module openconfig-acl { yang-version "1"; // namespace namespace ""; prefix "oc-acl"; import openconfig-packet-match { prefix oc-match; } import openconfig-interfaces { prefix oc-if; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module defines configuration and operational state data for network access control lists (i.e., filters, rules, etc.). ACLs are organized into ACL sets, with each set containing one or more ACL entries. ACL sets are identified by a unique name, while each entry within a set is assigned a sequence-id that determines the order in which the ACL rules are applied to a packet. Note that ACLs are evaluated in ascending order based on the sequence-id (low to high). Individual ACL rules specify match criteria based on fields in the packet, along with an action that defines how matching packets should be handled. Entries have a type that indicates the type of match criteria, e.g., MAC layer, IPv4, IPv6, etc."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "1.0.1"; revision "2018-04-24" { description "Clarified order of ACL evaluation"; reference "1.0.1"; } revision "2017-05-26" { description "Separated ACL entries by type"; reference "1.0.0"; } revision "2016-08-08" { description "OpenConfig public release"; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2016-01-22" { description "Initial revision"; reference "TBD"; } identity ACL_TYPE { description "Base identity for types of ACL sets"; } identity ACL_IPV4 { base ACL_TYPE; description "IP-layer ACLs with IPv4 addresses"; } identity ACL_IPV6 { base ACL_TYPE; description "IP-layer ACLs with IPv6 addresses"; } identity ACL_L2 { base ACL_TYPE; description "MAC-layer ACLs"; } identity ACL_MIXED { base ACL_TYPE; description "Mixed-mode ACL that specifies L2 and L3 protocol fields. This ACL type is not implemented by many routing/switching devices."; } // ACL action type identity FORWARDING_ACTION { description "Base identity for actions in the forwarding category"; } identity ACCEPT { base FORWARDING_ACTION; description "Accept the packet"; } identity DROP { base FORWARDING_ACTION; description "Drop packet without sending any ICMP error message"; } identity REJECT { base FORWARDING_ACTION; description "Drop the packet and send an ICMP error message to the source"; } identity LOG_ACTION { description "Base identity for defining the destination for logging actions"; } identity LOG_SYSLOG { base LOG_ACTION; description "Log the packet in Syslog"; } identity LOG_NONE { base LOG_ACTION; description "No logging"; } identity ACL_COUNTER_CAPABILITY { description "Base identity for system to indicate how it is able to report counters"; } identity INTERFACE_ONLY { base ACL_COUNTER_CAPABILITY; description "ACL counters are available and reported only per interface"; } identity AGGREGATE_ONLY { base ACL_COUNTER_CAPABILITY; description "ACL counters are aggregated over all interfaces, and reported only per ACL entry"; } identity INTERFACE_AGGREGATE { base ACL_COUNTER_CAPABILITY; description "ACL counters are reported per interface, and also aggregated and reported per ACL entry."; } // grouping statements // input interface grouping input-interface-config { description "Config of interface"; } grouping input-interface-state { description "State information of interface"; } grouping input-interface-top { description "Input interface top level container"; container input-interface { description "Input interface container"; container config { description "Config data"; uses input-interface-config; } container state { config false; description "State information"; uses input-interface-config; uses input-interface-state; } uses oc-if:interface-ref; } } // Action Type grouping action-config { description "Config of action type"; leaf forwarding-action { type identityref { base FORWARDING_ACTION; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the forwarding action. One forwarding action must be specified for each ACL entry"; } leaf log-action { type identityref { base LOG_ACTION; } default LOG_NONE; description "Specifies the log action and destination for matched packets. The default is not to log the packet."; } } grouping action-state { description "State information of action type"; } grouping action-top { description "ACL action type top level container"; container actions { description "Enclosing container for list of ACL actions associated with an entry"; container config { description "Config data for ACL actions"; uses action-config; } container state { config false; description "State information for ACL actions"; uses action-config; uses action-state; } } } grouping acl-counters-state { description "Common grouping for ACL counters"; leaf matched-packets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Count of the number of packets matching the current ACL entry. An implementation should provide this counter on a per-interface per-ACL-entry if possible. If an implementation only supports ACL counters per entry (i.e., not broken