submodule openconfig-pf-path-groups { belongs-to openconfig-policy-forwarding { prefix "oc-pf"; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This submodule contains configuration and operational state relating to path-selection-groups which are used to group forwarding entities together to be used as policy forwarding targets."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.0"; revision "2017-06-21" { description "Amend policy forwarding model based on ACL changes."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2017-02-28" { description "Initial public release of policy forwarding."; reference "0.1.0"; } revision "2016-11-08" { description "Initial revision"; reference "0.0.1"; } grouping pf-path-groups-structural { description "Structural grouping containing the definition of path groups within the context of policy-based forwarding."; container path-selection-groups { description "Surrounding container for the path selection groups defined within the policy forwarding model."; list path-selection-group { key "group-id"; leaf group-id { type leafref { path "../config/group-id"; } description "Reference to a unique identifier for the path selection group"; } description "A path selection group is a set of forwarding resources, which are grouped as eligible paths for a particular policy-based forwarding rule. A policy rule may select a path-selection-group as the egress for a particular type of traffic (e.g., DSCP value). The system then utilises its standard forwarding lookup mechanism to select from the paths that are specified within the group - for IP packets, the destination IP address is used such that the packet is routed to the entity within the path-selection-group that corresponds to the next-hop for the destination IP address of the packet; for L2 packets, the selection is based on the destination MAC address. If multiple paths within the selection group are eligible to be used for forwarding, the packets are load-balanced between them according to the system's usual load balancing logic."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the path selection group."; uses pf-path-selection-group-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the path selection group."; uses pf-path-selection-group-config; } } } } grouping pf-path-selection-group-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to a path selection group."; leaf group-id { type string; description "A unique name for the path-selection-group"; } leaf-list mpls-lsp { type leafref { // We are at /network-instances/network-instance/ // policy-forwarding/path-selection-groups/ // path-selection-group/config/mpls-lsp path "../../../../../mpls/lsps/constrained-path/tunnels/" + "tunnel/config/name"; } description "A set of MPLS constrained-path LSPs which should be considered for the policy forwarding next-hop. In order to select between the LSPs within the path-selection-group, the system should determine which LSP provides the best path to the next-hop for the routed packet."; } } }