submodule openconfig-bgp-common { belongs-to openconfig-bgp { prefix "oc-bgp"; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-bgp-types { prefix oc-bgp-types; } import openconfig-routing-policy { prefix oc-rpol; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; } // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This sub-module contains common groupings that are common across multiple contexts within the BGP module. That is to say that they may be application to a subset of global, peer-group or neighbor contexts."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "5.0.1"; revision "2018-08-20" { description "Correct description of AFI-SAFI enabled leaf."; reference "5.0.1"; } revision "2018-04-11" { description "Correct naming of BGP maximum prefix warning percentage leaf."; reference "5.0.0"; } revision "2018-03-20" { description "Added SR-TE policy SAFI"; reference "4.1.0"; } revision "2017-07-30" { description "Clarification of add-paths send-max leaf"; reference "4.0.1"; } revision "2017-07-10" { description "Add error notifications; moved add-paths config; add AS prepend policy features; removed unneeded config leaves"; reference "4.0.0"; } revision "2017-02-02" { description "Bugfix to remove remaining global-level policy data"; reference "3.0.1"; } revision "2017-01-26" { description "Add dynamic neighbor support, migrate to OpenConfig types"; reference "3.0.0"; } revision "2016-06-21" { description "OpenConfig BGP refactor"; reference "2.1.1"; } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-timers-config { description "Config parameters related to timers associated with the BGP peer"; leaf connect-retry { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } default 30; description "Time interval in seconds between attempts to establish a session with the peer."; } leaf hold-time { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } default 90; description "Time interval in seconds that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the peer. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval."; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4, Sec. 10"; } leaf keepalive-interval { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } default 30; description "Time interval in seconds between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Typically set to 1/3 the hold-time."; } leaf minimum-advertisement-interval { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } default 30; description "Minimum time which must elapse between subsequent UPDATE messages relating to a common set of NLRI being transmitted to a peer. This timer is referred to as MinRouteAdvertisementIntervalTimer by RFC 4721 and serves to reduce the number of UPDATE messages transmitted when a particular set of NLRI exhibit instability."; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4, Sec"; } } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-config { description "Neighbor level configuration items."; leaf peer-as { type oc-inet:as-number; description "AS number of the peer."; } leaf local-as { type oc-inet:as-number; description "The local autonomous system number that is to be used when establishing sessions with the remote peer or peer group, if this differs from the global BGP router autonomous system number."; } leaf peer-type { type oc-bgp-types:peer-type; description "Explicitly designate the peer or peer group as internal (iBGP) or external (eBGP)."; } leaf auth-password { type oc-types:routing-password; description "Configures an MD5 authentication password for use with neighboring devices."; } leaf remove-private-as { // could also make this a container with a flag to enable // remove-private and separate option. here, option implies // remove-private is enabled. type oc-bgp-types:remove-private-as-option; description "Remove private AS numbers from updates sent to peers - when this leaf is not specified, the AS_PATH attribute should be sent to the peer unchanged"; } leaf route-flap-damping { type boolean; default false; description "Enable route flap damping."; } leaf send-community { type oc-bgp-types:community-type; default "NONE"; description "Specify which types of community should be sent to the neighbor or group. The default is to not send the community attribute"; } leaf description { type string; description "An optional textual description (intended primarily for use with a peer or group"; } } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-transport-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the transport protocol used by the BGP session to the peer"; leaf tcp-mss { type uint16; description "Sets the max segment size for BGP TCP sessions."; } leaf mtu-discovery { type boolean; default false; description "Turns path mtu discovery for BGP TCP sessions on (true) or off (false)"; } leaf passive-mode { type boolean; default false; description "Wait for peers to issue requests to open a BGP session, rather than initiating sessions from the local router."; } leaf local-address { type union { type oc-inet:ip-address; type string; } //TODO: the string should be converted to a leafref type //to point to an interface when YANG 1.1 is available with //leafrefs in union types. description "Set the local IP (either IPv4 or IPv6) address to use for the session when sending BGP update messages. This may be expressed as either an IP address or reference to the name of an interface."; } } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-error-handling-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to enhanced error handling behaviours for BGP"; leaf treat-as-withdraw { type boolean; default "false"; description "Specify whether erroneous UPDATE messages for which the NLRI can be extracted are reated as though the NLRI is withdrawn - avoiding session reset"; reference "draft-ietf-idr-error-handling-16"; } } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-logging-options-config { description "Configuration parameters specifying the logging behaviour for BGP sessions to the peer"; leaf log-neighbor-state-changes { type boolean; default "true"; description "Configure logging of peer state changes. Default is to enable logging of peer state changes."; } } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-multihop-config { description "Configuration parameters specifying the multihop behaviour for BGP sessions to the peer"; leaf enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "When enabled the referenced group or neighbors are permitted to be indirectly connected - including cases where the TTL can be decremented between the BGP peers"; } leaf multihop-ttl { type uint8; description "Time-to-live value to use when packets are sent to the referenced group or neighbors and ebgp-multihop is enabled"; } } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-route-reflector-config { description "Configuration parameters determining whether the behaviour of the local system when acting as a route-reflector"; leaf route-reflector-cluster-id { type oc-bgp-types:rr-cluster-id-type; description "route-reflector cluster id to use when local router is configured as a route reflector. Commonly set at the group level, but allows a different cluster id to be set for each neighbor."; } leaf route-reflector-client { type boolean; default "false"; description "Configure the neighbor as a route reflector client."; } } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-as-path-options-config { description "Configuration parameters allowing manipulation of the AS_PATH attribute"; leaf allow-own-as { type uint8; default 0; description "Specify the number of occurrences of the local BGP speaker's AS that can occur within