/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.fd.honeycomb.translate.v3po.interfaces.acl; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import io.fd.honeycomb.translate.v3po.util.MacTranslator; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.access.control.list.rev160708.access.lists.acl.access.list.entries.ace.actions.PacketHandling; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.access.control.list.rev160708.access.lists.acl.access.list.entries.ace.matches.ace.type.AceEth; import org.openvpp.jvpp.core.dto.ClassifyAddDelSession; import org.openvpp.jvpp.core.dto.ClassifyAddDelTable; import org.openvpp.jvpp.core.dto.InputAclSetInterface; import org.openvpp.jvpp.core.future.FutureJVppCore; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; final class AceEthWriter extends AbstractAceWriter implements MacTranslator { @VisibleForTesting static final int MATCH_N_VECTORS = 1; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AceEthWriter.class); public AceEthWriter(@Nonnull final FutureJVppCore futureJVppCore) { super(futureJVppCore); } @Override public ClassifyAddDelTable createClassifyTable(@Nonnull final PacketHandling action, @Nonnull final AceEth aceEth, @Nonnull final int nextTableIndex, final int vlanTags) { final ClassifyAddDelTable request = createClassifyTable(action, nextTableIndex); request.mask = new byte[16]; boolean aceIsEmpty = true; // destination-mac-address or destination-mac-address-mask is present => // ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 if (aceEth.getDestinationMacAddressMask() != null) { aceIsEmpty = false; final String macAddress = aceEth.getDestinationMacAddressMask().getValue(); final List parts = COLON_SPLITTER.splitToList(macAddress); int i = 0; for (String part : parts) { request.mask[i++] = parseHexByte(part); } } else if (aceEth.getDestinationMacAddress() != null) { aceIsEmpty = false; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { request.mask[i] = (byte) 0xff; } } // source-mac-address or source-mac-address-mask => // 00:00:00:00:00:00:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00:00:00 if (aceEth.getSourceMacAddressMask() != null) { aceIsEmpty = false; final String macAddress = aceEth.getSourceMacAddressMask().getValue(); final List parts = COLON_SPLITTER.splitToList(macAddress); int i = 6; for (String part : parts) { request.mask[i++] = parseHexByte(part); } } else if (aceEth.getSourceMacAddress() != null) { aceIsEmpty = false; for (int i = 6; i < 12; ++i) { request.mask[i] = (byte) 0xff; } } if (aceIsEmpty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Ace %s does not define packet field match values", aceEth.toString())); } request.skipNVectors = 0; request.matchNVectors = MATCH_N_VECTORS; LOG.debug("ACE action={}, rule={} translated to table={}.", action, aceEth, request); return request; } @Override public ClassifyAddDelSession createClassifySession(@Nonnull final PacketHandling action, @Nonnull final AceEth aceEth, @Nonnull final int tableIndex, final int vlanTags) { final ClassifyAddDelSession request = createClassifySession(action, tableIndex); request.match = new byte[16]; boolean noMatch = true; if (aceEth.getDestinationMacAddress() != null) { noMatch = false; final String macAddress = aceEth.getDestinationMacAddress().getValue(); final List parts = COLON_SPLITTER.splitToList(macAddress); int i = 0; for (String part : parts) { request.match[i++] = parseHexByte(part); } } if (aceEth.getSourceMacAddress() != null) { noMatch = false; final String macAddress = aceEth.getSourceMacAddress().getValue(); final List parts = COLON_SPLITTER.splitToList(macAddress); int i = 6; for (String part : parts) { request.match[i++] = parseHexByte(part); } } if (noMatch) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Ace %s does not define neither source nor destination MAC address", aceEth.toString())); } LOG.debug("ACE action={}, rule={} translated to session={}.", action, aceEth, request); return request; } @Override protected void setClassifyTable(@Nonnull final InputAclSetInterface request, final int tableIndex) { request.l2TableIndex = tableIndex; } }