# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #!/bin/bash set -euxo pipefail SCRIPT_PATH=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")" ; pwd -P ) source ${SCRIPT_PATH}/functions.sh # Libparc and libmemif are still not available in Ubuntu 20, so # we remove it from the list for now. # TODO Remove it as soon as they are available. DEPS_UBUNTU=(${DEPS_UBUNTU[@]/"libmemif-dev"}) DEPS_UBUNTU=(${DEPS_UBUNTU[@]/"libmemif"}) DEPS_UBUNTU=(${DEPS_UBUNTU[@]/"libparc-dev"}) DEPS_CENTOS=(${DEPS_CENTOS[@]/"libmemif-devel"}) DEPS_CENTOS=(${DEPS_CENTOS[@]/"libmemif"}) DEPS_CENTOS=(${DEPS_CENTOS[@]/"libparc-devel"}) # Parameters: # $1 = Package name # function build_package() { setup echo "**************************************************************************" echo "********************* STARTING PACKAGE EXTRAS BUILD **********************" echo "**************************************************************************" mkdir -p build && pushd build rm -rf * cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DBUILD_LIBHICN=OFF \ -DBUILD_UTILS=OFF \ -DBUILD_HICNPLUGIN=OFF \ -DBUILD_HICNLIGHT=OFF \ -DBUILD_LIBTRANSPORT=OFF \ -DBUILD_APPS=OFF \ -DBUILD_CTRL=OFF \ -DBUILD_SYSREPOPLUGIN=OFF \ -DBUILD_EXTRAS=ON \ ${SCRIPT_PATH}/.. ninja find . -type f '(' -name '*.deb' -o -name '*.rpm' ')' -exec mv {} . \; find . -not -name '*.deb' -not -name '*.rpm' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf -- || true rm *Unspecified* || true popd echo "*******************************************************************" echo "***************** BUILD COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY *******************" echo "*******************************************************************" } build_package exit 0