submodule openconfig-rib-bgp-tables { belongs-to openconfig-rib-bgp { prefix "oc-rib-bgp"; } // import some basic types import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-policy-types { prefix oc-pol-types; } include openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes; include openconfig-rib-bgp-shared-attributes; include openconfig-rib-bgp-table-attributes; // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This submodule contains structural data definitions for BGP routing tables."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.3.0"; revision "2016-10-17" { description "OpenConfig BGP RIB refactor"; reference "0.3.0"; } grouping bgp-adj-rib-common-attr-refs { description "Definitions of common references to attribute sets for multiple AFI-SAFIs for Adj-RIB tables"; leaf attr-index { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../../../../attr-sets/attr-set/" + "state/index"; } description "Reference to the common attribute group for the route"; } leaf community-index { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../../../../communities/community/" + "state/index"; } description "Reference to the community attribute for the route"; } leaf ext-community-index { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../../../../ext-communities/" + "ext-community/state/index"; } description "Reference to the extended community attribute for the route"; } } grouping bgp-loc-rib-common-attr-refs { description "Definitions of common references to attribute sets for multiple AFI-SAFIs for LOC-RIB tables"; leaf attr-index { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../../attr-sets/attr-set/" + "state/index"; } description "Reference to the common attribute group for the route"; } leaf community-index { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../../communities/community/" + "state/index"; } description "Reference to the community attribute for the route"; } leaf ext-community-index { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../../ext-communities/" + "ext-community/state/index"; } description "Reference to the extended community attribute for the route"; } } grouping bgp-loc-rib-common-keys { description "Common references used in keys for IPv4 and IPv6 LOC-RIB entries"; leaf origin { type union { type oc-inet:ip-address; type identityref { base oc-pol-types:INSTALL_PROTOCOL_TYPE; } } description "Indicates the origin of the route. If the route is learned from a neighbor, this value is the neighbor address. If the route was injected or redistributed from another protocol, the origin indicates the source protocol for the route."; } leaf path-id { type uint32; default 0; description "If the route is learned from a neighbor, the path-id corresponds to the path-id for the route in the corresponding adj-rib-in-post table. If the route is injected from another protocol, or the neighbor does not support BGP add-paths, the path-id should be set to zero, also the default value."; } } grouping bgp-loc-rib-key-refs { description "Key references to support operational state structure for the BGP LOC-RIB table"; leaf prefix { type leafref { path "../state/prefix"; } description "Reference to the prefix list key"; } leaf origin { type leafref { path "../state/origin"; } description "Reference to the origin list key"; } leaf path-id { type leafref { path "../state/path-id"; } description "Reference to the path-id list key"; } } grouping ipv4-loc-rib-top { description "Top-level grouping for IPv4 routing tables"; container loc-rib { config false; description "Container for the IPv4 BGP LOC-RIB data"; uses bgp-common-table-attrs-top; container routes { description "Enclosing container for list of routes in the routing table."; list route { key "prefix origin path-id"; description "List of routes in the table, keyed by the route prefix, the route origin, and path-id. The route origin can be either the neighbor address from which the route was learned, or the source protocol that injected the route. The path-id distinguishes routes for the same prefix received from a neighbor (e.g., if add-paths is eanbled)."; uses bgp-loc-rib-key-refs; container state { description "Operational state data for route entries in the BGP LOC-RIB"; leaf prefix { type oc-inet:ipv4-prefix; description "The IPv4 prefix corresponding to the route"; } uses bgp-loc-rib-common-keys; uses bgp-loc-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-loc-rib-attr-state; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; uses bgp-loc-rib-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } } grouping ipv6-loc-rib-top { description "Top-level grouping for IPv6 routing tables"; container loc-rib { config false; description "Container for the IPv6 BGP LOC-RIB data"; uses bgp-common-table-attrs-top; container routes { description "Enclosing container for list of routes in the routing table."; list route { key "prefix origin path-id"; description "List of routes in the table, keyed by the route prefix, the route origin, and path-id. The route origin can be either the neighbor address from which the route was learned, or the source protocol that injected the route. The path-id distinguishes routes for the same prefix received from a neighbor (e.g., if add-paths is eanbled)."; uses bgp-loc-rib-key-refs; container state { description "Operational state data for route entries in the BGP LOC-RIB"; leaf prefix { type oc-inet:ipv6-prefix; description "The IPv6 prefix corresponding to the route"; } uses bgp-loc-rib-common-keys; uses bgp-loc-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-loc-rib-attr-state; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; uses bgp-loc-rib-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } } grouping bgp-adj-rib-key-refs { description "Key references to support operational state structure for the BGP Adj-RIB tables"; leaf prefix { type leafref { path "../state/prefix"; } description "Reference to the prefix list key"; } leaf