submodule openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes { belongs-to openconfig-rib-bgp { prefix "oc-rib-bgp"; } // import some basic types import openconfig-bgp-types { prefix oc-bgpt; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-rib-bgp-types { prefix oc-bgprt; } import openconfig-segment-routing { prefix oc-sr; } import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; } // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This submodule contains common data definitions for BGP attributes for use in BGP RIB tables."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.3.0"; revision "2016-10-17" { description "OpenConfig BGP RIB refactor"; reference "0.3.0"; } grouping bgp-as-path-attr-state { description "Data for representing BGP AS-PATH attribute"; leaf type { type oc-bgpt:as-path-segment-type; description "The type of AS-PATH segment"; } leaf-list member { type oc-inet:as-number; description "List of the AS numbers in the AS-PATH segment"; } } grouping bgp-as-path-attr-top { description "Top-level grouping for AS-PATH attribute data"; container as-path { description "Enclosing container for the list of AS path segments. In the Adj-RIB-In or Adj-RIB-Out, this list should show the received or sent AS_PATH, respectively. For example, if the local router is not 4-byte capable, this value should consist of 2-octet ASNs or the AS_TRANS (AS 23456) values received or sent in route updates. In the Loc-RIB, this list should reflect the effective AS path for the route, e.g., a 4-octet value if the local router is 4-octet capable."; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) RFC 6793 - BGP Support for Four-octet AS Number Space RFC 5065 - Autonomous System Confederations for BGP"; list segment { description "Unkeyed list of AS PATH segments"; container state { config false; description "Opstate data for AS-PATH segments"; uses bgp-as-path-attr-state; } } } } grouping bgp-as4-path-attr-top { description "Top-level grouping for AS4-PATH attribute data"; container as4-path { description "This is the path encoded with 4-octet AS numbers in the optional transitive AS4_PATH attribute. This value is populated with the received or sent attribute in Adj-RIB-In or Adj-RIB-Out, respectively. It should not be populated in Loc-RIB since the Loc-RIB is expected to store the effective AS-Path in the as-path leaf regardless of being 4-octet or 2-octet."; reference "RFC 6793 - BGP Support for Four-octet AS Number Space"; list segment { description "Unkeyed list of AS PATH segments"; container state { config false; description "Opstate data for AS-PATH segments"; uses bgp-as-path-attr-state; } } } } grouping bgp-community-attr-state { description "Common definition of BGP community attributes"; leaf-list community { type union { type oc-bgpt:bgp-well-known-community-type; type oc-bgpt:bgp-std-community-type; } description "List of standard or well-known BGP community attributes."; } } grouping bgp-extended-community-attr-state { description "Common definition of BGP extended community attribute"; leaf-list ext-community { type oc-bgpt:bgp-ext-community-recv-type; description "List of BGP extended community attributes. The received extended community may be an explicitly modeled type or unknown, represented by an 8-octet value formatted according to RFC 4360."; reference "RFC 4360 - BGP Extended Communities Attribute"; } } grouping bgp-aggregator-attr-state { description "Operational state data for the BGP aggregator attribute"; leaf as { type oc-inet:as-number; description "AS number of the autnonomous system that performed the aggregation."; } leaf as4 { type oc-inet:as-number; description "AS number of the autnonomous system that performed the aggregation (4-octet representation). This value is populated if an upstream router is not 4-octet capable. Its semantics are similar to the AS4_PATH optional transitive attribute"; reference "RFC 6793 - BGP Support for Four-octet AS Number Space"; } leaf address { type oc-inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the router that performed the aggregation."; } } grouping bgp-aggregator-attr-top { description "Common definition of the BGP aggregator attribute"; container aggregator { description "BGP attribute indicating the prefix has been aggregated by the specified AS and router."; container state { config false; description "Operational state data for BGP aggregator attribute"; uses bgp-aggregator-attr-state; } } } grouping bgp-shared-common-attr-state { description "Route attributes shared across route table entries, common to both LOC-Rib and Adj-RIB"; leaf origin { type oc-bgpt:bgp-origin-attr-type; description "BGP attribute defining the origin of the path information."; } leaf atomic-aggregate { type boolean; description "BGP attribute indicating that the prefix is an atomic aggregate, i.e., the peer selected a less specific route without selecting a more specific route that is included in it."; } leaf next-hop { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "BGP next hop attribute defining the IP address of the router that should be used as the next hop to the destination"; } leaf med { type uint32; description "BGP multi-exit discriminator attribute used in BGP route selection process"; } leaf local-pref { type uint32; description "BGP local preference attribute sent to internal peers to indicate the degree of preference for externally learned routes. The route