module openconfig-mpls-rsvp { yang-version "1"; // namespace namespace ""; prefix "oc-rsvp"; // import some basic types import openconfig-inet-types { prefix inet; } import openconfig-mpls-types { prefix oc-mplst; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix yang; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-interfaces { prefix oc-if; } // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Configuration for RSVP-TE signaling, including global protocol parameters and LSP-specific configuration for constrained-path LSPs"; oc-ext:openconfig-version "3.0.0"; revision "2018-07-02" { description "Add new RSVP-TE statistics, remove associated-rsvp-session leaf. Remove use of date-and-time."; reference "3.0.0"; } revision "2018-06-16" { description "Included attributes for base LDP configuration."; reference "2.6.0"; } revision "2018-06-13" { description "Add ttl-propagation to global MPLS config"; reference "2.5.0"; } revision "2018-06-05" { description "Fixed bugs in when statements on RSVP-TE attributes"; reference "2.4.2"; } revision "2017-08-24" { description "Minor formatting fixes."; reference "2.4.1"; } revision "2017-06-21" { description "Add TC bits typedef."; reference "2.4.0"; } revision "2017-03-22" { description "Add RSVP calculated-absolute-subscription-bw"; reference "2.3.0"; } revision "2017-01-26" { description "Add RSVP Tspec, clarify units for RSVP, remove unused LDP"; reference "2.2.0"; } revision "2016-12-15" { description "Add additional MPLS parameters"; reference "2.1.0"; } revision "2016-09-01" { description "Revisions based on implementation feedback"; reference "2.0.0"; } revision "2016-08-08" { description "Public release of MPLS models"; reference "1.0.1"; } // grouping statements grouping mpls-rsvp-soft-preemption-config { description "Configuration for MPLS soft preemption"; leaf enable { type boolean; default false; description "Enables soft preemption on a node."; } leaf soft-preemption-timeout { type uint16 { range 0..max; } default 30; description "Timeout value for soft preemption to revert to hard preemption. The default timeout for soft-preemption is 30 seconds - after which the local system reverts to hard pre-emption."; reference "RFC5712 MPLS-TE soft preemption"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-soft-preemption { description "Top level group for MPLS soft preemption"; container soft-preemption { description "Protocol options relating to RSVP soft preemption"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to RSVP soft preemption support"; uses mpls-rsvp-soft-preemption-config; } container state { config false; description "State parameters relating to RSVP soft preemption support"; uses mpls-rsvp-soft-preemption-config; } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-hellos-config { description "RSVP protocol options configuration."; leaf hello-interval { type uint16 { range 1000..60000; } units milliseconds; default 9000; description "set the interval in ms between RSVP hello messages"; reference "RFC 3209: RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels. RFC 5495: Description of the Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic-Engineered (RSVP-TE) Graceful Restart Procedures"; } leaf refresh-reduction { type boolean; default true; description "enables all RSVP refresh reduction message bundling, RSVP message ID, reliable message delivery and summary refresh"; reference "RFC 2961 RSVP Refresh Overhead Reduction Extensions"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-hellos { description "Top level grouping for RSVP hellos parameters"; // TODO: confirm that the described semantics are supported // on various implementations. Finer grain configuration // will be vendor-specific container hellos { description "Top level container for RSVP hello parameters"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to RSVP hellos"; uses mpls-rsvp-hellos-config; } container state { config false; description "State information associated with RSVP hellos"; uses mpls-rsvp-hellos-config; } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-subscription-config { description "RSVP subscription configuration"; leaf subscription { type oc-types:percentage; description "percentage of the interface bandwidth that RSVP can reserve"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-subscription-state { description "Operational state parameters relating to the bandwidth subscription on an interface"; leaf calculated-absolute-subscription-bw { type uint64; units "kbps"; description "The calculated absolute value of the bandwidth which is reservable to RSVP-TE on the interface prior to any adjustments that may be made from external sources."; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-subscription { description "Top level group for RSVP subscription options"; container subscription { description "Bandwidth percentage reservable by RSVP on an interface"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to RSVP subscription options"; uses mpls-rsvp-subscription-config; } container state { config false; description "State parameters relating to RSVP subscription options"; uses mpls-rsvp-subscription-config; uses mpls-rsvp-subscription-state; } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-graceful-restart-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to RSVP Graceful-Restart"; leaf enable { type boolean; default false; description "Enables graceful restart on the node."; } leaf restart-time { type uint32; description "Graceful restart time (seconds)."; reference "RFC 5495: Description of the Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic-Engineered (RSVP-TE) Graceful Restart Procedures"; } leaf recovery-time { type uint32; description "RSVP state recovery time"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-graceful-restart { description "Top level group for RSVP graceful-restart parameters"; container graceful-restart { description "Operational state and configuration parameters relating to graceful-restart for RSVP"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to graceful-restart"; uses mpls-rsvp-graceful-restart-config; } container state { config false; description "State information associated with RSVP graceful-restart"; uses mpls-rsvp-graceful-restart-config; } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-authentication-config { description "RSVP authentication parameters container."; leaf enable { type boolean; default false; description "Enables RSVP authentication on the node."; } leaf authentication-key { type string { // Juniper supports 1..16 while // Cisco has a much bigger range, up to 60. length "1..32"; } description "authenticate RSVP signaling messages"; reference "RFC 2747: RSVP Cryptographic Authentication"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-authentication { description "Top level group for RSVP authentication, as per RFC2747"; container authentication { description "Configuration and state parameters relating to RSVP authentication as per RFC2747"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to authentication"; uses mpls-rsvp-authentication-config; } container state { config false; description "State information associated with authentication"; uses mpls-rsvp-authentication-config; } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-protection-config { description "RSVP facility (link/node) protection configuration"; leaf link-protection-style-requested { type identityref { base oc-mplst:PROTECTION_TYPE; } default oc-mplst:LINK_NODE_PROTECTION_REQUESTED; description "Style of mpls frr protection desired: link, link-node, or unprotected"; } leaf bypass-optimize-interval { type uint16; units seconds; description "interval between periodic optimization of the bypass LSPs"; // note: this is interface specific on juniper // on iox, this is global. need to resolve. } // to be completed, things like enabling link protection, // optimization times, etc. } grouping mpls-rsvp-link-protection { description "Top level group for RSVP protection"; container protection { description "link-protection (NHOP) related configuration"; container config { description "Configuration for link-protection"; uses mpls-rsvp-protection-config; } container state { config false; description "State for link-protection"; uses mpls-rsvp-protection-config; } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-statistics { description "Top level grouping for RSVP protocol state"; uses mpls-rsvp-protocol-state; } grouping rsvp-global { description "Global RSVP protocol configuration"; container rsvp-te { description "RSVP-TE global signaling protocol configuration"; uses mpls-rsvp-session-state; container neighbors { description "Configuration and state for RSVP neighbors connecting to the device"; list neighbor { key "address"; config false; description "List of RSVP neighbors of the local system"; leaf address { type leafref { path "../state/address"; } description "Reference to the address of the RSVP neighbor"; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the RSVP neighbor"; uses mpls-rsvp-neighbor-state; } } } container global { description "Platform wide RSVP configuration and state"; uses mpls-rsvp-graceful-restart; uses mpls-rsvp-soft-preemption; uses mpls-rsvp-hellos; container state { config false; description "Platform wide RSVP state, including counters"; // TODO - reconcile global and per-interface // protocol-related statistics container counters { config false; description "Platform wide RSVP statistics and counters"; uses mpls-rsvp-global-protocol-state; uses mpls-rsvp-statistics; container errors { description "Error counters associated with the global RSVP-TE instance."; uses mpls-rsvp-error-counters; } } } } container interface-attributes { description "Attributes relating to RSVP-TE enabled interfaces"; list interface { key "interface-id"; description "list of per-interface RSVP configurations"; leaf interface-id { type leafref { path "../config/interface-id"; } description "reference to the interface-id data"; } container config { description "Configuration of per-interface RSVP parameters"; uses mpls-rsvp-interfaces-config; } container state { config false; description "Per-interface RSVP protocol and state information"; uses mpls-rsvp-interfaces-state; uses mpls-rsvp-interfaces-config; container counters { config false; description "Interface specific RSVP statistics and counters"; uses mpls-rsvp-protocol-state; uses mpls-rsvp-rate-limited-messages-state; container errors { description "Interface specific RSVP error counters"; uses mpls-rsvp-error-counters; } } } uses oc-if:interface-ref; uses mpls-rsvp-interface-reservations; uses mpls-rsvp-hellos; uses mpls-rsvp-authentication; uses mpls-rsvp-subscription; uses mpls-rsvp-link-protection; } } } } grouping rsvp-p2p-tunnel-attributes-config { description "properties of RSVP point-to-point paths"; leaf source { when "../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'" { description "When the signaling protocol is RSVP-TE "; } type inet:ip-address; description "RSVP-TE tunnel source address"; } leaf soft-preemption { when "../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'" { description "When the signaling protocol is RSVP-TE "; } type boolean; default false; description "Enables RSVP soft-preemption on this LSP"; } uses rsvp-priorities-tunnel-config; } grouping rsvp-priorities-tunnel-config { description "Configuration paramters related to RSVP-TE priorities for an LSP tunnel"; leaf setup-priority { when "../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'" { description "When the