submodule openconfig-pf-forwarding-policies { belongs-to openconfig-policy-forwarding { prefix "oc-pf"; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; } import openconfig-packet-match { prefix "oc-pmatch"; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix "oc-yang"; } import openconfig-inet-types { prefix "oc-inet"; } include openconfig-pf-path-groups; organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This submodule contains configuration and operational state relating to the definition of policy-forwarding policies."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.0"; revision "2017-06-21" { description "Amend policy forwarding model based on ACL changes."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2017-02-28" { description "Initial public release of policy forwarding."; reference "0.1.0"; } revision "2016-11-08" { description "Initial revision"; reference "0.0.1"; } grouping pf-forwarding-policy-structural { description "Structural grouping defining forwarding policies under the policy- forwarding module."; container policies { description "Forwarding policies defined to enact policy-based forwarding on the local system."; list policy { key "policy-id"; description "A forwarding policy is defined to have a set of match criteria, allowing particular fields of a packet's header to be matched, and a set of forwarding actions which determines how the local system should forward the packet."; leaf policy-id { type leafref { path "../config/policy-id"; } description "Reference to the identifier for the forwarding-policy."; } container config { description "Configuration options relating to the forwarding policy."; uses pf-forwarding-policy-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the forwarding policy."; uses pf-forwarding-policy-config; } container rules { description "The criteria that should be matched for a packet to be forwarded according to the policy action."; list rule { key "sequence-id"; description "A match rule for the policy. In the case that multiple criteria are specified within a single rule, all criteria must be met for the rule to be applied to a packet."; leaf sequence-id { type leafref { path "../config/sequence-id"; } description "A unique sequence identifier for the match rule."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the match rule."; uses pf-forwarding-policy-rule-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the match rule."; uses pf-forwarding-policy-rule-config; uses pf-forwarding-policy-rule-state; } uses oc-pmatch:ethernet-header-top; uses oc-pmatch:ipv4-protocol-fields-top; uses oc-pmatch:ipv6-protocol-fields-top; uses oc-pmatch:transport-fields-top; container action { description "The forwarding policy action to be applied for packets matching the rule."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the forwarding rule's action."; uses pf-forwarding-policy-action-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the forwarding rule's action."; uses pf-forwarding-policy-action-config; } uses pf-forwarding-policy-action-encapsulate-gre; } } } } } } grouping pf-forwarding-policy-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the forwarding policy."; leaf policy-id { type string; description "A unique name identifying the forwarding policy. This name is used when applying the policy to a particular interface."; } } grouping pf-forwarding-policy-rule-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to a policy rule."; leaf sequence-id { type uint32; description "Unique sequence number for the policy rule."; } } grouping pf-forwarding-policy-rule-state { description "Operational state parameters relating to a policy rule."; leaf matched-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of packets matched by the rule."; } leaf matched-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Bytes matched by the rule."; } } grouping pf-forwarding-policy-action-config { description "Forwarding policy action configuration parameters."; leaf discard { type boolean; default false; description "When this leaf is set to true, the local system should drop packets that match the rule."; } leaf decapsulate-gre { type boolean; default false; description "When this leaf is set to true, the local system should remove the GRE header from the packet matching the rule. Following the decapsulation it should subsequently forward the encapsulated packet according to the relevant lookup (e.g., if the encapsulated packet is IP, the packet should be routed according to the IP destination)."; } leaf network-instance { type leafref { // We are at: // $NIROOT/policy-forwarding/policies/ // policy/rules/rule/action/config/ // network-instance path "../../../../../../../../config/name"; } description "When this leaf is set, packets matching the match criteria for the forwarding rule should be looked up in the network-instance that is referenced rather than the network-instance with which the interface is associated. Such configuration allows policy-routing into multiple sub-topologies from a single ingress access interface, or different send and receive contexts for a particular interface (sometimes referred to as half-duplex VRF)."; } leaf path-selection-group { type leafref { // We are at: // $NIROOT/policy-forwarding/policies/ // policy/rules/rule/action/config/to-path-group path "../../../../../../../path-selection-groups/" + "path-selection-group/config/group-id"; } description "When path-selection-group is set, packets matching the match criteria for the forwarding rule should be forwarded only via one of the paths that is specified within the referenced path-selection-group. The next-hop of the packet within the routing context should be used to determine between multiple paths that are specified within the group."; } leaf next-hop { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "When an IP next-hop is specified in the next-hop field, packets matching the match criteria for the forwarding rule should be forwarded to the next-hop IP address, bypassing any lookup on the local system."; } } grouping pf-forwarding-policy-action-encapsulate-gre { description "Structural grouping covering the encapsulate-gre action of the policy forwarding rule."; container encapsulate-gre { description "Packets matching the policy rule should be GRE encapsulated towards the set of targets defined within the target list. Where more than one target is specified, or the target subnet expands to more than one endpoint, packets should be load-balanced across the destination addresses within the subnets."; container config { description "Configuration parameters for the GRE encapsulation rules action."; uses pf-forwarding-policy-action-gre-config; } container state { description "Operational state parameters for the GRE encapsulation rule action."; config false; uses pf-forwarding-policy-action-gre-config; } container targets { description "Surrounding container for the list of GRE tunnel targets that should be encapsulated towards."; list target { key "id"; leaf id { type leafref { path "../config/id"; } description "Reference to the unique identifier for the target."; } description "Each target specified within this list should be treated as a endpoint to which packets should be GRE encapsulated. Where the set of destinations described within a single entry expands to more than one destination IP address, packets should be load shared across the destination using the local system's ECMP hashing mechanisms."; container config { description "Configuration parameters for the GRE target."; uses pf-forwarding-policy-action-gre-target-config; } container state { description "Operational state parameters for the GRE target."; config false; uses pf-forwarding-policy-action-gre-target-config; } } } } } grouping pf-forwarding-policy-action-gre-config { description "Configuration parameters for the encapsulate-gre forwarding policy action."; leaf identifying-prefix { type oc-inet:ip-prefix; description "An IP prefix that can be used to identify the group of GRE endpoints that are being encapsulated towards. Systems that require an IP identifier for the tunnel set should use this prefix as the next-hop identifier."; } } grouping pf-forwarding-policy-action-gre-target-config { description "Configuration parameters for each target of a GRE Encapsulation rule"; leaf id { type string; description "A unique identifier for the target."; } leaf source { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "The source IP address that should be used when encapsulating packets from the local system."; } leaf destination { type oc-inet:ip-prefix; description "The set of destination addresses that should be encapsulated towards. Where a subnet is specified, each address within the subnet should be treated as an independent destination for encapsulated traffic. Packets should be distributed with ECMP across the set of tunnel destination addresses."; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "The TTL that should be specified in the IP header of the GRE packet encapsulating the packet matching the rule."; } } }