module openconfig-rsvp-sr-ext { yang-version "1"; namespace ""; prefix "oc-sr-rsvp-ext"; import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; } import openconfig-types { prefix "oc-types"; } import openconfig-network-instance { prefix "oc-ni"; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module adds extensions to the OpenConfig MPLS models to provide extensions which allow the coexistence of RSVP-TE and Segment Routing (SR) within the same network. It augments the existing OpenConfig segment routing (SR) and RSVP-TE models where required."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.0"; revision 2018-04-13 { description "Replace boolean with modes for measure-sr-traffic."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision 2017-03-06 { description "Initial revision."; reference "0.1.0"; } grouping bandwidth-measurement-global-state { description "Operational state parameters for bandwidth measurement which apply globally to the device."; leaf effective-adjustment-interval { type uint32; units "seconds"; description "The effective adjustment interval that is being used by the system. In the case that the adjustment-interval leaf is set to a non-integer multiple of the collection-interval, and the system does not support this, the value of this leaf should reflect the effective value of the adjustment interval that it has selected. In the case where no rounding of the adjustment interval has occurred, this value should have the same value as the adjustment-inerval leaf."; } } grouping bandwidth-measurement-global-config { description "Configuration parameters for bandwidth measurement which apply globally to the device."; leaf measure-sr-traffic { type enumeration { enum MEASURE_ONLY { description "Only measure the SR traffic being sent via an interface, and do not flood it into the IGP."; } enum MEASURE_AND_FLOOD { description "Measure the SR traffic being sent via an interface and flood it into the IGP."; } } description "Parameter enabling SR traffic measurement and optional flooding into IGP."; reference "draft-sitaraman-sr-rsvp-coexistence-rec-01"; } // TODO(robjs): For future extension, traffic accounting for // non-SR, non-RSVP traffic could be added here. e.g., LDP, // BGP-LU etc. leaf collection-interval { type uint32; units "seconds"; description "The interval at which the collection of interface statistics relating to non-RSVP-TE traffic should be performed"; reference "draft-sitaraman-sr-rsvp-coexistence-rec-01"; } leaf adjustment-interval { type uint32; units "seconds"; description "The interval after which an adjustment to the utilised bandwidth on the interface is made. This value must be greater than, or equal to, the collection interval for statistics. This value is referred to as N in draft-sitaraman-sr-rsvp-coexistence-rec-01. After N seconds have expired, the arithmetic mean of the samples is taken, and this is considered as the non-RSVP-TE utilisation of the interface. In the case that the adjustment interval is an integer >1 multiple of the collection interval, this serves to provide smoothing of the collected bandwidth statistics."; reference "draft-sitaraman-sr-rsvp-coexistence-rec-01"; } leaf bandwidth-multiplier { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 4; } default 1.0000; description "A multiplier applied to the sampled bandwidth which determines the value that is propagated to the IGP TED. By default this value is 1.0000, and hence the actual sampled value is flooded."; } } grouping bandwidth-measurement-update-config { description "Configuration parameters related to when the bandwidth measurement information is used to update the IGP TED."; leaf update-trigger { type enumeration { enum ADJUSTED_MAX_RESERVABLE_PCT { description "Update of a new maximum reservable bandwidth IGP TLV is based on the value changing >= X% of the currently flooded adjusted-absolute-subscription-bw. The percentage of this value that is used is specified by the adjusted-max-reservable-bw-pct leaf."; } enum SR_TRAFFIC_PCT { description "Update of the new maximum reservable bandwidth IGP TLV is based on the value changing >= X% of the last calculated segment routing traffic utilisation for the interface. The percentage delta of this value is specified by the sr-traffic-pct leaf."; } } description "The trigger that should be used to determine when the IGP TED is updated with new information as to the effective maximum reservable bandwidth (adjusted-absolute-subscription-bw)"; } leaf adjusted-max-reservable-bw-pct { when "../update-trigger = 'ADJUSTED_MAX_RESERVABLE_PCT'" { description "Only allow the adjusted-max-reservable-bw update trigger to be specified when the update-trigger mode is specified to be a percentage of the currently flooded value."; } type oc-types:percentage; description "The delta in the adjusted-max-reservable-bandwidth that should trigger an update in the value which is flooded through the IGP TED. The delta is measured as a percentage of the current adjusted value of the maximum reservable bandwidth of the interface, as specified by the adjusted-absolute-subscription-bw RSVP-TE leaf."; reference "draft-sitaraman-sr-rsvp-coexistence-rec-01"; } leaf sr-traffic-pct { when "../update-trigger = 'SR_TRAFFIC_PCT'" { description "Only allow the SR traffic percentage trigger to be specified when the update trigger is defined to be a percentage of the last calculated SR traffic value."; } type oc-types:percentage; description "The change in the calculated SR traffic on the interface that should trigger an update in the value of the maximum reservable bandwidth flooded through the IGP TED. The value is specified as a percentage of the last-calculated-sr-traffic state leaf."; } } grouping bandwidth-measurement-global-structural { description "Structural grouping for the measurement of segment routing traffic, and its advertisement into the IGP TED."; container bandwidth-measurement { description "Configuration and operational state parameters related to how bandwidth utilisation is measured and flooded into the IGP."