/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace transport { namespace protocol { namespace rtc { // packet state // RECEIVED: the packet was already received // LOST: the packet is marked as lost but can be recovered // DEFINITELY_LOST: the packet is lost and cannot be recovered // TO_BE_RECEIVED: when a packet is received is sent to the FEC decoder. the fec // decoder may decide to send the packet directly to the app. to avoid // duplicated the packet is marked with this state // SKIPPED: an interest that was not sent, only for FEC packets // UNKNOWN: unknown state enum class PacketState : uint8_t { RECEIVED, TO_BE_RECEIVED, LOST, DEFINITELY_LOST, SKIPPED, UNKNOWN }; class RTCState : public std::enable_shared_from_this { using PendingInterestsMap = std::map; private: const double MAX_CACHED_PACKETS = 8192; // XXX this value may be too small // for high rate apps public: using DiscoveredRttCallback = std::function; public: RTCState(Indexer *indexer, ProbeHandler::SendProbeCallback &&probe_callback, DiscoveredRttCallback &&discovered_rtt_callback, asio::io_service &io_service); ~RTCState(); // initialization void initParams(); // packet events void onSendNewInterest(const core::Name *interest_name); void onTimeout(uint32_t seq, bool lost); void onLossDetected(uint32_t seq); void onRetransmission(uint32_t seq); void onPossibleLossWithNoRtx(uint32_t seq); void onDataPacketReceived(const core::ContentObject &content_object, bool compute_stats); void onFecPacketReceived(const core::ContentObject &content_object); void onNackPacketReceived(const core::ContentObject &nack, bool compute_stats); void onPacketLost(uint32_t seq); void onPacketRecoveredRtx(uint32_t seq); void onFecPacketRecoveredRtx(uint32_t seq); void onPacketRecoveredFec(uint32_t seq, uint32_t size); bool onProbePacketReceived(const core::ContentObject &probe); void onJumpForward(uint32_t next_seq); // protocol state void onNewRound(double round_len, bool in_sync); // main path uint32_t getProducerPath() const { if (mainPathIsValid()) return main_path_->getPathId(); return 0; } // delay metrics bool isRttDiscovered() const { return init_rtt_; } uint64_t getMinRTT() const { if (mainPathIsValid()) return main_path_->getMinRtt(); return 0; } uint64_t getAvgRTT() const { if (mainPathIsValid()) return main_path_->getAvgRtt(); return 0; } uint64_t getMaxRTT() const { if (mainPathIsValid()) return main_path_->getMaxRtt(); return 0; } void resetRttStats() { if (mainPathIsValid()) main_path_->clearRtt(); } double getQueuing() const { if (mainPathIsValid()) return main_path_->getQueuingDealy(); return 0.0; } double getIAT() const { if (mainPathIsValid()) return main_path_->getInterArrivalGap(); return 0.0; } double getJitter() const { if (mainPathIsValid()) return main_path_->getJitter(); return 0.0; } // pending interests uint64_t getInterestSentTime(uint32_t seq) { auto it = pending_interests_.find(seq); if (it != pending_interests_.end()) return it->second; return 0; } bool isPending(uint32_t seq) { if (pending_interests_.find(seq) != pending_interests_.end()) return true; return false; } uint32_t getPendingInterestNumber() const { return pending_interests_.size(); } PacketState getPacketState(uint32_t seq) { auto it = packet_cache_.find(seq); if (it != packet_cache_.end()) return it->second; return PacketState::UNKNOWN; } // loss rate double getPerRoundLossRate() const { return loss_rate_; } double getPerSecondLossRate() const { return per_sec_loss_rate_; } double getAvgLossRate() const { return avg_loss_rate_; } double getMaxLossRate() const { if (loss_history_.size() != 0) return loss_history_.begin(); return 0; } double getLastRoundLossRate() const { return last_round_loss_rate_; } double getResidualLossRate() const { return residual_loss_rate_; } uint32_t getLostData() const { return packets_lost_; }; uint32_t getRecoveredLosses() const { return losses_recovered_; } uint32_t getDefinitelyLostPackets() const { return definitely_lost_pkt_; } uint32_t getHighestSeqReceived() const { return highest_seq_received_; } uint32_t getHighestSeqReceivedInOrder() const { return highest_seq_received_in_order_; } // fec packets uint32_t getReceivedFecPackets() const { return received_fec_pkt_; } uint32_t getPendingFecPackets() const { return pending_fec_pkt_; } // generic stats uint32_t getReceivedBytesInRound() const { return received_bytes_; } uint32_t getReceivedFecBytesInRound() const { return received_fec_bytes_; } uint32_t getRecoveredFecBytesInRound() const { return recovered_bytes_with_fec_; } uint32_t getReceivedNacksInRound() const { return received_nacks_last_round_; } uint32_t getReceivedDataInRound() const { return received_data_last_round_; } uint32_t getSentInterestInRound() const { return sent_interests_last_round_; } uint32_t getSentRtxInRound() const { return sent_rtx_last_round_; } // bandwidth/production metrics double getAvailableBw() const { return 0.0; }; // TODO double getProducerRate() const { return production_rate_; } double getReceivedRate() const { return received_rate_; } double getReceivedFecRate() const { return fec_received_rate_; } double getRecoveredFecRate() const { return fec_recovered_rate_; } double getAveragePacketSize() const { return avg_packet_size_; } // nacks uint32_t getRoundsWithoutNacks() const { return