the AS_PATH before it is rejected."; } leaf replace-peer-as { type boolean; default "false"; description "Replace occurrences of the peer's AS in the AS_PATH with the local autonomous system number"; } leaf disable-peer-as-filter { type boolean; default "false"; description "When set to true, the system advertises routes to a peer even if the peer's AS was in the AS path. The default behavior (false) suppresses advertisements to peers if their AS number is in the AS path of the route."; } } grouping bgp-common-neighbor-group-add-paths-config { description "Configuration parameters specfying whether the local system will send or receive multiple paths using ADD_PATHS"; leaf receive { type boolean; default false; description "Enable capability negotiation to receive multiple path advertisements for an NLRI from the neighbor or group"; reference "RFC 7911 - Advertisement of Multiple Paths in BGP"; } leaf send { type boolean; default false; description "Enable capability negotiation to send multiple path advertisements for an NLRI from the neighbor or group"; reference "RFC 7911 - Advertisement of Multiple Paths in BGP"; } leaf send-max { type uint8; description "The maximum total number of paths to advertise to neighbors for a single NLRI. This includes the single best path as well as additional paths advertised when add-paths is enabled."; } leaf eligible-prefix-policy { type leafref { path "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:policy-definitions/" + "oc-rpol:policy-definition/oc-rpol:name"; } description "A reference to a routing policy which can be used to restrict the prefixes for which add-paths is enabled"; } } grouping bgp-common-graceful-restart-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart."; leaf enabled { type boolean; description "Enable or disable the graceful-restart capability."; } leaf restart-time { type uint16 { range 0..4096; } description "Estimated time (in seconds) for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertise in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is <= the hold-time value."; } leaf stale-routes-time { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } description "An upper-bound on the time thate stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724"; } leaf helper-only { type boolean; description "Enable graceful-restart in helper mode only. When this leaf is set, the local system does not retain forwarding its own state during a restart, but supports procedures for the receiving speaker, as defined in RFC4724."; } } grouping bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-config { description "Generic configuration options relating to use of multiple paths for a referenced AFI-SAFI, group or neighbor"; leaf enabled { type boolean; default false; description "Whether the use of multiple paths for the same NLRI is enabled for the neighbor. This value is overridden by any more specific configuration value."; } } grouping bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ebgp-as-options-config { description "Configuration parameters specific to eBGP multipath applicable to all contexts"; leaf allow-multiple-as { type boolean; default "false"; description "Allow multipath to use paths from different neighbouring ASes. The default is to only consider multiple paths from the same neighbouring AS."; } } grouping bgp-common-global-group-use-multiple-paths { description "Common grouping used for both global and groups which provides configuration and state parameters relating to use of multiple paths"; container use-multiple-paths { description "Parameters related to the use of multiple paths for the same NLRI"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to multipath"; uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-config; } container state { config false; description "State parameters relating to multipath"; uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-config; } container ebgp { description "Multipath parameters for eBGP"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to eBGP multipath"; uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ebgp-config; } container state { config false; description "State information relating to eBGP multipath"; uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ebgp-config; } } container ibgp { description "Multipath parameters for iBGP"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to iBGP multipath"; uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ibgp-config; } container state { config false; description "State information relating to iBGP multipath"; uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ibgp-config; } } } } grouping bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ebgp-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to multipath for eBGP"; leaf allow-multiple-as { type boolean; default "false"; description "Allow multipath to use paths from different neighbouring ASes. The default is to only consider multiple paths from the same neighbouring AS."; } leaf maximum-paths { type uint32; default 1; description "Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using BGP multipath. The default is use a single path."; } } grouping bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ibgp-config { description "Configuration parmaeters relating to multipath for iBGP"; leaf maximum-paths { type uint32; default 1; description "Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using iBGP multipath. The default is to use a single path"; } } grouping bgp-common-route-selection-options-config { description "Set of configuration options that govern best path selection."; leaf always-compare-med { type boolean; default "false"; description "Compare multi-exit discriminator (MED) value from different ASes when selecting the best route. The default behavior is to only compare MEDs for paths received from the same AS."; } leaf ignore-as-path-length { type boolean; default "false"; description "Ignore the AS path length when selecting the best path. The default is to use the AS path length and prefer paths with shorter length."; } leaf external-compare-router-id { type boolean; default "true"; description "When comparing similar routes received from external BGP peers, use the router-id as a criterion to select the active path."; } leaf advertise-inactive-routes { type boolean; default "false"; description "Advertise inactive routes to external peers. The default is to only advertise active routes."; } leaf enable-aigp { type boolean; default false; description "Flag to enable sending / receiving accumulated IGP attribute in routing updates"; } leaf ignore-next-hop-igp-metric { type boolean; default "false"; description "Ignore the IGP metric to the next-hop when calculating BGP best-path. The default is to select the route for which the metric to the next-hop is lowest"; } } grouping bgp-common-route-selection-options { description "Configuration and state relating to route selection options"; container route-selection-options { description "Parameters relating to options for route selection"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to route selection options"; uses bgp-common-route-selection-options-config; } container state { config false; description "State information for the route selection options"; uses bgp-common-route-selection-options-config; } } } grouping bgp-common-state { description "Grouping containing common counters relating to prefixes and paths"; leaf total-paths { type uint32; description "Total number of BGP paths within the context"; } leaf total-prefixes { type uint32; description "Total number of BGP prefixes received within the context"; } } }