with the highest local preference value is preferred."; } leaf originator-id { type oc-inet:ipv4-address; description "BGP attribute that provides the id as an IPv4 address of the originator of the announcement."; reference "RFC 4456 - BGP Route Reflection: An Alternative to Full Mesh Internal BGP (IBGP)"; } leaf-list cluster-list { type oc-inet:ipv4-address; description "Represents the reflection path that the route has passed."; reference "RFC 4456 - BGP Route Reflection: An Alternative to Full Mesh Internal BGP (IBGP)"; } leaf aigp { type uint64; description "BGP path attribute representing the accumulated IGP metric for the path"; reference "RFC 7311 - The Accumulated IGP Metric Attribute for BGP"; } } grouping bgp-unknown-attr-flags-state { description "Operational state data for path attribute flags"; leaf optional { type boolean; description "Defines whether the attribute is optional (if set to true) or well-known (if set to false). Set in the high-order bit of the BGP attribute flags octet."; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)"; } leaf transitive { type boolean; description "Defines whether an optional attribute is transitive (if set to true) or non-transitive (if set to false). For well-known attributes, the transitive flag MUST be set to true. Set in the second high-order bit of the BGP attribute flags octet."; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)"; } leaf partial { type boolean; description "Defines whether the information contained in the optional transitive attribute is partial (if set to true) or complete (if set to false). For well-known attributes and for optional non-transitive attributes, the partial flag must be set to false. Set in the third high-order bit of the BGP attribute flags octet."; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)"; } leaf extended { type boolean; description "Defines whether the attribute length is one octet (if set to false) or two octets (if set to true). Set in the fourth high-order bit of the BGP attribute flags octet."; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)"; } } grouping bgp-unknown-attr-state { description "Operational state data for path attributes not shared across route entries, common to LOC-RIB and Adj-RIB"; leaf attr-type { type uint8; description "1-octet value encoding the attribute type code"; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)"; } leaf attr-len { type uint16; description "One or two octet attribute length field indicating the length of the attribute data in octets. If the Extended Length attribute flag is set, the length field is 2 octets, otherwise it is 1 octet"; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)"; } leaf attr-value { type binary { length 1..65535; } description "Raw attribute value, not including the attribute flags, type, or length. The maximum length of the attribute value data is 2^16-1 per the max value of the attr-len field (2 octets)."; reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)"; } } grouping bgp-unknown-attr-top { description "Unknown path attributes that are not expected to be shared across route entries, common to LOC-RIB and Adj-RIB"; container unknown-attributes { description "Unknown path attributes that were received in the UPDATE message which contained the prefix."; list unknown-attribute { key "attr-type"; description "This list contains received attributes that are unrecognized or unsupported by the local router. The list may be empty."; leaf attr-type { type leafref { path "../state/attr-type"; } description "Reference to the list key"; } container state { description "Operational state for unknown route attributes"; uses bgp-unknown-attr-flags-state; uses bgp-unknown-attr-state; } } } } grouping bgp-loc-rib-attr-state { description "Path attributes that are not expected to be shared across route entries, specific to LOC-RIB"; } grouping bgp-adj-rib-attr-state { description "Path attributes that are not expected to be shared across route entries, specific to Adj-RIB"; leaf path-id { type uint32; description "When the BGP speaker supports advertisement of multiple paths for a prefix, the path identifier is used to uniquely identify a route based on the combination of the prefix and path id. In the Adj-RIB-In, the path-id value is the value received in the update message. In the Loc-RIB, if used, it should represent a locally generated path-id value for the corresponding route. In Adj-RIB-Out, it should be the value sent to a neighbor when add-paths is used, i.e., the capability has been negotiated."; reference "draft-ietf-idr-add-paths - Advertisement of Multiple Paths in BGP"; } } grouping bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-top { description "Top-level definition of the BGP Tunnel encapsulation attribute."; container tunnel-encapsulation { config false; description "The Tunnel Encapsulation attribute specifies a set of tunnels to a remote destination. The attribute is TLV based and allows description of a tunnel type, and the relevant information to create the tunnel to the remote destination."; reference "RFC5512, draft-ietf-idr-tunnel-encaps"; container tunnels { description "Surrounding container for the set of tunnels included within the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; list tunnel { key "type"; description "List of the tunnels that are specified within the attribute. Keyed on the type of tunnel that the TLV