path: root/common/minimal-distribution-parent/pom.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/minimal-distribution-parent/pom.xml')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/common/minimal-distribution-parent/pom.xml b/common/minimal-distribution-parent/pom.xml
index b003231c3..eb68991c4 100644
--- a/common/minimal-distribution-parent/pom.xml
+++ b/common/minimal-distribution-parent/pom.xml
@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ done
+ <no.modules.defined.message>// This distribution does not define any own modules.
+// In order to do so either distribution.modules property must be defined in distribution pom.xml,
+// containing list of desired modules to start, or this file can be directly edited with same effect.
+// Note : Modules should be referenced by full class name, for ex.: io.fd.test.SampleModule, and separated with comma.
+ </no.modules.defined.message>
@@ -127,7 +133,7 @@ done
- <Class-Path>config/ cert/</Class-Path>
+ <Class-Path>config/ cert/ modules/</Class-Path>
@@ -167,11 +173,13 @@ done
<!-- Generate shell script -->
+ <!-- Extract modules started by distribution -->
+ <id>start-scripts-generation</id>
@@ -210,6 +218,48 @@ done
+ <execution>
+ <id>distribution-module-assembly</id>
+ <!-- phase changed from package to earlier phase to generate module descriptor before distribution jar is created,
+ to include descriptor in the jar,to be accessible to children distributions-->
+ <phase>prepare-package</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>execute</goal>
+ </goals>
+ <configuration>
+ <source>import java.nio.file.Paths
+ import java.nio.file.Files
+ // module configuration file extraction
+ // builds project name from group,artifact and version to prevent overwriting
+ // while building multiple distribution project
+ def artifact = project.getArtifact()
+ def projectName = "${artifact.getGroupId()}_${artifact.getArtifactId()}_${artifact.getVersion()}".replace(".","-")
+ "Generating list of modules started by distribution ${projectName}"
+ def activeModules = properties.getProperty("distribution.modules", "")
+ .tokenize(",")
+ .collect { module -> module.trim() }
+ "Project ${projectName} : Found modules ${activeModules}"
+ //creates folder modules
+ def outputPath = Paths.get(, "honeycomb-minimal-resources", "modules")
+ //creates module folder
+ outputPath.toFile().mkdirs()
+ def outputFile = Paths.get(outputPath.toString(), "${projectName}_module-config.txt").toFile()
+ outputFile.createNewFile();
+"Writing module configuration for distribution ${projectName} to ${outputPath}")
+ if (activeModules.isEmpty()) {
+ outputFile.text = properties.getProperty("no.modules.defined.message")
+ } else {
+ outputFile.text = activeModules.join(System.lineSeparator)
+ }
+ </source>
+ </configuration>
+ </execution>