module openconfig-qos-types { yang-version "1"; // namespace namespace ""; prefix "oc-qos-types"; // import some basic types import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module defines types and identities used in OpenConfig models related to quality-of-service (QoS)"; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.0"; revision "2016-12-16" { description "Fix incorrect interface-ref placement"; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2016-08-08" { description "Initial revision"; reference "0.1.0"; } // extension statements // feature statements // identity statements identity QOS_QUEUE_TYPE { description "Base identity for supported queue types, primarily defined by their drop behavior / strategy"; } identity DROP_TAIL { base QOS_QUEUE_TYPE; description "When the queue is filled to capacity, newly arriving packets are discarded until there is room in the queue to accept new traffic. Packets are not differentiated, i.e., all packets are treated identically."; } identity RED { base QOS_QUEUE_TYPE; description "Queue management based on Random Early Detection (RED). RED drops packets based on a drop probability that is based on the average queue length, and settings of mininum and maximum queue thresholds. On ECN-capable devices, packets may be marked instead of dropped to signal congestion to the sender."; reference "IETF RFC 2309 - Recommendations on Queue Management and Congestion Avoidance in the Internet IETF RFC 7567 - IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management"; } identity WRED { base QOS_QUEUE_TYPE; description "Queue management based on a variant of RED in which the packet drop probability is based on its traffic class."; } identity QOS_SCHEDULER_TYPE { description "Base identity to describe supported QoS scheduler types."; } identity ONE_RATE_TWO_COLOR { base QOS_SCHEDULER_TYPE; description "Token bucket scheduler with a single rate (committed information rate) and two colors (conforming and exceeding). The scheduler behavior is governed by two parameters, the CIR which determines the rate of token fill (bps) and the committed burst size (depth of the token bucket in bytes)."; } identity TWO_RATE_THREE_COLOR { base QOS_SCHEDULER_TYPE; description "Token bucket scheduler with two buckets, one filled at the committed information rate (CIR) in bps, and the second filled at the peak information rate (PIR) in bps when the first bucket is full. The first bucket depth is the committed burst size (bytes), and the second is the excess burst size (bytes). Traffic is categorized in three colors as follows: traffic that falls within the the CIR is conforming, traffic that is greater than the CIR but less than the PIR is exceeding, and traffic that is greater than PIR is violating."; } // typedef statements typedef queue-behavior { type enumeration { enum SHAPE { description "Packets that exceed the CIR should be queued into a buffer. The depth of the buffer is specified to be max-queue-depth-bytes or max-queue-depth-packets. Packets are subsequently scheduled from this queue to the specified output. Only packets that overflow the buffer have the exceed action applied to them."; } enum POLICE { description "Packets that exceed the CIR should be immediately treated as exceeding the defined rate of the scheduler and have the exceed action applied to them."; } } description "Type definition for different queueing behaviours that are available to a scheduler."; } // grouping statements // data definition statements // augment statements // rpc statements // notification statements }