rounds_without_nacks_; } uint32_t getLastSeqNacked() const { return last_seq_nacked_; } // producer state bool isProducerActive() const { return producer_is_active_; } // packets from cache // this should be called at the end of a round beacuse otherwise we may have // not enough packets to get a good stat double getPacketFromCacheRatio() const { if (received_data_last_round_ == 0) return 0; return (double)received_data_from_cache_ / (double)received_data_last_round_; } PendingInterestsMap::iterator getPendingInterestsMapBegin() { return pending_interests_.begin(); } PendingInterestsMap::iterator getPendingInterestsMapEnd() { return pending_interests_.end(); } // quality uint8_t getQualityScore() { uint8_t qs = quality_score_.getQualityScore( getMaxRTT(), std::round(getResidualLossRate() * 100)); return qs; } // We received a data pkt that will be set to RECEIVED, but first we have to // go through FEC. We do not want to consider this pkt as recovered, thus we // set it as TO_BE_RECEIVED. void dataToBeReceived(uint32_t seq); // Extract RTC parameters from probes (init or RTT probes) and data packets. static core::ParamsRTC getProbeParams(const core::ContentObject &probe); static core::ParamsRTC getDataParams(const core::ContentObject &data); private: void addToPacketCache(uint32_t seq, PacketState state) { // this function adds or updates the current state if (packet_cache_.size() >= MAX_CACHED_PACKETS) { packet_cache_.erase(packet_cache_.begin()); } packet_cache_[seq] = state; } void eraseFromPacketCache(uint32_t seq) { packet_cache_.erase(seq); } // update stats void updateState(); void updateReceivedBytes(const core::ContentObject &content_object); void updatePacketSize(const core::ContentObject &content_object); void updatePathStats(const core::ContentObject &content_object, bool is_nack); void updateLossRate(bool in_sycn); void addRecvOrLost(uint32_t seq, PacketState state); void setInitRttTimer(uint32_t wait); void checkInitRttTimer(); bool mainPathIsValid() const { if (main_path_ != nullptr) return true; else return false; } // packets counters (total) uint32_t sent_interests_; uint32_t sent_rtx_; uint32_t received_data_; uint32_t received_nacks_; uint32_t received_timeouts_; uint32_t received_probes_; // loss counters int32_t packets_lost_; int32_t losses_recovered_; uint32_t definitely_lost_pkt_; uint32_t first_seq_in_round_; uint32_t highest_seq_received_; uint32_t highest_seq_received_in_order_; uint32_t last_seq_nacked_; // segment for which we got an oldNack double loss_rate_; double avg_loss_rate_; double last_round_loss_rate_; utils::MaxFilter loss_history_; // per second loss rate uint32_t lost_per_sec_; uint32_t total_expected_packets_; double per_sec_loss_rate_; // conunters for residual losses // residual losses are computed every second and are used // as feedback to the upper levels (e.g application) uint32_t expected_packets_; uint32_t packets_sent_to_app_; uint32_t rounds_from_last_compute_; double residual_loss_rate_; // bw counters uint32_t received_bytes_; uint32_t received_fec_bytes_; uint32_t recovered_bytes_with_fec_; double avg_packet_size_; double production_rate_; // rate communicated by the producer using nacks double received_rate_; // rate recevied by the consumer (only data) double fec_received_rate_; // fec rate recevied by the consumer double fec_recovered_rate_; // rate recovered using fec // nack counters // the bool takes tracks only about the valid past nacks (no rtx) and it is // used to switch between the states. Instead received_nacks_last_round_ logs // all the nacks for statistics bool past_nack_on_last_round_; uint32_t received_nacks_last_round_; // packets counters uint32_t received_packets_last_round_; uint32_t received_data_last_round_; uint32_t received_data_from_cache_; uint32_t sent_interests_last_round_; uint32_t sent_rtx_last_round_; // fec counters uint32_t received_fec_pkt_; uint32_t pending_fec_pkt_; // round counters uint32_t rounds_; uint32_t rounds_without_nacks_; uint32_t rounds_without_packets_; // init rtt uint64_t first_interest_sent_time_; uint32_t first_interest_sent_seq_; // producer state bool producer_is_active_; // the prodcuer is active if we receive some packets uint32_t last_production_seq_; // last production seq received by the // producer used to init the sync protcol uint32_t last_prod_update_seq_; // seq number of the last packet used to // update the update from the producer. // assumption: the highest seq number carries // the most up to date info. in case of // probes we look at the produced seq number // paths stats std::unordered_map> path_table_; std::shared_ptr main_path_; // packet received // cache where to store info about the last MAX_CACHED_PACKETS // these are packets that are received or lost or definitely lost and are not // anymore in the pending intetest list std::map packet_cache_; // pending interests PendingInterestsMap pending_interests_; // indexer Indexer *indexer_; // used to keep track of the skipped interests uint32_t last_interest_sent_; // probes std::shared_ptr probe_handler_; bool init_rtt_; std::unique_ptr init_rtt_timer_; // quality score RTCQualityScore quality_score_; // callbacks DiscoveredRttCallback discovered_rtt_callback_; }; } // namespace rtc } // namespace protocol } // namespace transport