signaling protocol is RSVP-TE "; } type uint8 { range 0..7; } default 7; description "RSVP-TE preemption priority during LSP setup, lower is higher priority; default 7 indicates that LSP will not preempt established LSPs during setup"; reference "RFC 3209 - RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels"; } leaf hold-priority { when "../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'" { description "When the signaling protocol is RSVP-TE "; } type uint8 { range 0..7; } default 0; description "preemption priority once the LSP is established, lower is higher priority; default 0 indicates other LSPs will not preempt the LSPs once established"; reference "RFC 3209 - RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels"; } } grouping rsvp-priorities-path-config { description "Configuration paramters related to RSVP-TE priorities on a primary/secondary path associated with an LSP."; leaf setup-priority { when "../../../../../" + "config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'" { description "When the signaling protocol is RSVP-TE "; } type uint8 { range 0..7; } default 7; description "RSVP-TE preemption priority during LSP setup, lower is higher priority; default 7 indicates that LSP will not preempt established LSPs during setup"; reference "RFC 3209 - RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels"; } leaf hold-priority { when "../../../../../" + "config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'" { description "When the signaling protocol is RSVP-TE "; } type uint8 { range 0..7; } default 0; description "preemption priority once the LSP is established, lower is higher priority; default 0 indicates other LSPs will not preempt the LSPs once established"; reference "RFC 3209 - RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels"; } } grouping rsvp-p2p-path-attributes-config { description "properties of RSPP point-to-point paths"; uses rsvp-priorities-path-config; leaf retry-timer { when "../../../../../" + "config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'" { description "When the signaling protocol is RSVP-TE "; } type uint16 { range 1..600; } units seconds; description "sets the time between attempts to establish the LSP"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-neighbor-state { description "State information for RSVP neighbors"; leaf address { type inet:ip-address; description "Address of RSVP neighbor"; } leaf detected-interface { type string; description "Interface where RSVP neighbor was detected"; } leaf neighbor-status { type enumeration { enum UP { description "RSVP hello messages are detected from the neighbor"; } enum DOWN { description "RSVP neighbor not detected as up, due to a communication failure or IGP notification the neighbor is unavailable"; } } description "Enumuration of possible RSVP neighbor states"; } leaf refresh-reduction { type boolean; description "Suppport of neighbor for RSVP refresh reduction"; reference "RFC 2961 RSVP Refresh Overhead Reduction Extensions"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-session-state { description "State information for RSVP TE sessions"; container sessions { description "Enclosing container for sessions"; list session { key "local-index"; config false; description "List of RSVP sessions"; leaf local-index { type leafref { path "../state/local-index"; } description "Reference to the local index for the RSVP session"; } uses mpls-rsvp-record-route-object-top; uses mpls-rsvp-explicit-route-object-top; container state { description "Operational state parameters relating to the RSVP session"; leaf local-index { type uint64; description "The index used to identify the RSVP session on the local network element. This index is generated by the device and is unique only to the local network element."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ip-address; description "Origin address of RSVP session"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ip-address; description "Destination address of RSVP session"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The tunnel ID is an identifier used in the RSVP session, which remains constant over the life of the tunnel."; reference "RFC 3209"; } leaf lsp-id { type uint16; description "The LSP ID distinguishes between two LSPs originated from the same headend, and is commonly used to distinguish RSVP sessions during make before break operations."; reference "RFC 3209"; } leaf session-name { type string; description "The signaled name of this RSVP session."; } leaf status { type enumeration { enum UP { description "RSVP session is up"; } enum DOWN { description "RSVP session is down"; } } description "Enumeration of RSVP session states"; } leaf type { type identityref { base oc-mplst:LSP_ROLE; } description "The type/role of the RSVP session, signifing the session's role on the current device, such as a transit session vs. an ingress session."; } leaf protection-requested { type identityref { base oc-mplst:PROTECTION_TYPE; } description "The type of protection requested for the RSVP session"; } leaf label-in { type oc-mplst:mpls-label; description "Incoming MPLS label associated with this RSVP session"; } leaf label-out { type oc-mplst:mpls-label; description "Outgoing MPLS label associated with this RSVP session"; } container sender-tspec { description "Operational state statistics relating to the SENDER_TSPEC received for the RSVP session"; leaf rate { type oc-types:ieeefloat32; units "Bps"; description "The rate at which the head-end device generates traffic, expressed in bytes per second."; reference "RFC2210: RSVP with INTSERV"; } leaf size { type oc-types:ieeefloat32; units "bytes per second"; description "The size of the token bucket that is used to determine the rate at which the head-end device generates traffic, expressed