# == Class: honeycomb # # OpenDaylight Honeycomb Agent # # === Parameters: # [*opendaylight_ip*] # (optional) Opendaylight server IP used to bind VPP to Opendaylight. # Defaults to '' # # [*opendaylight_port*] # (optional) Opendaylight server Port. # Defaults to '8081' # # [*opendaylight_username*] # (optional) Opendaylight server user name. # Defaults to 'admin' # # [*opendaylight_password*] # (optional) Opendaylight server password. # Defaults to 'admin' # # [*rest_port*] # Port for Honeycomb REST interface to listen on. # # [*websocket_rest_port*] # Port for Honeycomb REST interface to listen on for websocket connections. # # [*user*] # Username to configure in honeycomb. # # [*password*] # Password to configure in honeycomb. # # [*bind_ip*] # (optional) Honeycomb service binding IP # Defaults to '' # # [*node_id*] # (optional) Node ID for binding VPP to Opendaylight # Defaults to $::fqdn # # [*interface_role_map*] # (optional) List of interface role mapping in the format # of : # Example: # [ 'GigabitEthernet0/5/0:public-interface', # 'GigabitEthernet0/6/0:tenant-interface' ] # Defaults to undef # class fdio::honeycomb ( $opendaylight_ip = '', $opendaylight_port = '8081', $opendaylight_username = 'admin', $opendaylight_password = 'admin', $rest_port = '8181', $websocket_rest_port = '7779', $user = 'admin', $password = 'admin', $bind_ip = '', $node_id = $::fqdn, $interface_role_map = [], ) { validate_array($interface_role_map) package { 'honeycomb': ensure => present, require => Package['vpp'], } # Configuration of Honeycomb -> file { 'honeycomb.json': ensure => file, path => '/opt/honeycomb/config/honeycomb.json', # Set user:group owners owner => 'honeycomb', group => 'honeycomb', # Use a template to populate the content content => template('fdio/honeycomb.json.erb'), } ~> service { 'honeycomb': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, require => [ Service['vpp'], Package['honeycomb'] ], } if !empty($opendaylight_ip) { validate_ip_address($opendaylight_ip) $odl_url = "http://${opendaylight_ip}:${opendaylight_port}" $fdio_data = "{'node' : [{'node-id':'${node_id}','netconf-node-topology:host':'${bind_ip}','netconf-node-topology:port':'2831','netconf-node-topology:tcp-only':false,'netconf-node-topology:keepalive-delay':0,'netconf-node-topology:username':'${opendaylight_username}','netconf-node-topology:password':'${opendaylight_password}','netconf-node-topology:connection-timeout-millis':10000,'netconf-node-topology:default-request-timeout-millis':10000,'netconf-node-topology:max-connection-attempts':10,'netconf-node-topology:between-attempts-timeout-millis':10000}]}" $fdio_url = "${odl_url}/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/network-topology:topology/topology-netconf/node/${node_id}" $oper_mount_url = "${odl_url}/restconf/operational/renderer:renderers" exec { 'VPP Mount into ODL': command => "curl -o /dev/null --fail --silent -u ${opendaylight_username}:${opendaylight_password} ${fdio_url} -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data \"${fdio_data}\" -X PUT", tries => 5, try_sleep => 30, path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', require => Service['honeycomb'], } -> exec { 'Check VPP was mounted into ODL operational DS': command => "curl --fail -u ${opendaylight_username}:${opendaylight_password} ${oper_mount_url} | grep ${node_id}", tries => 5, try_sleep => 30, path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', } if !empty($interface_role_map) { fdio::honeycomb::configure_role_mappings { $interface_role_map: honeycomb_username => $user, honeycomb_password => $password, honeycomb_url => "http://${bind_ip}:${rest_port}", require => Service['honeycomb'], before => Exec['VPP Mount into ODL'], } } } }