describes."; leaf type { type leafref { path "../state/type"; } description "Reference to the tunnel type specified within the TLV's type field."; } container state { config false; description "State parameters of the tunnel attribute"; uses bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-state; } container subtlvs { description "Surrounding container for the list of sub-TLVs within the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; list subtlv { key "type"; description "List of the subTLVs that are specified within the TLV instance inside the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; leaf type { type leafref { path "../state/type"; } description "Reference to the sub-TLV type that is included within the subTLV."; } container state { config false; description "State parameters of the subTLV of the tunnel attribute"; uses bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-subtlv-state; } container remote-endpoints { when "../state/type = 'oc-bgprt:TUNNEL_REMOTE_ENDPOINT'" { description "Only allow the remote endpoint to be specified when the subTLV is specified to describe remote endpoints."; } description "The remote endpoints associated with the tunnel described by the attribute."; list remote-endpoint { key "endpoint"; description "List of the remote endpoints described within the TLV."; leaf endpoint { type leafref { path "../state/endpoint"; } description "Reference to the IP address of the endpoint."; } container state { config false; description "State parameters of the remote endpoints described by the attribute."; uses bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-subtlv-endpoint-state; } } } container segment-lists { when "../state/type = 'oc-bgprt:SRTE_SEGMENT_LIST'" { description "Only allow the segment lists to be specified when the sub-TLV is of the relevant type."; } description "Surrounding container for the list of segment lists that are associated with a SR-TE Policy tunnel."; list segment-list { key "instance-id"; description "List of segment lists that are specified within the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; leaf instance-id { type leafref { path "../state/instance-id"; } description "Reference to the instance identifier of the Segment List that is included within the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; } container state { config false; description "State parameters relating to the Segment List within the Tunnel Encapsulation attribute."; uses bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-subtlv-segment-list-state; } container segments { description "Surrounding container for the list of segments within the SR-TE segment list."; list segment { key "index"; description "List of segments within the SR-TE segment list."; leaf index { type leafref { path "../state/index"; } description "Reference to the index of the segment within the segment list."; } container state { config false; description "State parameters relating to the segment within the segment list."; uses bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-subtlv-segment-state; } } } } } } } } } } } grouping bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-state { description "State parameters of the tunnel encapsulation attribute"; leaf type { type identityref { base "oc-bgprt:TUNNEL_ENCAPSULATION_TYPE"; } description "Type of the tunnel described within the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; } } grouping bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-subtlv-state { description "State parameters relating to subTLVs of the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; leaf type { type identityref { base "oc-bgprt:TUNNEL_ENCAPSULATION_SUBTLV_TYPE"; } description "Type of the sub-TLV within the tunnel encapsulation attribute"; } leaf-list colors { when "../type = 'oc-bgprt:TUNNEL_COLOR'" { description "Only allow list of colours to be specified when the sub-TLV specifies colours associated with the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; } type uint32; description "The colours associated with the tunnel encapsulation attribute, as described by RFC5512."; } leaf preference { when "../type = 'oc-bgprt:SRTE_PREFERENCE'" { description "Only allow the preference to be specified when the sub-TLV specifies the preference associated with the tunnel encapsulation attribute."; } type uint32; default 100; description "The preference of the SR-TE policy described by the tunnel encapsulation attribute. If unspecified, the preference defaults to 100."; } leaf binding-sid { when "../type = 'oc-bgprt:SRTE_BINDING_SID'" { description "Only allow the binding SID to be specified when the sub-TLV is specified to be the of the relevant type."; } type oc-sr:sr-sid-type; description "Binding SID associated with the SR-TE policy"; } } grouping bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-subtlv-endpoint-state { description "State parameters relating to the remote endpoint described by a tunnel encapsulation attribute."; leaf as { type oc-inet:as-number; description "The remote AS to which the IP address of the remote endpoint belongs."; } leaf endpoint { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "IP address of the remote endpoint."; } } grouping bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-subtlv-segment-list-state { description "State parameters relating to an entry within a segment list within a SR-TE policy segment list."; leaf