#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os, util from string import Template dto_template = Template(""" package $base_package.$dto_package; /** * $docs */ public final class $cls_name implements $base_package.$dto_package.$base_type { $fields $methods } """) field_template = Template(""" public $type $name;\n""") send_template = Template(""" @Override public int send(final $base_package.JVpp jvpp) { return jvpp.$method_name($args); }\n""") def generate_dtos(func_list, base_package, dto_package): """ Generates dto objects in a dedicated package """ print "Generating DTOs" if not os.path.exists(dto_package): raise Exception("%s folder is missing" % dto_package) for func in func_list: camel_case_dto_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase_upper(func['name']) camel_case_method_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(func['name']) dto_path = os.path.join(dto_package, camel_case_dto_name + ".java") if util.is_notification(func['name']) or util.is_ignored(func['name']): # TODO handle notifications continue fields = "" for t in zip(func['types'], func['args']): fields += field_template.substitute(type=util.jni_2_java_type_mapping[t[0]], name=util.underscore_to_camelcase(t[1])) methods = "" base_type = "" if util.is_reply(camel_case_dto_name): request_dto_name = get_request_name(camel_case_dto_name, func['name']) if util.is_details(camel_case_dto_name): # FIXME assumption that dump calls end with "Dump" suffix. Not enforced in vpe.api base_type += "JVppReply<%s.%s.%s>" % (base_package, dto_package, request_dto_name + "Dump") generate_dump_reply_dto(request_dto_name, base_package, dto_package, camel_case_dto_name, camel_case_method_name, func) else: base_type += "JVppReply<%s.%s.%s>" % (base_package, dto_package, request_dto_name) else: args = "" if fields is "" else "this" methods = send_template.substitute(method_name=camel_case_method_name, base_package=base_package, args=args) if util.is_dump(camel_case_dto_name): base_type += "JVppDump" else: base_type += "JVppRequest" dto_file = open(dto_path, 'w') dto_file.write(dto_template.substitute(docs='Generated from ' + str(func), cls_name=camel_case_dto_name, fields=fields, methods=methods, base_package=base_package, base_type=base_type, dto_package=dto_package)) dto_file.flush() dto_file.close() flush_dump_reply_dtos() dump_dto_suffix = "ReplyDump" dump_reply_artificial_dtos = {} # Returns request name or special one from unconventional_naming_rep_req map def get_request_name(camel_case_dto_name, func_name): return util.underscore_to_camelcase_upper( util.unconventional_naming_rep_req[func_name]) if func_name in util.unconventional_naming_rep_req \ else util.remove_reply_suffix(camel_case_dto_name) def flush_dump_reply_dtos(): for dump_reply_artificial_dto in dump_reply_artificial_dtos.values(): dto_path = os.path.join(dump_reply_artificial_dto['dto_package'], dump_reply_artificial_dto['cls_name'] + ".java") dto_file = open(dto_path, 'w') dto_file.write(dto_template.substitute(docs=dump_reply_artificial_dto['docs'], cls_name=dump_reply_artificial_dto['cls_name'], fields=dump_reply_artificial_dto['fields'], methods=dump_reply_artificial_dto['methods'], base_package=dump_reply_artificial_dto['base_package'], base_type=dump_reply_artificial_dto['base_type'], dto_package=dump_reply_artificial_dto['dto_package'])) dto_file.flush() dto_file.close() def generate_dump_reply_dto(request_dto_name, base_package, dto_package, camel_case_dto_name, camel_case_method_name, func): base_type = "JVppReplyDump<%s.%s.%s, %s.%s.%s>" % ( base_package, dto_package, util.remove_reply_suffix(camel_case_dto_name) + "Dump", base_package, dto_package, camel_case_dto_name) fields = " public java.util.List<%s> %s = new java.util.ArrayList<>();" % (camel_case_dto_name, camel_case_method_name) cls_name = camel_case_dto_name + dump_dto_suffix # In case of already existing artificial reply dump DTO, just update it # Used for sub-dump dtos if request_dto_name in dump_reply_artificial_dtos.keys(): dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['fields'] = \ dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['fields'] + '\n' + fields else: dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name] = ({'docs': 'Dump reply wrapper generated from ' + str(func), 'cls_name': cls_name, 'fields': fields, 'methods': "", 'base_package': base_package, 'base_type': base_type, 'dto_package': dto_package, })