submodule openconfig-qos-interfaces { belongs-to openconfig-qos { prefix "oc-qos"; } // import openconfig-qos-elements { prefix oc-qos; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-interfaces { prefix oc-if; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } include openconfig-qos-elements; // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This submodule defines data related to quality-of-service configuration and operational state associated with interfaces."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.0"; revision "2016-12-16" { description "Fix incorrect interface-ref placement"; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2016-06-03" { description "Initial revision"; reference "0.1.0"; } grouping qos-interface-classifier-match-config { description "Configuration data for match terms in the classifier associated with an interface"; leaf id { type leafref { // Current location: // /qos/interfaces/interface/input/classifers/classifier/ // terms/term/config/id path "../../../../../../../../../classifiers/" + "classifier[name=current()/../../../../config/name]/" + "terms/term/config/id"; } description "Reference to match terms in the classifier"; } } grouping qos-interface-classifier-match-state { description "Operational state data for match terms in the classifier associated with an interface"; leaf matched-packets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Count of the number of packets matching this classifier match term on the interface."; } leaf matched-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Count of the number of octets (bytes) matching this classifier match term on the interface."; } } grouping qos-interface-classifier-match-top { description "Top-level grouping for match terms in the classifier associated with an interface"; container terms { description "Enclosing container for the list of match terms in the classifier"; list term { key "id"; description "List of match terms in the classifier associated with the interface"; leaf id { type leafref { path "../config/id"; } description "Reference to match term id list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data for match terms in the classifier associated with an interface"; uses qos-interface-classifier-match-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for match terms in the classifier associated with an interface"; uses qos-interface-classifier-match-config; uses qos-interface-classifier-match-state; } } } } grouping qos-interface-classifier-top { description "Top-level grouping for a QoS classifier associated with an interface"; container classifers { description "Classifiers to be applied to the interface."; list classifier { key "type"; description "A list of classifiers that should be applied to the interface"; leaf type { type leafref { path "../config/type"; } description "Reference to the classifier name."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters for the list of classifiers."; uses qos-interface-classifers-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters for the list of classifiers."; uses qos-interface-classifers-config; } uses qos-interface-classifier-match-top; } } } grouping qos-interface-classifers-config { description "Configuration parameters for the list of classifiers"; leaf name { type leafref { // current loc: /qos/interfaces/interface/input/classifiers/ // classifier/config/name path "../../../../../../../classifiers/classifier/config/name"; } description "Reference to the classifier to be applied to ingress traffic on the interface"; } leaf type { type enumeration { enum IPV4 { description "Classifier matches IPv4 packets."; value 4; } enum IPV6 { description "Classifier matches IPv6 packets."; value 6; } enum MPLS { description "Classifier matches MPLS packets."; } } description "Type of packets matched by the classifier."; } } grouping qos-interface-queue-config { description "Configuration data for the queue associated with the interface"; leaf name { // TODO(robjs): Previously we proposed that the queue name here is // only a queue that has been configured. However, in some cases we // may want to have queues that have not been configured exist. //type leafref { // path "../../../../../../queues/queue/config/name"; //} type string; description "Reference to the queue associated with this interface. A queue may be explicitly configured, or implicitly created by the system based on default queues that are instantiated by a hardware component, or are assumed to be default on the system."; } } grouping qos-interface-queue-state { description "Operational state data for the queue associated with the interface"; leaf max-queue-len { type oc-yang:counter64; units bytes; description "Maximum observed queue length"; } leaf avg-queue-len { type oc-yang:counter64; units bytes; description "Average observed queue length"; } leaf transmit-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of packets transmitted by this queue"; } leaf transmit-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of octets trasmitted by this queue"; } leaf dropped-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of packets dropped by the queue due to overrun"; } } grouping qos-interface-queue-top { description "Top-level grouping for the queue associated with the interface"; container queues { description "Surrounding container for a list of queues that are instantiated on an interface."; list queue { key "name"; description "Top-level container for the queue associated with this interface"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Reference to the name of the queue instantiated on the interface."; } container config { description "Configuration data for the queue associated with the interface"; uses qos-interface-queue-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for the queue associated with the interface"; uses qos-interface-queue-config; uses qos-interface-queue-state; } } } } grouping qos-interface-voqs-top { description "Structural grouping of virtual-output-queue operational state for an interface."; container virtual-output-queues { description "Surrounding container for the list of egress interfaces for which virtual output queues are instantiated on this interface."; list voq-interface { key "name"; description "List of egress interfaces for which a virtual output queue is instantiated at this interface."