/* * Copyright (c) 2018 PANTHEON.tech. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using VOM::interface; using VOM::OM; using VOM::HW; using VOM::rc_t; using type_t = VOM::interface::type_t; using admin_state_t = VOM::interface::admin_state_t; class interface_builder { public: interface_builder() {} shared_ptr build() { if (m_name.empty() || m_type.empty()) return nullptr; return make_shared(m_name, type_t::from_string(m_type), admin_state_t::from_int(m_state)); } /* Getters */ string name() { return m_name; } /* Setters */ interface_builder& set_name(string n) { m_name = n; return *this; } interface_builder& set_type(string t) { if (t == "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd") m_type = "ETHERNET"; return *this; } interface_builder& set_state(bool enable) { m_state = enable; return *this; } std::string to_string() { std::ostringstream os; os << m_name << "," << m_type << "," << m_state; return os.str(); } private: string m_name; string m_type; bool m_state; }; // XPATH: /openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='%s']/config/ static int oc_interfaces_config_cb(sr_session_ctx_t *ds, const char *xpath, sr_notif_event_t event, void *private_ctx) { UNUSED(private_ctx); interface_builder builder; shared_ptr intf; string intf_name; sr_change_iter_t *it = nullptr; sr_xpath_ctx_t state; sr_val_t *ol = nullptr; sr_val_t *ne = nullptr; sr_change_oper_t oper; bool create, remove, modify; int rc; SRP_LOG_INF("In %s", __FUNCTION__); ARG_CHECK2(SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG, ds, xpath); if (event != SR_EV_VERIFY) return SR_ERR_OK; if (sr_get_changes_iter(ds, (char *)xpath, &it) != SR_ERR_OK) { sr_free_change_iter(it); return SR_ERR_OK; } foreach_change (ds, it, oper, ol, ne) { intf_name = sr_xpath_key_value(ne->xpath, "interface", "name", &state); if (intf_name.empty()) { sr_set_error(ds, "XPATH interface name NOT found", ne->xpath); return SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; } sr_xpath_recover(&state); switch (oper) { case SR_OP_CREATED: if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(ne->xpath, "name")) { builder.set_name(ne->data.string_val); create = true; } else if(sr_xpath_node_name_eq(ne->xpath, "type")) { builder.set_type(ne->data.string_val); } else if(sr_xpath_node_name_eq(ne->xpath, "enabled")) { builder.set_state(ne->data.bool_val); } break; case SR_OP_MODIFIED: if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(ne->xpath, "enabled")) { string n = sr_xpath_key_value(ne->xpath, "interface", "name", &state); intf = interface::find(n); if (!intf) { rc = SR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED; goto nothing_todo; } intf->set(admin_state_t::from_int(ne->data.bool_val)); modify = true; } break; case SR_OP_DELETED: if (sr_xpath_node_name_eq(ol->xpath, "name")) { builder.set_name(ol->data.string_val); remove = true; } break; default: rc = SR_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; goto nothing_todo; } sr_xpath_recover(&state); sr_free_val(ol); sr_free_val(ne); } if (create) { SRP_LOG_INF("creating interface '%s'", builder.name().c_str()); intf = builder.build(); if (nullptr == intf) { SRP_LOG_ERR_MSG("Interface does not exist"); rc = SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; goto nothing_todo; } } if (create || modify) { if ( OM::write(intf->key(), *intf) != rc_t::OK ) { SRP_LOG_ERR("Fail writing changes to VPP for: %s", builder.to_string().c_str()); rc = SR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED; goto nothing_todo; } } else if (remove) { SRP_LOG_INF("deleting interface '%s'", builder.name().c_str()); OM::remove(builder.name()); } sr_free_change_iter(it); return SR_ERR_OK; nothing_todo: sr_free_val(ol); sr_free_val(ne); sr_free_change_iter(it); return rc; } //XPATH : /openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface/state static int oc_interfaces_state_cb(const char *xpath, sr_val_t **values, size_t *values_cnt, uint64_t request_id, const char *original_xpath, void *private_ctx) { UNUSED(request_id); UNUSED(original_xpath); UNUSED(private_ctx); vapi_payload_sw_interface_details reply; shared_ptr dump; string intf_name; sr_val_t *vals = nullptr; sr_xpath_ctx_t state; char xpath_root[XPATH_SIZE]; int vc = 7; int cnt = 0; int rc; SRP_LOG_INF("In %s", __FUNCTION__); ARG_CHECK3(SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG, xpath, values, values_cnt); intf_name = sr_xpath_key_value((char*) xpath, "interface", "name", &state); if (intf_name.empty()) { SRP_LOG_ERR_MSG("XPATH interface name not found"); return SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; } sr_xpath_recover(&state); snprintf(xpath_root, XPATH_SIZE, "/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='%s']/state", intf_name.c_str()); rc = sr_new_values(vc, &vals); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) return rc; dump = make_shared(intf_name); //dump only specific intf HW::enqueue(dump); HW::write(); reply = dump->begin()->get_payload(); sr_val_build_xpath(&vals[cnt], "%s/name", xpath_root); sr_val_set_str_data(&vals[cnt], SR_STRING_T, (char *)reply.interface_name); cnt++; //TODO revisit types after V3PO has been implemented sr_val_build_xpath(&vals[cnt], "%s/type", xpath_root); sr_val_set_str_data(&vals[cnt], SR_IDENTITYREF_T, "ianaift:ethernetCsmacd"); cnt++; sr_val_build_xpath(&vals[cnt], "%s/mtu", xpath_root); vals[cnt].type = SR_UINT16_T; vals[cnt].data.uint16_val = reply.link_mtu; cnt++; sr_val_build_xpath(&vals[cnt], "%s/enabled", xpath_root); vals[cnt].type = SR_BOOL_T; vals[cnt].data.bool_val = reply.flags; cnt++; sr_val_build_xpath(&vals[cnt], "%s/ifindex", xpath_root); vals[cnt].type = SR_UINT32_T; vals[cnt].data.uint32_val = reply.sw_if_index; cnt++; sr_val_build_xpath(&vals[cnt], "%s/admin-status", xpath_root); sr_val_set_str_data(&vals[cnt], SR_ENUM_T, (reply.flags == vapi_enum_if_status_flags::IF_STATUS_API_FLAG_ADMIN_UP) ? "UP" : "DOWN"); cnt++; sr_val_build_xpath(&vals[cnt], "%s/oper-status", xpath_root); sr_val_set_str_data(&vals[cnt], SR_ENUM_T, (reply.flags == vapi_enum_if_status_flags::IF_STATUS_API_FLAG_LINK_UP) ? "UP" : "DOWN"); cnt++; *values = vals; *values_cnt = cnt; return SR_ERR_OK; } int openconfig_interface_init(sc_plugin_main_t *pm) { int rc = SR_ERR_OK; SRP_LOG_DBG_MSG("Initializing openconfig-interfaces plugin."); rc = sr_subtree_change_subscribe(pm->session, "/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface/config", oc_interfaces_config_cb, nullptr, 98, SR_SUBSCR_CTX_REUSE, &pm->subscription); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { goto error; } rc = sr_dp_get_items_subscribe(pm->session, "/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface/state", oc_interfaces_state_cb, nullptr, SR_SUBSCR_CTX_REUSE, &pm->subscription); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { goto error; } SRP_LOG_DBG_MSG("openconfig-interfaces plugin initialized successfully."); return SR_ERR_OK; error: SRP_LOG_ERR("Error by initialization of openconfig-interfaces plugin. Error : %d", rc); return rc; } void openconfig_interface_exit(__attribute__((unused)) sc_plugin_main_t *pm) { } SC_INIT_FUNCTION(openconfig_interface_init); SC_EXIT_FUNCTION(openconfig_interface_exit);