/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.fd.honeycomb.common.scripts import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.Paths /** * Generate startup shell scripts for a honeycomb distribution. */ class StartupScriptGenerator { static final def DEFAULT_START_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = StartupScriptGenerator.getResource("/scripts/startScript").text static final def FORK_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = StartupScriptGenerator.getResource("/scripts/forkScript").text static final def KILL_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = StartupScriptGenerator.getResource("/scripts/killScript").text static final def README_TEMPLATE = StartupScriptGenerator.getResource("/scripts/README").text static final def JVM_PARAMS_KEY = "exec.parameters" static final def DEFAULT_ADDITIONAL_JVM_PROPERTIES = "" static final def JVM_DEBUG_PARAMS_KEY = "debug.parameters" static final def START_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE_KEY = "start.script.template" static final def MINIMAL_RESOURCES_FOLDER = "honeycomb-minimal-resources" static final def STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME = "honeycomb" static final def KILL_SCRIPT_NAME = "honeycomb-kill" static final def FORK_STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME = "honeycomb-start" static final def DEFAULT_DEBUG_JVM_PARAMS = "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" public static void generate(project, properties, log) { log.info "Generating honeycomb shell scripts for ${project.artifactId}" // JVM params, defined in pom or no special params def additionalJvmParameters = properties.getOrDefault(JVM_PARAMS_KEY, DEFAULT_ADDITIONAL_JVM_PROPERTIES) log.debug "Additional JVM properties: ${additionalJvmParameters}" // Startup script template, can be overridden by property in pom def scriptTemplate = properties.getOrDefault(START_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE_KEY, DEFAULT_START_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE) log.debug "Template used for startup script: ${scriptTemplate}" // JVM debug params, defined in pom or no special params def debugJvmParameters = properties.getOrDefault(JVM_DEBUG_PARAMS_KEY, DEFAULT_DEBUG_JVM_PARAMS) log.debug "Debug JVM properties: ${additionalJvmParameters}" def jarName = "${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar" def jvmParameters = "${additionalJvmParameters} -jar \$(dirname \$0)/${jarName}" def scriptParent = Paths.get(project.build.outputDirectory as String, MINIMAL_RESOURCES_FOLDER) scriptParent.toFile().mkdirs() def startScriptPath = generateStartupScript(jvmParameters, log, scriptParent, scriptTemplate) def forkScriptPath = generateForkingStartupScript(scriptParent, log) def debugScriptPath = generateDebugStartupScript(debugJvmParameters, jvmParameters, log, scriptParent, scriptTemplate) def killScriptPath = generateKillScript(jarName, log, scriptParent) generateReadme(scriptParent, log, startScriptPath, forkScriptPath, debugScriptPath, killScriptPath, project) } private static def generateReadme(scriptParent, log, startScriptPath, forkScriptPath, debugScriptPath, killScriptPath, project) { def readmePath = Paths.get(scriptParent.toString(), "README") def readmeContent = new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(README_TEMPLATE).make( ["groupId" : project.groupId, "artifactId" : project.artifactId, "version" : project.version, "startScript": startScriptPath.fileName, "forkScript" : forkScriptPath.fileName, "debugScript": debugScriptPath.fileName, "killScript" : killScriptPath.fileName]).toString() log.info "Writing README to ${readmePath}" flushScript(readmePath, readmeContent) } private static def generateDebugStartupScript(debugJvmParameters, javaArgs, log, Path scriptParent, scriptTemplate) { def exec = "java ${debugJvmParameters} ${javaArgs}" log.info "Debug script content to be used: ${exec}" def scriptPath = Paths.get(scriptParent.toString(), "honeycomb-debug") log.info "Writing shell debug script to ${scriptPath}" flushScript(scriptPath, new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(scriptTemplate).make(["exec": exec]).toString()) } private static def generateForkingStartupScript(scriptParent, log) { def scriptPath = Paths.get(scriptParent.toString(), FORK_STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME) log.info "Writing forking startup script to ${scriptPath}" flushScript(scriptPath, new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(FORK_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE).make().toString()) } private static def flushScript(filePath, content) { filePath.toFile().text = content filePath.toFile().setExecutable(true) filePath } private static def generateStartupScript(javaArgs, log, scriptParent, scriptTemplate) { def exec = "java ${javaArgs}" log.info "Startup script content to be used: ${exec}" def scriptPath = Paths.get(scriptParent.toString(), STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME) log.info "Writing startup script to ${scriptPath}" flushScript(scriptPath, new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(scriptTemplate).make(["exec": exec]).toString()) } private static def generateKillScript(jarName, log, scriptParent) { def pattern = "java.*${jarName}" def scriptPath = Paths.get(scriptParent.toString(), KILL_SCRIPT_NAME) log.info "Writing kill script to ${scriptPath}" flushScript(scriptPath, new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(KILL_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE).make(["pattern": pattern]).toString()) } }