module openconfig-module-catalog { yang-version "1"; // namespace namespace ""; prefix "oc-cat"; // import some basic types import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; } import openconfig-catalog-types { prefix oc-cat-types; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module provides a schema for cataloging and descrbing YANG models published across various organizations. The catalog contains several categories of data: * organizations -- entities that publish and/or maintain individual YANG modules or groups of modules * modules -- information regarding individual YANG modules, including their versions, dependencies, submodules, and how to access them * release bundles -- groups of modules that are compatible and consistent with each other (as determined by the publisher of of the bundle). The release bundle does not necessarily correspond to a functional area, e.g., it could the entire set of modules published by an organization * feature bundles -- sets of schema paths across a release bundle that provide a specific set of functionality * implementations -- information about available module and/or bundle implementations and their status"; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.1"; revision "2017-05-01" { description "Fix to module dependency list"; reference "0.2.1"; } revision "2017-03-08" { description "OpenConfig public release"; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2016-02-15" { description "Initial OpenConfig public release"; reference "0.1.0"; } // grouping statements grouping catalog-module-common-config { description "Data definitions common for both bundles and standalone modules"; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the module or bundle. For modules, this should reflect the 'module' or 'submodule' statement in the YANG module file. For bundles, this is the canonical name for the overall bundle of modules which is to be released together. This name should be consistent over multiple releases"; } leaf version { type oc-cat-types:module-version-type; description "For individual modules, this is the version number, e.g., a semantic version. The version may be the same as the date indicated in the module revision statement. For bundles, this is a semantic version number for the overall bundle. This version is to be defined as per the approach specified in the OpenConfig semantic version guidance - and is of the form x.y.z, where x is the major version, y is the minor version, and z is the patch level"; reference "Semantic versioning for OpenConfig models"; } } grouping feature-bundle-included-reference { description "References to the included feature bundles"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../organizations/" + "organization[name=current()/../publisher]/" + "feature-bundles/feature-bundle/name"; } description "Name of the referenced feature bundle"; } leaf publisher { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../organizations/organization/" + "name"; } description "Publisher of the referenced feature bundle"; } leaf version { type oc-cat-types:module-version-type; description "Version of the referenced feature bundle"; } } grouping catalog-implementation-bundle-config { description "References to the feature bundles supported by an implementation"; uses feature-bundle-included-reference; } grouping catalog-implementation-bundle-top { description "Top-level grouping for the list of feature bundles supported by an implementation"; container feature-bundles { description "Enclosing container for the list of feature bundles"; list feature-bundle { key "name version"; description "List of feature bundles supported by the implementation"; uses catalog-implementation-bundle-config; } } } grouping catalog-implementation-config { description "Data describing any available implementations"; leaf id { type string; description "An identifier for the implementation, provided by the implementor. This id should uniquely identify a specific implementation of the module, e.g., based on the vendor, platform, and platform version."; } leaf description { type string; description "A text summary of important information about the implementation"; } leaf reference { type union { type oc-inet:uri; type string; } description "A URI (preferred) or text reference to more detailed information about the implementation."; } leaf platform { type string; description "Name of the platform on which the implementation is available -- this could be the model name of a network device, a server OS, etc."; } leaf platform-version { type string; description "Implementor-defined version name or number of the module implementation, corresponding to the platform. This could be the firmware version of a network device such as a router, OS version, or other server platform version."; } leaf status { type identityref { base oc-cat-types:IMPLEMENTATION_STATUS_TYPE; } description "Indicates the status of the implementation, e.g., complete, partial, in-progress, etc. Implementors may define additional values for the base identity"; } } grouping catalog-implementation-top { description "Top level grouping for information on model implementations"; container implementations { description "Container for module implementation information"; list implementation { key "id"; description "List of available implementations, keyed by an identifier provided by either the implementor or the module maintainer. Such a key avoids needing a complex composite key to uniquely identify an implementation."; uses catalog-implementation-config; uses catalog-implementation-bundle-top; } } } grouping catalog-module-dependency-config { description "Information about module