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Name used to refer to the egress interface."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the interface for which the VOQs are instantiated."; uses qos-voqs-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the interface for which the VOQs are instantiated."; uses qos-voqs-config; } uses qos-interface-queue-top; } } } grouping qos-voqs-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to an egress interface for which VOQs are established on an interface."; leaf name { type string; description "Name used to refer to the egress interface."; } } grouping qos-interface-scheduler-policy-config { description "Configuration data for schedulers associated with the interface"; leaf name { type leafref { // current loc: // /qos/interfaces/interface/input/schedulers/scheduler/config/name path "../../../../../../scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/" + "config/name"; } description "The scheduler policy to be applied to traffic on this interface."; } } grouping qos-interface-scheduler-state { description "Operational state data for a scheduler within a scheduler group applied to an interface."; leaf sequence { type leafref { // current loc: /qos/interfaces/interface/input/scheduler-policy/ // schedulers/scheduler/state/sequence path "../../../../../../../../scheduler-policies/" + "scheduler-policy[name=current()/../../../../config/name]" + "/schedulers/scheduler/config/sequence"; } description "Reference to the sequence ID of the scheduler within the current scheduler policy."; } uses qos-scheduler-common-state; } grouping qos-scheduler-common-state { description "Common definitions of counters used in schedulers."; leaf conforming-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of packets that were considered conforming by the scheduler."; } leaf conforming-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of octets in packets that were considered conforming by the scheduler."; } leaf exceeding-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of packets that were considered exceeding by the scheduler."; } leaf exceeding-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of octets in packets that were considered exceeding by the scheduler."; } leaf violating-pkts { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of packets that were considered violating by the policer."; } leaf violating-octets { type oc-yang:counter64; description "The number of octets in packets that were considered violating by the policer."; } } grouping qos-interface-scheduler-top { description "Top-level grouping "; container scheduler-policy { description "Scheduler policy associated with the interface."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to a scheduler policy on an interface."; uses qos-interface-scheduler-policy-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to a scheduler policy on an interface."; uses qos-interface-scheduler-policy-config; } container schedulers { config false; description "Schedulers within the applied scheduler-policy."; list scheduler { key "sequence"; description "List of the schedulers that are part of the scheduler-policy specified."; leaf sequence { type leafref { path "../state/sequence"; } description "Reference to the sequence ID for the scheduler."; } container state { description "Operational state parameters relating to the scheduler policy."; uses qos-interface-scheduler-state; } } } } } grouping qos-interfaces-config { description "Configuration data for interfaces referenced in the QoS model"; leaf interface-id { type string; description "Identifier for the interface."; } } grouping qos-interfaces-state { description "Operational state data for interfaces referenced in the QoS model"; // definitions per-interface counters for QoS } grouping qos-interface-input-config { description "Configuration data for QoS on ingress interface"; } grouping qos-interface-input-state { description "Operational state data for QoS on ingress interface"; } grouping qos-interface-input-top { description "Top-level grouping for QoS on ingress interface"; container input { description "Top-level container for QoS data for the ingress interface"; container config { description "Configuration data for QoS on ingress interface"; uses qos-interface-input-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for QoS on ingress interface"; uses qos-interface-input-config; uses qos-interface-input-state; } uses qos-interface-classifier-top; uses qos-interface-queue-top; uses qos-interface-scheduler-top; uses qos-interface-voqs-top; } } grouping qos-interface-output-config { description "Configuration data for QoS on the egress interface"; } grouping qos-interface-output-state { description "Operational state data for QoS on the egress interface"; } grouping qos-interface-output-top { description "Top-level grouping for QoS on the egress interface"; container output { description "Top-level container for QoS data related to the egress interface"; container config { description "Configuration data for QoS on the egress interface"; uses qos-interface-output-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for QoS on the egress interface"; uses qos-interface-output-config; uses qos-interface-output-state; } uses oc-if:interface-ref; uses qos-interface-classifier-top; uses qos-interface-queue-top; uses qos-interface-scheduler-top; } } grouping qos-interfaces-top { description "Top-level grouping for interfaces referenced in the QoS model"; container interfaces { description "Enclosing container for the list of interface references"; list interface { key "interface-id"; description "List of interfaces referenced by QoS entities."; leaf interface-id { type leafref { path "../config/interface-id"; } description "Reference to the interface-id list key"; } container config { description "Configuration data "; uses qos-interfaces-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data "; uses qos-interfaces-config; uses qos-interfaces-state; } uses oc-if:interface-ref; uses qos-interface-input-top; uses qos-interface-output-top; } } } }