path-id { type leafref { path "../state/path-id"; } description "Reference to the path-id list key"; } } grouping ipv4-adj-rib-common { description "Common structural grouping for each IPv4 adj-RIB table"; uses bgp-common-table-attrs-top; container routes { config false; description "Enclosing container for list of routes in the routing table."; list route { key "prefix path-id"; description "List of routes in the table, keyed by a combination of the route prefix and path-id to distinguish multiple routes received from a neighbor for the same prefix, e.g., when BGP add-paths is enabled."; uses bgp-adj-rib-key-refs; container state { description "Operational state data for BGP Adj-RIB entries"; leaf prefix { type oc-inet:ipv4-prefix; description "Prefix for the route"; } uses bgp-adj-rib-attr-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } grouping ipv4-adj-rib-in-post { description "Common structural grouping for the IPv4 adj-rib-in post-policy table"; uses bgp-common-table-attrs-top; container routes { config false; description "Enclosing container for list of routes in the routing table."; list route { key "prefix path-id"; description "List of routes in the table, keyed by a combination of the route prefix and path-id to distinguish multiple routes received from a neighbor for the same prefix, e.g., when BGP add-paths is enabled."; uses bgp-adj-rib-key-refs; container state { description "Operational state data for BGP Adj-RIB entries"; leaf prefix { type oc-inet:ipv4-prefix; description "Prefix for the route"; } uses bgp-adj-rib-attr-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-in-post-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } grouping ipv4-adj-rib-top { description "Top-level grouping for Adj-RIB table"; container neighbors { config false; description "Enclosing container for neighbor list"; list neighbor { key "neighbor-address"; description "List of neighbors (peers) of the local BGP speaker"; leaf neighbor-address { type leafref { path "../state/neighbor-address"; } description "Reference to the list key"; } container state { description "Operational state for each neighbor BGP Adj-RIB"; leaf neighbor-address { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "IP address of the BGP neighbor or peer"; } } container adj-rib-in-pre { description "Per-neighbor table containing the NLRI updates received from the neighbor before any local input policy rules or filters have been applied. This can be considered the 'raw' updates from the neighbor."; uses ipv4-adj-rib-common; } container adj-rib-in-post { description "Per-neighbor table containing the paths received from the neighbor that are eligible for best-path selection after local input policy rules have been applied."; uses ipv4-adj-rib-in-post; } container adj-rib-out-pre { description "Per-neighbor table containing paths eligble for sending (advertising) to the neighbor before output policy rules have been applied"; uses ipv4-adj-rib-common; } container adj-rib-out-post { description "Per-neighbor table containing paths eligble for sending (advertising) to the neighbor after output policy rules have been applied"; uses ipv4-adj-rib-common; } } } } grouping ipv6-adj-rib-common { description "Common structural grouping for each IPv6 adj-RIB table"; uses bgp-common-table-attrs-state; container routes { config false; description "Enclosing container for list of routes in the routing table."; list route { key "prefix path-id"; description "List of routes in the table"; uses bgp-adj-rib-key-refs; container state { description "Operational state data for BGP Adj-RIB entries"; leaf prefix { type oc-inet:ipv6-prefix; description "Prefix for the route"; } uses bgp-adj-rib-attr-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } grouping ipv6-adj-rib-in-post { description "Common structural grouping for the IPv6 adj-rib-in post-policy table"; uses bgp-common-table-attrs-state; container routes { config false; description "Enclosing container for list of routes in the routing table."; list route { key "prefix path-id"; description "List of routes in the table"; uses bgp-adj-rib-key-refs; container state { description "Operational state data for BGP Adj-RIB entries"; leaf prefix { type oc-inet:ipv6-prefix; description "Prefix for the route"; } uses bgp-adj-rib-attr-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-in-post-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } grouping ipv6-adj-rib-top { description "Top-level grouping for Adj-RIB table"; container neighbors { config false; description "Enclosing container for neighbor list"; list neighbor { key "neighbor-address"; description "List of neighbors (peers) of the local BGP speaker"; leaf neighbor-address { type leafref { path "../state/neighbor-address"; } description "Reference to the list key"; } container state { description "Operational state for each neighbor BGP Adj-RIB"; leaf neighbor-address { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "IP address of the BGP neighbor or peer"; } } container adj-rib-in-pre { description "Per-neighbor table containing the NLRI updates received from the neighbor before any local input policy rules or filters have been applied. This can be considered the 'raw' updates from the neighbor."; uses ipv6-adj-rib-common; } container adj-rib-in-post { description "Per-neighbor table containing the paths received from the neighbor that are eligible for best-path selection after local input policy rules have been applied."; uses ipv6-adj-rib-in-post; } container adj-rib-out-pre { description "Per-neighbor table containing paths eligble for sending (advertising) to the neighbor before output policy rules have been applied"; uses ipv6-adj-rib-common; } container adj-rib-out-post { description "Per-neighbor table containing paths eligble for sending (advertising) to the neighbor after output policy rules have been applied"; uses ipv6-adj-rib-common; } } } } grouping ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-top { description "Top-level grouping for the IPv4 and IPv6 AFI, SR-TE Policy SAFI Adj-RIBs."; container neighbors { description "Surrounding container for the list of neighbours that are enabled for the IPv4 and IPv6 AFI, SR-TE Policy SAFI address family."; list neighbor { key "neighbor-address"; description "An individual neighbour that is enabled for the SR-TE Policy SAFI."; leaf neighbor-address { type leafref { path "../state/neighbor-address"; } description "Reference to the address of the neighbour for which the Adj-RIBs specified are maintained."; } container state { description "Operational state parameters of the BGP neighbour for which the SR-TE Policy SAFI is enabled."