in bytes per second."; reference "RFC2210: RSVP with INTSERV"; } leaf peak-data-rate { type union { type oc-types:ieeefloat32; type enumeration { enum INFINITY { description "The head-end device has no maximum data rate."; } } } units "bytes per second"; description "The maximum traffic generation rate that the head-end device sends traffic at."; reference "RFC2210: RSVP with INTSERV"; } } } } } } //rsvp-session-state grouping mpls-rsvp-interfaces-config { description "RSVP configuration information relevant to an interface"; leaf interface-id { type oc-if:interface-id; description "Identifier for the interface"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-interfaces-state { description "RSVP state information relevant to an interface"; leaf max-link-bandwidth { type oc-mplst:bandwidth-kbps; description "The maximum link bandwidth expressed in kilobits per second. This value should be the same (other than the units) as the value that is advertised into the IGP traffic engineering database."; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-interface-reservations { description "Operational state related to interface bandwidth reservations"; container bandwidth-reservations { description "Enclosing container for bandwidth reservation"; list bandwidth-reservation { key "priority"; config false; description "Available and reserved bandwidth by priority on the interface."; leaf priority { type leafref { path "../state/priority"; } description "Reference to the RSVP priority level"; } container state { description "Operational state parameters relating to a bandwidth reservation at a certain priority"; leaf priority { type union { type uint8 { range 0..7; } type enumeration { enum ALL { description "The ALL keyword represents the overall state of the interface - i.e., the union of all of the priority levels"; } } } description "RSVP priority level for LSPs traversing the interface"; } leaf available-bandwidth { type oc-mplst:bandwidth-mbps; description "Bandwidth currently available with the priority level, or for the entire interface when the priority is set to ALL"; } leaf reserved-bandwidth { type oc-mplst:bandwidth-mbps; description "Bandwidth currently reserved within the priority level, or the sum of all priority levels when the keyword is set to ALL"; } leaf active-reservations-count { type yang:gauge64; description "Number of active RSVP reservations in the associated priority, or the sum of all reservations when the priority level is set to ALL"; } leaf highwater-mark { type oc-mplst:bandwidth-mbps; description "Maximum bandwidth reserved on the interface within the priority, or across all priorities in the case that the priority level is set to ALL"; } } } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-global-protocol-state { description "RSVP protocol statistics which may not apply on an interface, but are significant globally."; leaf path-timeouts { type yang:counter64; description "The number of Path State Blocks (PSBs) that have been timed out by the local system."; } leaf reservation-timeouts { type yang:counter64; description "The number of Reservation State Blocks (RSBs) that have been timed out by the local system."; } uses mpls-rsvp-rate-limited-messages-state; } grouping mpls-rsvp-rate-limited-messages-state { description "Common grouping for rate limit messages"; leaf rate-limited-messages { type yang:counter64; description "RSVP messages dropped due to rate limiting"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-protocol-state { description "RSVP protocol statistics and message counters"; leaf in-path-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP Path messages"; } leaf in-path-error-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP Path Error messages"; } leaf in-path-tear-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP Path Tear messages"; } leaf in-reservation-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP Resv messages"; } leaf in-reservation-error-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP Resv Error messages"; } leaf in-reservation-tear-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP Resv Tear messages"; } leaf in-hello-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP hello messages"; } leaf in-srefresh-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP summary refresh messages"; } leaf in-ack-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of received RSVP refresh reduction ack messages"; } leaf out-path-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP PATH messages"; } leaf out-path-error-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP Path Error messages"; } leaf out-path-tear-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP Path Tear messages"; } leaf out-reservation-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP Resv messages"; } leaf out-reservation-error-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP Resv Error messages"; } leaf out-reservation-tear-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP Resv Tear messages"; } leaf out-hello-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP hello messages"; } leaf out-srefresh-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP summary refresh messages"; } leaf out-ack-messages { type yang:counter64; description "Number of sent RSVP refresh reduction ack messages"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-record-route-object-top { description "Top-level structure grouping for list of record route objects."; container record-route-objects { description "Enclosing container for MPLS RRO objects associated with the traffic engineered tunnel."; list record-route-object { key "index"; config false; description "Read-only list of record route objects associated with the traffic engineered tunnel. Each