= Troubleshooting link:release_notes.html[< Home] CAUTION: Trying to fix any Honeycomb issue should start with looking at honeycomb log file (default location: /var/log/honeycomb/) == Unable to open SSH session If following warning is shown when invoking ssh command: WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!. Just invoke (as suggested by the warning): ssh-keygen -f ... == Honeycomb fails to start properly First thing to do is to take a look at Honeycomb logs(default location: /var/log/honeycomb/). If following log message is present: VPP-ERROR: VPP api client connection failed java.io.IOException: Connection returned error -1. Make sure VPP is installed in the system and it's running. NOTE: If the VPP-ERROR also contains message stating vpp japi out of sync. It indicates incompatible versions of VPP and Honeycomb. == Honeycomb does not respond Check suggestions from previous item: Honeycomb fails to start properly