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to bandwidth measurement."; uses bandwidth-measurement-global-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to bandwidth measurement"; uses bandwidth-measurement-global-config; uses bandwidth-measurement-global-state; } container update-trigger { description "Configuration and operational state parameters related to the update trigger for flooding new bandwidth information into the IGP."; container config { description "Configuration parameters related to the bandwidth measurement update trigger."; uses bandwidth-measurement-update-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters related to the bandwidth measurement update trigger."; uses bandwidth-measurement-update-config; } } } } augment "/oc-ni:network-instances/oc-ni:network-instance/" + "oc-ni:mpls/oc-ni:te-global-attributes" { description "Add the bandwidth measurement parameters to MPLS global traffic engineering hierarchy."; uses bandwidth-measurement-global-structural; } grouping bandwidth-measurement-rsvp-te-adjusted-state { description "Logical grouping augmented into the RSVP-TE hierarchy to provide an operational state value which reflects the adjusted RSVP-TE available bandwidth."; leaf adjusted-absolute-subscription-bw { type uint64; units "kbps"; description "The adjusted absolute value (in kbps) of the bandwidth which is reservable to RSVP-TE on the local system. In the case that the bandwidth-measurement configuration does not account for non-RSVP-TE traffic then this value is equal to the calculated-absolute-subscription-bw, in the case that non-RSVP-TE traffic is being accounted for, it is lower such that calculated-absolute-subscription-bw - adjusted-absolute-subscription-bw = the current calculated non-RSVP-TE traffic. This value reflects the last flooded value of the maximum reservable bandwidth, or subscription."; } } augment "/oc-ni:network-instances/oc-ni:network-instance/" + "oc-ni:mpls/oc-ni:signaling-protocols/oc-ni:rsvp-te/" + "oc-ni:interface-attributes/oc-ni:interface/" + "oc-ni:subscription/oc-ni:state" { description "Augmentation to add the adjusted RSVP-TE available bandwidth state to the RSVP-TE signaling protocol."; uses bandwidth-measurement-rsvp-te-adjusted-state; } grouping bandwidth-measurement-intf-structural { description "Structural grouping containing interface bandwidth measurement configuration and operational state parameters."; container bandwidth-measurement { description "Configuration and operational state parameters relating to per-interface bandwidth measurement. These parameters are used in the case that RSVP-TE coexists with other MPLS signaling protocols on an interface."; container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the containing interface's bandwidth measurement."; uses bandwidth-measurement-intf-state; } } } grouping bandwidth-measurement-intf-state { description "Operational state parameters per-interface for the measured bandwidth on an interface"; leaf last-sample-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "The time at which the last sample of bandwidth utilisation for both RSVP-TE and non-RSVP-TE traffic was taken. This value is represented in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch."; } leaf last-sample-measured-rsvp-util { type uint64; units "kbps"; description "The measured RSVP-TE bandwidth utilisation at the last sample (whose time is indicated in last-sample-time). This value is expressed as a 64-bit unsigned integer representing the number of kilobits per second that RSVP-TE traffic is consuming on the interface."; } leaf last-sample-measured-sr-util { type uint64; units "kbps"; description "The measured Segment Routing bandwidth utilisation at the last sample (whose time is indicated in last-sample-time). This value is expressed as a 64-bit unsigned integer representing the number of kilobits per second that Segment Routing traffic is consuming on the interface."; } leaf last-calculated-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "The time at which the last calculated value for bandwidth utilisation was performed."; } leaf last-calculated-sr-utilisation { type uint64; description "The last calculated value of the Segment Routing utilisation (taken post any averaging or adjustment that occurs). This value is updated regardless of whether the value was flooded or not."; } leaf last-flooded-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "The time, expressed in nanoseconds since the epoch, at which the bandwidth utilisation of non-RSVP-TE traffic resulted in the value being flooded in the IGP. If the configuration of the local system specifies a 0% change requires flooding, this leaf will always reflect the value of the last-calculated-time. In systems that have suppression due to a >0% delta being required then it indicates the last time that the percentage threshold was exceeded."; } } augment "/oc-ni:network-instances/oc-ni:network-instance/oc-ni:mpls" + "/oc-ni:te-interface-attributes/oc-ni:interface" { description "Augment the per-interface bandwidth measurement parameters into the MPLS hierarchy of network instance."; uses bandwidth-measurement-intf-structural; } }