source source source topologies/ if [ "$1" == "clean" ] ; then 2_node_topo_clean no_odl exit 0 fi if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then echo "Error: run this as root." exit 1 fi function start_dhcp_server { echo "starting DHCP server from namespace $1" ip netns exec "$1" python scripts/ & dhcp_id=$! } function send_dhcp_discovery { src_mac="`sudo ip netns exec vppns1 ifconfig veth_vpp1 | grep HWaddr | awk '{print $5}'`" ip netns exec "$1" python scripts/ "$src_mac" "$2" rc=$? } function test_dhcp { 2_node_topo_setup no_odl test_result=1 # dhcp proxy1 config echo "set dhcp proxy server src-address" | nc 0 5002 maybe_pause # run DHCP server from namespace start_dhcp_server vppns2 # send DHCP discovery from namespace and check if reply (= DHCP offer) # comes from the proxy DHCP address send_dhcp_discovery vppns1 "" maybe_pause 2_node_topo_clean no_odl kill $dhcp_id print_status $rc "DHCP test failed!" exit $test_result }