module openconfig-isis-policy { yang-version "1"; // namespace namespace ""; prefix "oc-isis-pol"; // import some basic types import openconfig-routing-policy {prefix rpol; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-isis-types { prefix isis-types; } // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group "; description "This module contains data definitions for ISIS routing policy. It augments the base routing-policy module with BGP-specific options for conditions and actions."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.4.0"; revision "2018-05-14" { description "Update LSDB model to correct Extended IS reach TLV bug. This change is backwards incompatible due to adding an additional level of hierarchy to support multiple instances of the TLV."; reference "0.4.0"; } revision "2017-07-26" { description "Update LSDB and fix bugs."; reference "0.3.2"; } revision "2017-05-15" { description "Refactor LSDB."; reference "0.3.0"; } revision "2017-01-13" { description "Remove top-level /isis container"; reference "0.2.1"; } revision "2016-12-15" { description "Add segment routing to IS-IS module"; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2016-10-18" { description "Initial revision of IS-IS models."; reference "0.1.0"; } // extension statements // feature statements // identity statements // typedef statements // grouping statements grouping isis-match-conditions { description "Criteria used to match IS-IS routes within the policy"; container isis-conditions { description "Match conditions relating to the IS-IS protocol"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to IS-IS match conditions"; uses isis-match-conditions-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to IS-IS match conditions"; uses isis-match-conditions-config; } } } grouping isis-match-conditions-config { description "Match conditions for IS-IS"; leaf level-eq { type isis-types:level-number; description "Match the level that the IS-IS prefix is within. This can be used in the case that import or export policies refer to an IS-IS instance that has multiple levels configured within it"; } } grouping isis-actions { description "Actions supplied by the IS-IS protocol to be set on a route within the policy"; container isis-actions { description "Actions that can be performed by IS-IS within a policy"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to IS-IS actions"; uses isis-actions-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state associated with IS-IS actions"; uses isis-actions-config; } } } grouping isis-actions-config { description "Actions for IS-IS"; leaf set-level { type isis-types:level-number; description "Set the level that a prefix is to be imported into."; } leaf set-metric-type { type isis-types:level-number; description "Set the type of metric that is to be specified when the set metric leaf is specified"; } leaf set-metric { type isis-types:wide-metric; description "Set the metric of the IS-IS prefix"; } } // augment statements augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:policy-definitions/" + "rpol:policy-definition/rpol:statements/rpol:statement/" + "rpol:actions" { description "This augments igp-actions with ISIS conditions"; uses isis-actions; } augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:policy-definitions/" + "rpol:policy-definition/rpol:statements/rpol:statement/" + "rpol:conditions" { description "This augments igp-conditions with ISIS conditions"; uses isis-match-conditions; } // rpc statements // notification statements }