/* -*- C++ -*-; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil */ /* * Implementation for VPPRenderer class * * Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ #include #include #include #include "VppLogHandler.hpp" #include "VppRenderer.hpp" namespace VPP { using boost::asio::placeholders::error; using boost::property_tree::ptree; using opflex::ofcore::OFFramework; using std::bind; VppRendererPlugin::VppRendererPlugin() { } std::unordered_set VppRendererPlugin::getNames() const { return {"vpp"}; } opflexagent::Renderer * VppRendererPlugin::create(opflexagent::Agent &agent) const { IdGenerator *idGen = new IdGenerator(); VOM::HW::cmd_q *vppQ = new VOM::HW::cmd_q(); VOM::stat_reader *vppSR = new stat_reader(); VppManager *vppManager = new VppManager(agent, *idGen, vppQ, vppSR); return new VppRenderer(agent, *idGen, vppManager); } VPP::LogHandler vppLogHandler; static VOM::log_level_t agentLevelToVom(opflexagent::LogLevel level) { switch (level) { case opflexagent::DEBUG: return (VOM::log_level_t::DEBUG); case opflexagent::INFO: return (VOM::log_level_t::INFO); case opflexagent::WARNING: return (VOM::log_level_t::WARNING); case opflexagent::ERROR: return (VOM::log_level_t::ERROR); case opflexagent::FATAL: return (VOM::log_level_t::CRITICAL); } return (VOM::log_level_t::INFO); } VppRenderer::VppRenderer(opflexagent::Agent &agent, IdGenerator &idGen, VppManager *vppManager) : Renderer(agent) , idGen(idGen) , vppManager(vppManager) , tunnelEpManager(&agent) , started(false) { LOG(INFO) << "Vpp Renderer"; /* * Register the call back handler for VOM logging and set the level * according to the agent's settings */ VOM::logger().set(agentLevelToVom(opflexagent::logLevel)); VOM::logger().set(&vppLogHandler); } VppRenderer::~VppRenderer() { delete vppManager; } void VppRenderer::setProperties(const boost::property_tree::ptree &properties) { // Set configuration from property tree. This configuration will // be from a "renderers": { "vpp" { } } block from the agent // configuration. Multiple calls are possible; later calls are // merged with prior calls, overwriting any previously-set values. LOG(opflexagent::INFO) << "Setting configuration for vpp renderer"; static const std::string ENCAP_VXLAN("encap.vxlan"); static const std::string ENCAP_IVXLAN("encap.ivxlan"); static const std::string ENCAP_VLAN("encap.vlan"); static const std::string UPLINK_IFACE("uplink-iface"); static const std::string UPLINK_SLAVES("uplink-slaves"); static const std::string UPLINK_VLAN("uplink-vlan"); static const std::string DHCP_OPTIONS("dhcp-opt"); static const std::string ENCAP_IFACE("encap-iface"); static const std::string REMOTE_IP("remote-ip"); static const std::string REMOTE_PORT("remote-port"); static const std::string VIRTUAL_ROUTER("forwarding" ".virtual-router.enabled"); static const std::string VIRTUAL_ROUTER_MAC("forwarding" ".virtual-router.mac"); static const std::string VIRTUAL_ROUTER_RA("forwarding.virtual-router" ".ipv6.router-advertisement"); static const std::string CROSS_CONNECT("x-connect"); static const std::string EAST("east"); static const std::string WEST("west"); static const std::string EIFACE("iface"); static const std::string EVLAN("vlan"); static const std::string EIP("ip-address"); static const std::string ETAG_REWRITE("tag-rewrite"); static const std::string WIFACE("iface"); static const std::string WVLAN("vlan"); static const std::string WIP("ip-address"); auto vxlan = properties.get_child_optional(ENCAP_VXLAN); auto ivxlan = properties.get_child_optional(ENCAP_IVXLAN); auto vlan = properties.get_child_optional(ENCAP_VLAN); auto vr = properties.get_child_optional(VIRTUAL_ROUTER); auto x_connect = properties.get_child_optional(CROSS_CONNECT); if (vlan) { uplinkIface = vlan.get().get(UPLINK_IFACE, ""); uplinkVlan = vlan.get().get(UPLINK_VLAN, 0); vppManager->uplink().set(uplinkIface, uplinkVlan, vlan.get().get(ENCAP_IFACE, "")); auto slaves = vlan.get().get_child_optional(UPLINK_SLAVES); if (slaves) { for (auto s : slaves.get()) { vppManager->uplink().insert_slave_ifaces(s.second.data()); LOG(opflexagent::INFO) << s.second.data(); } } auto