out per interface), then the value should be equal to the aggregate count across all interfaces. An implementation that provides counters per entry per interface is not required to also provide an aggregate count, e.g., per entry -- the user is expected to be able implement the required aggregation if such a count is needed."; } leaf matched-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Count of the number of octets (bytes) matching the current ACL entry. An implementation should provide this counter on a per-interface per-ACL-entry if possible. If an implementation only supports ACL counters per entry (i.e., not broken out per interface), then the value should be equal to the aggregate count across all interfaces. An implementation that provides counters per entry per interface is not required to also provide an aggregate count, e.g., per entry -- the user is expected to be able implement the required aggregation if such a count is needed."; } } // Access List Entries grouping access-list-entries-config { description "Access List Entries (ACE) config."; leaf sequence-id { type uint32; description "The sequence id determines the order in which ACL entries are applied. The sequence id must be unique for each entry in an ACL set. Target devices should apply the ACL entry rules in ascending order determined by sequence id (low to high), rather than the relying only on order in the list."; } leaf description { type string; description "A user-defined description, or comment, for this Access List Entry."; } } grouping access-list-entries-state { description "Access List Entries state."; uses acl-counters-state; } grouping access-list-entries-top { description "Access list entries to level container"; container acl-entries { description "Access list entries container"; list acl-entry { key "sequence-id"; description "List of ACL entries comprising an ACL set"; leaf sequence-id { type leafref { path "../config/sequence-id"; } description "references the list key"; } container config { description "Access list entries config"; uses access-list-entries-config; } container state { config false; description "State information for ACL entries"; uses access-list-entries-config; uses access-list-entries-state; } uses oc-match:ethernet-header-top { when "../../config/type='ACL_L2'" { description "MAC-layer fields are valid when the ACL type is L2"; } } uses oc-match:ipv4-protocol-fields-top { when "../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'" { description "IPv4-layer fields are valid when the ACL type is IPv4"; } } uses oc-match:ipv6-protocol-fields-top { when "../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'" { description "IPv6-layer fields are valid when the ACL type is IPv6"; } } uses oc-match:transport-fields-top { when "../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or " + "../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'" { description "Transport-layer fields are valid when specifying L3 ACL types"; } } uses input-interface-top; uses action-top; } } } grouping acl-set-config { description "Access Control List config"; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the access-list set"; } leaf type { type identityref { base ACL_TYPE; } description "The type determines the fields allowed in the ACL entries belonging to the ACL set (e.g., IPv4, IPv6, etc.)"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description, or comment, for the ACL set"; } } grouping acl-set-state { description "Access Control List state"; } grouping acl-set-top { description "Access list entries variables top level container"; container acl-sets { description "Access list entries variables enclosing container"; list acl-set { key "name type"; description "List of ACL sets, each comprising of a list of ACL entries"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Reference to the name list key"; } leaf type { type leafref { path "../config/type"; } description "Reference to the type list key"; } container config { description "Access list config"; uses acl-set-config; } container state { config false; description "Access list state information"; uses acl-set-config; uses acl-set-state; } uses access-list-entries-top; } } } grouping interface-acl-entries-config { description "Configuration data for per-interface ACLs"; } grouping interface-acl-entries-state { description "Operational state data for per-interface ACL entries"; leaf sequence-id { type leafref { path "/acl/acl-sets/" + "acl-set[name=current()/../../../../set-name]" + "[type=current()/../../../../type]/" + "acl-entries/acl-entry/sequence-id"; } description "Reference to an entry in the ACL set applied to an interface"; } uses acl-counters-state; } grouping interface-acl-entries-top { description "Top-level grouping for per-interface ACL entries"; container acl-entries { config false; description "Enclosing container for list of references to ACLs"; list acl-entry { key "sequence-id"; description "List of ACL entries assigned