#!/usr/bin/env bash source odl_utils.sh TESTS_DIR=tests function help { echo "Run all ONE tests" echo echo This must be run with superuser privileges. echo "Usage:" echo " ./run.sh [vhc] [--config-method vat|cli]" echo echo " -v : verbose output" echo " -c : clean" echo " -h : show help" echo " --config-method : select configuration method. Default is VAT." } export CFG_METHOD=vat source config.sh verbose=0 while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do arg=$1 shift if [ $arg == "-v" ]; then verbose=1 elif [ $arg == "-h" ] ; then help exit 0 elif [ $arg == "-c" ] ; then clean_all exit 0 elif [ $arg == "--config-method" ] ; then type=$1 shift if [ $type != "vat" -a $type != "cli" ] ; then echo "ERROR: expected one of 'cli' or 'vat' " help exit 1 fi export CFG_METHOD=$type else echo "parse error" help exit 1 fi done ### begin script failed_tcs=() count=0 failed_num=0 passed_num=0 start_time=`date +%s` # sudo? if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then echo "Superuser privileges needed!" exit 1 fi # check whether ODL is running check_odl_running # count tests test_num=`ls -l "$TESTS_DIR"/test_* | wc -l` echo echo "Running VPP lite test suite." echo echo "Config method: $CFG_METHOD" echo for test_case in "$TESTS_DIR"/test_* do let "count=$count + 1" # run the test case base_name=`basename -a "$test_case"` printf "*** %2d/%d : %-48s" $count $test_num "$base_name" if [ $verbose -ne 0 ] ; then "$test_case" else "$test_case" &> /dev/null fi rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then printf "failed!\n" failed_tcs+=("$test_case") let "failed_num=$failed_num + 1" else printf "passed.\n" let "passed_num=$passed_num + 1" fi sleep 1 done end_time=`date +%s` runtime=$((end_time-start_time)) echo echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "Runtime: " `date -u -d @${runtime} +"%M min %S sec"` echo if [ $failed_num -eq 0 ]; then echo "All tests have passed." else echo "List of failed test cases:" for tc in "${failed_tcs[@]}" do echo "$tc" done fi echo "------------------------------------------------------" ### end script