dependencies"; leaf-list required-module { type string; description "List of names of modules that are imported by the current module. This list should reflect all of the 'import' statements in the module. Release bundles should be used to indicate which versions of the imported module are used (or are compatible) with the current module"; } } grouping catalog-module-dependency-top { description "Top-level grouping for module dependency data"; container dependencies { description "Data about dependencies of the module"; uses catalog-module-dependency-config; } } grouping catalog-module-classification-config { description "Data describing the module's classification(s)"; leaf category { type identityref { base oc-cat-types:MODULE_CATEGORY_BASE; } description "Categorization of the module based on identities defined or used by the publishing organizations."; } leaf subcategory { type identityref { base oc-cat-types:MODULE_SUBCATEGORY_BASE; } description "Sub-categorization of the module based on identities defined or used by the publishing organizations."; } leaf deployment-status { type identityref { base oc-cat-types:MODULE_STATUS_TYPE; } description "Deployment status of the module -- experimental, standards-track, production, etc."; } } grouping catalog-module-classification-top { description "Data definitions related to module classfications"; container classification { description "Container for data describing the module's classification"; uses catalog-module-classification-config; } } grouping catalog-module-access-config { description "Data pertaining to retrieval and usage of the module"; leaf uri { type oc-inet:uri; description "URI where module can be downloaded. Modules may be made available from the catalog maintainer, or directly from the publisher"; } leaf md5-hash { type string; description "Optional MD5 hash of the module file. If specified, the hash may be used by users to validate data integrity"; } } grouping catalog-module-access-top { description "Top level groupig for data related to accessing a module or submodule"; container access { description "Container for data pertaining to retrieval and usage of the module"; uses catalog-module-access-config; } } grouping catalog-module-submodule-config { description "Data definitions for submodules belonging to a module"; leaf name { type string; description "Name of the submodule as indicated by its top-level 'submodule' statement"; } } grouping catalog-module-submodule-top { description "Top-level grouping for submodule information"; container submodules { description "Data for the submodules belonging to a submodule. If the module does not have any submodules, this container should be empty."; list submodule { key "name"; description "List of submodules included by a module. All submodules specified by 'include' statements in the module should be included in this list."; uses catalog-module-submodule-config; uses catalog-module-access-top; } } } grouping catalog-module-base-config { description "Basic information describing the module, e.g., the YANG metadata in the module preface."; leaf namespace { type string; description "Published namespace of module, i.e., defined by the 'namespace' "; } leaf prefix { type string; description "Published prefix of the module"; } leaf revision { type string; description "Date in the revision statement of the module"; } leaf summary { type string; description "Summary description of the module"; } } grouping release-bundle-member-config { description "Data for each member of a bundle"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier for the bundle member"; } leaf type { type identityref { base oc-cat-types:CATALOG_MEMBER_TYPE; } description "The type of member that is to be included within the release bundle. Release bundles may include modules and other release bundles. Both member modules and member bundles should specify the list of compatible versions."; } leaf module { when "../type = 'oc-cat-types:MODULE'" { description "The module name is specified for bundle membrs that are modules"; } type leafref { path "../../../../../../../organizations/" + "organization[name=current()/../publisher]/modules/" + "module/name"; } description "Name of the module set which is included in this bundle - for example, 'openconfig-bgp'"; } leaf release-bundle { when "../type = 'oc-cat-types:RELEASE_BUNDLE'" { description "The release bundle is specified for bundle members that are release bundles"; } type leafref { path "../../../../../../../organizations/" + "organization[name=current()/../publisher]/" + "release-bundles/release-bundle/name"; } description "Name of the module set which is included in this bundle - for example, 'openconfig-bgp'"; } leaf publisher { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../organizations/organization/" + "name"; } description "Reference to the name of the publishing organization"; } leaf-list compatible-versions { type oc-cat-types:module-version-type; description "A list of semantic version specification of the versions of the specified module or release bundle which are compatible when building this version of the bundle. Version specifications may be added when changes are made to a module within a bundle, and this does not affect the interaction between it and other modules. It is expected that backwards compatible changes to an individual module or member bundle do not affect the compatibility of that with other members, and hence wildcard matches are allowed within this list."; } } grouping release-bundle-member-top { description "Parameters relating to models within release bundles"; container members { description "List of bundle members which make up this release bundle. A member