= Honeycomb {project-version} Release notes Release notes for honeycomb {project-version}. Honeycomb is a generic management agent and provides a framework for building specialized agents. Exposes NETCONF, RESTCONF and BGP as northbound interfaces. It uses many features and utilities from different http://www.opendaylight.org/[Opendaylight (ODL)] projects (e.g. yangtools, controller, mdsal, netconf, bgpcep). The biggest use case of honeycomb is VPP (fd.io's Vector packet processor). Honeycomb delivers a management agent to enable integration of VPP with e.g. SDN controllers such as Opendaylight. For VPP specific distribution of Honeycomb, please refer to https://wiki.fd.io/view/Hc2vpp[hc2vpp] project. == Release plan https://wiki.fd.io/view/Honeycomb/Release_Plans/Release_Plan_{project-public-version}[Release plan] == Features Adding to the list of existing features: https://docs.fd.io/honeycomb/1.18.04/release-notes-aggregator/release_notes.html#_features[1801 feature list] === New features * https://jira.fd.io/browse/HONEYCOMB-439[ODL Oxygen SR2] === Removed features === Modified features === Deprecated features == Backlog * https://jira.fd.io/projects/HONEYCOMB/versions/{project-version-in-jira}[JIRA] * https://jira.fd.io/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10001&version={project-version-in-jira}[Release notes] include::user_guide/user_guide.adoc[] include::devel_guide/devel_guide.adoc[]