dhcp_options = vlan.get().get_child_optional(DHCP_OPTIONS); if (dhcp_options) { for (auto d : dhcp_options.get()) { vppManager->uplink().insert_dhcp_options(d.second.data()); LOG(opflexagent::INFO) << d.second.data(); } } encapType = encapTypeVlan; } else if (vxlan) { boost::asio::ip::address remote_ip; boost::system::error_code ec; remote_ip = boost::asio::ip::address::from_string( vxlan.get().get(REMOTE_IP, "")); if (ec) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid tunnel destination IP: " << vxlan.get().get(REMOTE_IP, "") << ": " << ec.message(); } else { uplinkIface = vxlan.get().get(UPLINK_IFACE, ""); uplinkVlan = vxlan.get().get(UPLINK_VLAN, 0); vppManager->uplink().set( uplinkIface, uplinkVlan, vxlan.get().get(ENCAP_IFACE, ""), remote_ip, vxlan.get().get(REMOTE_PORT, 4789)); auto slaves = properties.get_child_optional(UPLINK_SLAVES); } encapType = encapTypeVxlan; } else if (ivxlan) { uplinkIface = ivxlan.get().get(UPLINK_IFACE, ""); uplinkVlan = ivxlan.get().get(UPLINK_VLAN, 0); vppManager->uplink().set( uplinkIface, uplinkVlan, ivxlan.get().get(ENCAP_IFACE, "")); auto slaves = ivxlan.get().get_child_optional(UPLINK_SLAVES); if (slaves) { for (auto s : slaves.get()) { vppManager->uplink().insert_slave_ifaces(s.second.data()); LOG(opflexagent::INFO) << s.second.data(); } } auto dhcp_options = ivxlan.get().get_child_optional(DHCP_OPTIONS); if (dhcp_options) { for (auto d : dhcp_options.get()) { vppManager->uplink().insert_dhcp_options(d.second.data()); LOG(opflexagent::INFO) << d.second.data(); } } encapType = encapTypeIvxlan; } if (vr) { vppManager->setVirtualRouter( vr.get().get(VIRTUAL_ROUTER, true), vr.get().get(VIRTUAL_ROUTER_RA, true), vr.get().get(VIRTUAL_ROUTER_MAC, "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff")); } if (x_connect) { for (auto x : x_connect.get()) { auto east = x.second.get_child_optional(EAST); auto west = x.second.get_child_optional(WEST); if (east && west) { std::string ename = east.get().get(EIFACE, ""); uint16_t evlan = east.get().get(EVLAN, 0); std::string eip = east.get().get(EIP, ""); std::string etag_rewrite = east.get().get(ETAG_REWRITE, ""); std::string wname = west.get().get(WIFACE, ""); uint16_t wvlan = west.get().get(WVLAN, 0); std::string wip = west.get().get(WIP, ""); LOG(opflexagent::DEBUG) << "east:[" << ename << " , " << evlan << " , " << eip << " , " << etag_rewrite << "]"; LOG(opflexagent::DEBUG) << "west:[" << wname << " , " << wvlan << " , " << wip << "]"; if (!ename.empty() && !wname.empty()) { VPP::CrossConnect::xconnect_t xcon_east( ename, evlan, eip, etag_rewrite); VPP::CrossConnect::xconnect_t xcon_west(wname, wvlan, wip); vppManager->crossConnect().insert_xconnect( std::make_pair(xcon_east, xcon_west)); } } } } /* * Are we opening an inspection socket? */ auto inspect = properties.get("inspect-socket", ""); if (inspect.length()) { inspector.reset(new VppInspect(inspect)); } } void VppRenderer::start() { // Called during agent startup if (started) return; started = true; vppManager->start(); vppManager->registerModbListeners(); if ((encapType == encapTypeVxlan) || (encapType == encapTypeIvxlan)) { tunnelEpManager.setUplinkIface(uplinkIface); tunnelEpManager.setUplinkVlan(uplinkVlan); tunnelEpManager.setParentRenderer(this); tunnelEpManager.start(); } LOG(opflexagent::INFO) << "Starting vpp renderer plugin"; } void VppRenderer::stop() { // Called during agent shutdown if (!started) return; started = false; LOG(opflexagent::INFO) << "Stopping vpp renderer plugin"; if ((encapType == encapTypeVxlan) || (encapType == encapTypeIvxlan)) { tunnelEpManager.stop(); } vppManager->stop(); } boost::asio::ip::address VppRenderer::getUplinkAddress() { const boost::asio::ip::address addr = vppManager->uplink().local_address(); return addr; } std::string VppRenderer::getUplinkMac() { return vppManager->uplink().uplink_l2_address(); } } // namespace VPP extern "C" const opflexagent::RendererPlugin * init_renderer_plugin() { // Return a plugin implementation, which can ini static const VPP::VppRendererPlugin vppPlugin; return &vppPlugin; }