAsk();

  // common functons
  void removePacketState(uint32_t seq);

  interface::RtcTransportRecoveryStrategies rs_type_;
  bool recovery_on_;
  bool rtx_on_;
  bool fec_on_;
  bool content_sharing_mode_;

  // number of RTX sent after fec turned on
  // this is used to take into account jitter and out of order packets
  // if we detect losses but we do not sent any RTX it means that the holes in
  // the sequence are caused by the jitter
  uint32_t rtx_during_fec_;

  // this map keeps track of the retransmitted interest, ordered from the oldest
  // to the newest one. the state contains the timer of the first send of the
  // interest (from pendingIntetests_), the timer of the next send (key of the
  // multimap) and the number of rtx
  std::map<uint32_t, rtxState> rtx_state_;
  // this map stored the rtx by timer. The key is the time at which the rtx
  // should be sent, and the val is the interest seq number
  std::multimap<uint64_t, uint32_t> rtx_timers_;

  // lost packets that will be recovered with fec
  std::unordered_set<uint32_t> recover_with_fec_;

  // packet for which we recived a future nack
  // in case we detect a loss for a nacked packet we send an RTX but we do not
  // increase the loss counter. this is done because it may happen that the
  // producer rate checkes over time and in flight interest may be satified by
  // data packet after the reception of nacks
  std::unordered_set<uint32_t> nacked_seq_;

  // rtx vars
  std::unique_ptr<asio::steady_timer> timer_;
  uint64_t next_rtx_timer_;
  SendRtxCallback send_rtx_callback_;

  // fec vars
  uint32_t n_;
  uint32_t k_;
  Indexer *indexer_;

  RTCState *state_;
  RTCRateControl *rc_;

  uint32_t round_id_;  // number of rounds
  uint32_t last_fec_used_;
  std::vector<uint32_t> fec_per_loss_rate_;
  interface::StrategyCallback callback_;

}  // end namespace rtc

}  // end namespace protocol

}  // end namespace transport