instance-id { type uint64; description "Instance of the segment list within the sub-TLV"; } leaf weight { type uint32; description "The weight given to the path within the set of segment lists that are included in the tunnel attribute sub-TLV."; } } grouping bgp-tunnel-encapsulation-attr-tunnel-subtlv-segment-state { description "State parameters relating to a segment within the segment list."; leaf index { type uint64; description "Index of the segment within the segment list. The segments are ordered in ascending order, beginning at 0."; } leaf type { type enumeration { enum MPLS_SID { description "The segment is specified as an MPLS label."; value 1; } enum IPV6_SID { description "The segment is specified as an IPv6 address."; value 2; } enum IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS { description "The segment is specified as an IPv4 node address with optional SID."; value 3; } enum IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS { description "The segment is specified as an IPv6 node address with optional SID."; value 4; } enum IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID { description "The segment is specified as an IPv4 address with a local interface identifier along with an ."; value 5; } enum IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR { description "The segment is specified as an IPv4 local and remote address with an optional SID."; value 6; } enum IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID { description "The segment is specified as an IPv6 address with an index, along with an optional SID."; value 7; } enum IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR { description "The segmetn is specified as an IPv6 local and remote address with an optional SID."; value 8; } } description "The type of segment specified within the segment entry."; } leaf sid { type oc-sr:sr-sid-type; description "SID value for the segment entry, specified as an MPLS label or IPv6 address."; } leaf mpls-tc { when "../type = 'MPLS_SID'" { description "The MPLS TC bits can only be specified when the segment time is an MPLS label."; } type uint8 { range "0..7"; } description "The MPLS TC bits used when the SID is specified as an MPLS label. If set to zero, the receiving system specifies the value of the TC bits."; } leaf mpls-bos { when "../type = 'MPLS_SID'" { description "The MPLS BoS bit can only be specified when the segment type is an MPLS label."; } type boolean; description "When this leaf is set to true the MPLS bottom-of-stack (BoS) bit is set in the MPLS segment. The BoS bit should always be set to zero by the sender."; } leaf mpls-ttl { when "../type = 'MPLS_SID'" { description "The MPLS TTL can only be set when the segment type is an MPLS label."; } type uint8; description "The MPLS time to live (TTL) to be set for the MPLS segment. If set to 255, the receiver specifies the TTL value that is used for packets sent with this segment in the stack."; } leaf remote-ipv4-address { when "../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'" + "or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or " + "../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'" { description "An IPv4 address can only be associated with the segment entry when the type of the SID is a node address, or an IPv6 address with an index."; } type oc-inet:ipv4-address; description "An IPv4 address specified as the remote node address. When the type of the segment specifies only the remote address, no other addresses are specified. When the type of the segment requires a local address, this leaf specifies the remote IPv4 address."; } leaf local-ipv4-address { when "../type = 'IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'" { description "A local IPv4 address can only be specified when the segment is specified by the local and remote IPv4 interface addresses."; } type oc-inet:ipv4-address; description "An IPv4 address of a local adjacency that is used to identify the segment."; } leaf remote-ipv6-address { when "../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'" + "or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or " + "../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'" { description "An IPv6 address can only be specified with a segment entry when the type of the SID is a node address, or an IPv6 address with an index."; } type oc-inet:ipv6-address; description "An IPv6 address specified as the remote node address. When the type of the segment specifies only the remote address, no other addresses are specified. When the type of the segment requires a local address, this leaf specifies the remote IPv6 address."; } leaf local-ipv6-address { when "../type = 'IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'" { description "A local IPv6 address can only be speciifed when the segment is specified by the local and remote IPv6 interface addresses."; } type oc-inet:ipv6-address; description "An IPv6 address of a local adjacency that is used to identify the segment."; } leaf local-interface-id { when "../type = 'IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID'" { description "A local interface identifier can only be specified when the type of the segment is an IPv4 address with local interface ID, or IPv6 address with local interface ID."; } type uint32; description "The local interface identifier to be utilised for the segment."; reference "draft-ietf-pce-segment-routing"; } } }