is defined as an individual YANG module specified in the YANG catalogue, or another release bundle which can be used to group multiple YANG models together."; list member { key "id"; description "A set of modules or bundles which are part of the bundle of models. For example, if 'ietf-yang-types' were to be specified within the bundle, then this would refer to the individual entry within the module catalogue. If the type of the entry is set to bundle, then for example, openconfig-bgp could be referenced - which itself consists of separate modules."; uses release-bundle-member-config; } } } grouping release-bundle-top { description "Top-level container for a release bundle"; container release-bundles { description "List of release bundles"; list release-bundle { key "name version"; description "List of release bundles - sets of modules and/or bundles which are interoperable"; uses catalog-module-common-config; uses release-bundle-member-top; } } } grouping feature-bundle-release-config { description "Data definitions to identify the release bundle that the feature bundle is based on."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../release-bundles/release-bundle/name"; } description "Reference to the name of the release bundle used for the feature paths."; } leaf version { type leafref { path "../../../../release-bundles/" + "release-bundle[name=current()/../name]/version"; } description "Reference to the release bundle version used for the feature paths"; } leaf publisher { type leafref { path "../../../../release-bundles/" + "release-bundle[name=current()/../name]/publisher"; } description "Reference to the publisher of the release bundle used for the feature paths"; } } grouping feature-bundle-release-top { description "Top-level grouping for data about the release bundle used to specify the feature bundle"; container release-bundle { description "Data to identify the release bundle from which the feature paths should be specified. If the feature crosses release bundles, a new release bundle should be created to support the feature bundle."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../../../organizations/" + "organization[name=current()/../publisher]/" + "release-bundles/release-bundle/name"; } description "Name of the module set which is included in this bundle - for example, 'openconfig-bgp'"; } leaf publisher { type leafref { path "../../../../../../organizations/organization/" + "name"; } description "Reference to the name of the publishing organization"; } leaf version { type oc-cat-types:module-version-type; description "Version of the referenced release bundle"; } } } grouping feature-bundle-config { description "Data definitions for the feature bundle"; uses catalog-module-common-config; leaf-list path { type string; description "The list of schema paths included in the feature. The paths specify subtrees, i.e., all data underneath the specified path are included in the feature."; } } grouping feature-bundle-feature-config { description "Data definitions for included feature bundles"; uses feature-bundle-included-reference; } grouping feature-bundle-feature-top { description "Top level grouping for the list of included feature bundles"; container feature-bundles { description "Enclosing container for the list of included feature bundles. Feature bundles may be composed from other smaller feature units"; list feature-bundle { key "name"; description "The list of feature bundles included in the current feature bundle."; uses feature-bundle-feature-config; } } } grouping feature-bundle-top { description "Top-level grouping for OpenConfig feature bundles"; container feature-bundles { description "Enclosing container for the list of feature bundles"; list feature-bundle { key "name version"; description "List of feature bundles"; uses feature-bundle-config; uses feature-bundle-release-top; uses feature-bundle-feature-top; } } } grouping catalog-module-top { description "Top level structure of the module catalog"; container modules { description "Modules published by this organization"; list module { key "name version"; description "List of published modules from the organization"; uses catalog-module-common-config; uses catalog-module-base-config; uses catalog-module-classification-top; uses catalog-module-dependency-top; uses catalog-module-access-top; uses catalog-module-submodule-top; } } } grouping catalog-organization-config { description "Top level grouping for data related to an organization that publishes module, bundles, etc."; leaf name { type string; description "Name of the maintaining organization -- the name should be supplied in the official format used by the organization. Standards Body examples: IETF, IEEE, MEF, ONF, etc. Commercial entity examples: AT&T, Facebook, Name of industry forum examples: OpenConfig, OpenDaylight, ON.Lab"; } leaf type { type identityref { base oc-cat-types:ORGANIZATION_TYPE; } description "Type of the publishing organization"; } leaf contact { type string; description "Contact information for the publishing organization (web site, email address, etc.)"; } } grouping catalog-organization-top { description "Top level grouping for list of maintaining organizations"; container organizations { description "List of organizations owning modules"; list organization { key "name"; description "List of organizations publishing YANG modules or module bundles"; uses catalog-organization-config; uses catalog-module-top; uses release-bundle-top; uses feature-bundle-top; uses catalog-implementation-top; } } } grouping catalog-top { description "Top-level grouping for the YANG model catalog"; uses catalog-organization-top; } // data definition statements uses catalog-top; }