# == Class: honeycomb # # OpenDaylight Honeycomb Agent # # === Parameters: # [*rest_port*] # Port for Honeycomb REST interface to listen on. # # [*websocket_rest_port*] # Port for Honeycomb REST interface to listen on for websocket connections. # # [*user*] # Username to configure in honeycomb. # # [*password*] # Password to configure in honeycomb. # class fdio::honeycomb ( $rest_port = '8181', $websocket_rest_port = '7779', $user = 'admin', $password = 'admin', ) { include ::fdio package { 'honeycomb': ensure => present, require => Package['vpp'], } -> # Configuration of Honeycomb file { 'honeycomb.json': ensure => file, path => '/opt/honeycomb/config/honeycomb.json', # Set user:group owners owner => 'honeycomb', group => 'honeycomb', # Use a template to populate the content content => template('fdio/honeycomb.json.erb'), } ~> service { 'honeycomb': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, require => [ Vpp_service['vpp'], Package['honeycomb'] ], restart => 'systemctl stop vpp;systemctl stop honeycomb;rm -rf /var/lib/honeycomb/persist/*;systemctl start vpp; sleep 5;systemctl start honeycomb', } }