to an interface"; leaf sequence-id { type leafref { path "../state/sequence-id"; } description "Reference to per-interface acl entry key"; } // no config container since the enclosing container is // read-only container state { config false; description "Operational state data for per-interface ACL entries"; uses interface-acl-entries-config; uses interface-acl-entries-state; } } } } grouping interface-ingress-acl-config { description "Configuration data for per-interface ingress ACLs"; leaf set-name { type leafref { path "../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set/config/name"; } description "Reference to the ACL set name applied on ingress"; } leaf type { type leafref { path "../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set[name=current()/../set-name]" + "/config/type"; } description "Reference to the ACL set type applied on ingress"; } } grouping interface-ingress-acl-state { description "Operational state data for the per-interface ingress ACL"; } grouping interface-ingress-acl-top { description "Top-level grouping for per-interface ingress ACL data"; container ingress-acl-sets { description "Enclosing container the list of ingress ACLs on the interface"; list ingress-acl-set { key "set-name type"; description "List of ingress ACLs on the interface"; leaf set-name { type leafref { path "../config/set-name"; } description "Reference to set name list key"; } leaf type { type leafref { path "../config/type"; } description "Reference to type list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data "; uses interface-ingress-acl-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for interface ingress ACLs"; uses interface-ingress-acl-config; uses interface-ingress-acl-state; } uses interface-acl-entries-top; } } } grouping interface-egress-acl-config { description "Configuration data for per-interface egress ACLs"; leaf set-name { type leafref { path "../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set/config/name"; } description "Reference to the ACL set name applied on egress"; } leaf type { type leafref { path "../../../../../../acl-sets/acl-set[name=current()/../set-name]" + "/config/type"; } description "Reference to the ACL set type applied on egress."; } } grouping interface-egress-acl-state { description "Operational state data for the per-interface egress ACL"; } grouping interface-egress-acl-top { description "Top-level grouping for per-interface egress ACL data"; container egress-acl-sets { description "Enclosing container the list of egress ACLs on the interface"; list egress-acl-set { key "set-name type"; description "List of egress ACLs on the interface"; leaf set-name { type leafref { path "../config/set-name"; } description "Reference to set name list key"; } leaf type { type leafref { path "../config/type"; } description "Reference to type list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data "; uses interface-egress-acl-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for interface egress ACLs"; uses interface-egress-acl-config; uses interface-egress-acl-state; } uses interface-acl-entries-top; } } } grouping acl-interfaces-config { description "Configuration data for interface references"; leaf id { type oc-if:interface-id; description "User-defined identifier for the interface -- a common convention could be '.'"; } } grouping acl-interfaces-state { description "Operational state data for interface references"; } grouping acl-interfaces-top { description "Top-level grouping for interface-specific ACL data"; container interfaces { description "Enclosing container for the list of interfaces on which ACLs are set"; list interface { key "id"; description "List of interfaces on which ACLs are set"; leaf id { type leafref { path "../config/id"; } description "Reference to the interface id list key"; } container config { description "Configuration for ACL per-interface data"; uses acl-interfaces-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state for ACL per-interface data"; uses acl-interfaces-config; uses acl-interfaces-state; } uses oc-if:interface-ref; uses interface-ingress-acl-top; uses interface-egress-acl-top; } } } grouping acl-config { description "Global configuration data for ACLs"; } grouping acl-state { description "Global operational state data for ACLs"; leaf counter-capability { type identityref { base ACL_COUNTER_CAPABILITY; } description "System reported indication of how ACL counters are reported by the target"; } } grouping acl-top { description "Top level grouping for ACL data and structure"; container acl { description "Top level enclosing container for ACL model config and operational state data"; container config { description "Global config data for ACLs"; uses acl-config; } container state { config false; description "Global operational state data for ACLs"; uses acl-config; uses acl-state; } uses acl-set-top; uses acl-interfaces-top; } } // data definition statements uses acl-top; // augment statements }