*** Settings *** Library OperatingSystem Library Process Library String *** Variables *** *** Keywords *** Infra ${VALUE} Run Process ${EXECDIR}/config.sh ${VALUE} Run Test [Arguments] ${TEST_SETUP}=${NONE} ${TESTID}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MIN}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MAX}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_AVG}=${NONE} ${result_test} = Run Process ${EXECDIR}/config.sh start ${TEST_SETUP} ${TESTID} stdout=${TEMPDIR}/stdout.txt stderr=${TEMPDIR}/stderr.txt Log Many stdout: ${result_test.stdout} stderr: ${result_test.stderr} @{min_max_avg} = Split String ${result_test.stdout.strip()} Log To Console Min Max Average Array: @{min_max_avg} IF '${TESTID}' == 'rtc' Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[0] == ${EXPECTED_MIN} msg="Min does not match (${min_max_avg}[0] != ${EXPECTED_MIN})" Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[1] == ${EXPECTED_MAX} msg="Max does not match (${min_max_avg}[1] != ${EXPECTED_MAX})" Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[2] == ${EXPECTED_AVG} msg="Avg does not match (${min_max_avg}[2] != ${EXPECTED_AVG})" ELSE IF '${TESTID}' == 'requin' Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[0] >= ${EXPECTED_MIN} msg="Min does not match (${min_max_avg}[0] < ${EXPECTED_MIN})" Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[1] >= ${EXPECTED_MAX} msg="Max does not match (${min_max_avg}[1] < ${EXPECTED_MAX})" Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[2] >= ${EXPECTED_AVG} msg="Avg does not match (${min_max_avg}[2] < ${EXPECTED_AVG})" ELSE IF '${TESTID}' == 'latency' Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[0] <= ${EXPECTED_MIN} msg="Min does not match (${min_max_avg}[0] > ${EXPECTED_MIN})" Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[1] <= ${EXPECTED_MAX} msg="Max does not match (${min_max_avg}[1] > ${EXPECTED_MAX})" Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[2] <= ${EXPECTED_AVG} msg="Avg does not match (${min_max_avg}[2] > ${EXPECTED_AVG})" ELSE IF '${TESTID}' == 'cbr' Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[0] >= ${EXPECTED_MIN} msg="Min does not match (${min_max_avg}[0] < ${EXPECTED_MIN})" Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[1] >= ${EXPECTED_MAX} msg="Max does not match (${min_max_avg}[1] < ${EXPECTED_MAX})" Should Be True ${min_max_avg}[2] >= ${EXPECTED_AVG} msg="Avg does not match (${min_max_avg}[2] < ${EXPECTED_AVG})" ELSE Fail "Provided Test ID does not exist" END Set Link [Documentation] Configure link rate/delay/jitter/loss ... Arguments: ... ${RATE} Rate of the link ... ${DELAY} Delay of the link ... ${JITTER} Jitter of the link ... ${LOSS} Loss of the link [Arguments] ${TEST_SETUP}=${NONE} ... ${RATE}=${NONE} ... ${DELAY}=${NONE} ... ${JITTER}=${NONE} ... ${LOSS}=${NONE} ${result_link} = Run Process ${EXECDIR}/config.sh setchannel ${TEST_SETUP} server ${RATE}-${DELAY}-${JITTER}-${LOSS} Log Many stdout: ${result_link.stdout} stderr: ${result_link.stderr} Run Latency Test [Documentation] Run hicn-ping on the ${TEST_SETUP} topology and measure latency. ... Arguments: ... ${TEST_SETUP} The setup of the test. ... ${EXPECTED_MIN} The expected min latency ... ${EXPECTED_MAX} The expected max latency ... ${EXPECTED_AVG} The expected avg latency [Arguments] ${TEST_SETUP}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MIN}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MAX}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_AVG}=${NONE} Run Test ${TEST_SETUP} latency ${EXPECTED_MIN} ${EXPECTED_MAX} ${EXPECTED_AVG} Run Throughput Test Raaqm [Documentation] Run hiperf on the ${TEST_SETUP} topology and measure throughput. ... Arguments: ... ${TEST_SETUP} The setup of the test. ... ${EXPECTED_MIN} The expected min throughput ... ${EXPECTED_MAX} The expected max throughput ... ${EXPECTED_AVG} The expected avg throughput [Arguments] ${TEST_SETUP}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MIN}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MAX}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_AVG}=${NONE} Run Test ${TEST_SETUP} requin ${EXPECTED_MIN} ${EXPECTED_MAX} ${EXPECTED_AVG} Run Throughput Test CBR [Documentation] Run hiperf on the ${TEST_SETUP} topology and measure throughput. ... Arguments: ... ${TEST_SETUP} The setup of the test. ... ${EXPECTED_MIN} The expected min throughput ... ${EXPECTED_MAX} The expected max throughput ... ${EXPECTED_AVG} The expected avg throughput [Arguments] ${TEST_SETUP}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MIN}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MAX}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_AVG}=${NONE} Run Test ${TEST_SETUP} cbr ${EXPECTED_MIN} ${EXPECTED_MAX} ${EXPECTED_AVG} Run RTC Test [Documentation] Run hiperf RTC on the ${TEST_SETUP} topology and check consumer syncs to producer bitrate. ... Arguments: ... ${TEST_SETUP} The setup of the test. ... ${EXPECTED_MIN} The expected min bitrate ... ${EXPECTED_MAX} The expected max bitrate ... ${EXPECTED_AVG} The expected avg bitrate [Arguments] ${TEST_SETUP}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MIN}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_MAX}=${NONE} ${EXPECTED_AVG}=${NONE} Run Test ${TEST_SETUP} rtc ${EXPECTED_MIN} ${EXPECTED_MAX} ${EXPECTED_AVG}