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-neighbor-state; } container adj-rib-in-pre { description "The Adj-RIB-In for the SR-TE Policy SAFI for the neighbour, prior to any inbound policy constraints or modifications having been applied."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-common; } container adj-rib-in-post { description "The Adj-RIB-In for the SR-TE Policy SAFI for the neighbour, following any inbound policy constraints or modifications being made."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-in-post; } container adj-rib-out-pre { description "The Adj-RIB-Out for the SR-TE Policy SAFI for the neighbour, prior to any outgoing policy modifications or constraints having been applied."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-common; } container adj-rib-out-post { description "The Adj-RIB-Out for the SR-TE Policy SAFI for the neighbour, follow any outbound policy constraints or modifications being made."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-common; } } } } grouping ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-neighbor-state { description "Common attributes for each neighbour for which the SR-TE Policy SAFI RIBs are being maintained."; leaf neighbor-address { description "The address of the neighbour for which the SR-TE policy SAFI has been negotiated."; type oc-inet:ip-address; } } grouping ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-common { description "Common structure containing the routes that are learnt via the IPv4 or IPv6 SR-TE Policy SAFI."; container routes { description "Surrounding container for the list of routes within the SR-TE Policy SAFI."; list route { key "path-id endpoint color"; description "The routes within the SR-TE Policy SAFI Adj-RIB. The routes are keyed on the path-id - set to a non-zero value only if ADD-PATHS is being used; the color; and the endpoint. The colour and endpoint are extracted from the NLRI."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-common-keys; container state { description "State parameters for entries within the Adj-RIB used to store SR-TE Policy SAFI routes."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-common-route-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } grouping ipvX-srte-policy-common-route-state { description "Common attributes used SR-TE Policy SAFI routes."; leaf path-id { type uint32; default 0; description "Identifier for the path when using BGP ADD-PATHS for the SR-TE policy SAFI."; } leaf endpoint { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "A unique identifier for the remote set of nodes. When the address family is IPv4, the value is a 4-octet IPv4 address. When the address family is IPv6, the value is a 16-octet IPv6 address."; } leaf color { type uint32; description "A 4-octet value identifying the policy. Combined with the endpoint the endpoint and colour represent the unique policy."; } } grouping ipvX-srte-policy-common-keys { description "Common grouping of the keys used for lists of SR-TE policy SAFI routes."; leaf path-id { type leafref { path "../state/path-id"; } description "Reference to the path identifier for the SR-TE Policy SAFI route. The value is only non-zero if ADD-PATHS is not being used."; } leaf endpoint { type leafref { path "../state/endpoint"; } description "Reference to the endpoint used for the SR-TE Policy SAFI route within the NLRI."; } leaf color { type leafref { path "../state/color"; } description "Reference to the colour used for the SR-TE policy SAFI route within the NLRI."; } } grouping ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-in-post { description "Grouping for the post-policy Adj-RIB-In for SR-TE Policy SAFI routes"; container routes { description "The set of routes that are within the Adj-RIB-Out for the neighbour."; list route { key "path-id endpoint color"; description "The routes that are in the Adj-RIB-In-Post for the specified BGP neighbour within the SR-TE Policy SAFI for the specified address family."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-common-keys; container state { description "Operational state attributes related to the route within the SR-TE Policy SAFI Adj-RIB-In-Post for the specified neighbour."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-common-route-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; uses bgp-adj-rib-in-post-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } grouping ipvX-srte-policy-locrib-top { description "Top-level grouping for the Loc-RIB for IPv4 or IPv6 Adj-RIB for SR-TE Policy SAFI."; container loc-rib { description "The Loc-RIB for the SR-TE Policy SAFI for IPv4 or IPv6 Unicast AFIs."; container routes { description "List of routes within the SR-TE Policy SAFI, for the IPv4 or IPv6 AFI."; list route { key "path-id endpoint color"; description "Route within the specified address family for the SR-TE Policy SAFI."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-common-keys; container state { description "Operational state attributes for each route within the IPv4 or IPv6 Unicast SR-TE Policy SAFI."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-common-route-state; uses bgp-loc-rib-common-attr-refs; uses bgp-common-route-annotations-state; } uses bgp-unknown-attr-top; } } } } }