entry in the list may contain a hop IP address, MPLS label allocated at the hop, and the flags associated with the entry."; leaf index { type leafref { path "../state/index"; } description "Reference to the index of the record route object. The index is used to indicate the ordering of hops in the path."; } container state { config false; description "Information related to RRO objects. The hop, label, and optional flags are present for each entry in the list."; uses mpls-rsvp-record-route-object-state; } } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-record-route-object-state { description "Grouping to hold information relating to record route objects relevant to a traffic engineering LSP."; leaf index { type uint8; description "Index of object in the list. Used for ordering."; } leaf address { type inet:ip-address; description "IP router hop for RRO entry"; } leaf reported-label { type oc-mplst:mpls-label; description "Label reported for RRO hop"; } leaf reported-flags { type uint8; description "Subobject flags for MPLS label"; } } grouping mpls-rsvp-explicit-route-object-top { description "Top-level structure for explicit-route objects."; container explicit-route-objects { description "Enclosing container for MPLS ERO objects associated with the traffic engineered tunnel."; list explicit-route-object { key "index"; config false; description "Read-only list of explicit route objects associated with the traffic-engineered tunnel. Each entry in the list contains a hop IP address, and the MPLS label allocated at the hop."; leaf index { type leafref { path "../state/index"; } description "Reference to the index of the entry in the explicit route object. The index is used to indicate the ordering of hops in the path."; } container state { config false; description "Information related to the ERO index."; uses mpls-rsvp-explicit-route-object-state; } } } } grouping mpls-rsvp-explicit-route-object-state { description "Grouping defining information related to an individual hop of an ERO."; leaf index { type uint64; description "Index of the entry in the ERO. Entries are ordered in ascending order from the source to destination of the LSP."; } leaf loose { type boolean; description "When set to true, indicates that the hop of the ERO is a loose hop within the explicit route. If unset, indicates that the hop must explicitly traverse the entity specified in the ERO hop as the next-entity."; } leaf type { type enumeration { enum IPV4 { description "The hop represents an IPv4 prefix."; reference "RFC3209"; } enum IPV6 { description "The hop represents an IPv6 prefix."; reference "RFC3209"; } enum ASN { description "The hop represents an autonomous system number."; reference "RFC3209"; } enum ASN4 { description "The hop represents a 4-byte autonomous system number."; } enum LABEL { description "The hop represents an MPLS label."; reference "RFC3473"; } enum UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE { description "The hop represents an unnumbered interface."; reference "RFC3477"; } } description "The type of hop indicated by the ERO entry."; } leaf ip-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "The IPv4 or IPv6 prefix indicated by the ERO. Specified only when the ERO hop is an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix."; } leaf asn { type inet:as-number; description "The autonomous system number indicated by the ERO. Specified only when the ERO hop is an 2 or 4-byte AS number."; } leaf label { type oc-mplst:mpls-label; description "The MPLS label specified in the ERO hop. Specified only when the hop is an MPLS label."; } leaf interface-id { type uint32; description "The interface ID for an unnumbered interface. Specified only when the ERO hop is a unnumbered interface."; } reference "RFC3477 - Signalling Unnumbered Links in Resource ReSerVation Protocol - Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE)"; } grouping mpls-rsvp-error-counters { description "Grouping containing definitions of leaves relating to errors in RSVP-TE. This grouping can be used in different contexts - e.g., per-RSVP-TE protocol instance, or per- interface such that the errors represented should correspond to the number of errors that have occurred for the context in which the grouping is used."; leaf authentication-fail { type yang:counter64; description "The number of packets received that have failed RSVP-TE authentication checks in the specified context."; } leaf bad-checksum { type yang:counter64; description "The number of packets received that have an incorrect RSVP-TE checksum in the context."; } leaf bad-packet-format { type yang:counter64; description "The number of packets received that were dropped due to being badly formed in the context."; } leaf bad-packet-length { type yang:counter64; description "The number of packets received that were dropped due to having an invalid length specified in the context."; } leaf out-of-order { type yang:counter64; description "The number of messages received out of order in the context."; } leaf received-nack { type yang:counter64; description "The number of NACK RESV messages received in the context."; } leaf transmit-failure { type yang:counter64; description "The total number of packets dropped on transmit in the context."; } leaf transmit-queue-full { type yang:counter64; description "The number of packets dropped due to the transmit queue being full in the context."; } leaf unknown-ack { type yang:counter64; description "The number of packets received containing an ACK for an unknown message ID in the context."; } leaf unknown-nack { type yang:counter64; description "The number of packets received containing a NACK for an unknown message ID in the context."; } } // data definition statements // augment statements // rpc statements // notification statements }