submodule openconfig-aft-ipv6 { belongs-to "openconfig-aft" { prefix "oc-aft"; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; } import openconfig-inet-types { prefix "oc-inet"; } // Include common cross-AFT groupings from the common submodule. include openconfig-aft-common; organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Submodule containing definitions of groupings for the abstract forwarding tables for IPv6."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.3.1"; revision 2017-08-24 { description "Formatting fixes"; reference "0.3.1"; } revision 2017-05-10 { description "Refactor to provide concretised per-AF schemas per AFT."; reference "0.3.0"; } grouping aft-ipv6-unicast-structural { description "Structural grouping defining the schema for the IPv6 unicast abstract forwarding table."; list ipv6-entry { key "prefix"; description "List of the IPv6 unicast entries within the abstract forwarding table. This list is keyed by the destination IPv6 prefix."; leaf prefix { type leafref { path "../config/prefix"; } description "Reference to the IPv6 unicast destination prefix which must be matched to utilise the AFT entry."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters for the IPv6 unicast AFT entry."; uses aft-ipv6-unicast-entry-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters for the IPv6 unicast AFT entry."; uses aft-ipv6-unicast-entry-config; uses aft-ipv6-unicast-entry-state; } } } grouping aft-ipv6-unicast-entry-config { description "Configuration parameters for the IPv6 unicast entry."; leaf prefix { type oc-inet:ipv6-prefix; description "The IPv6 destination prefix that should be matched to utilise the AFT entry."; } } grouping aft-ipv6-unicast-entry-state { description "Operational state parameters for the IPv6 unicast entry."; uses aft-common-entry-state; uses aft-common-ip-state; } }