module openconfig-segment-routing { yang-version "1"; // namespace namespace ""; prefix "oc-sr"; // import some basic types import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; } import openconfig-mpls-types { prefix "oc-mpls-t"; } import openconfig-interfaces { prefix "oc-if"; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix "inet"; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; } // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Configuration and operational state parameters relating to the segment routing. This module defines a number of elements which are instantiated in multiple places throughout the OpenConfig collection of models. Particularly: - SRGB+LB dataplane instances - directly instantied by SR. - SRGB+LB dataplane reservations - instantiated within MPLS and future SR dataplanes. - SR SID advertisements - instantiated within the relevant IGP. - SR-specific counters - instantied within the relevant dataplane."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.0.3"; revision "2017-01-12" { description "Minor compliance fixes."; reference "0.0.3"; } revision "2016-12-15" { description "Updated revision of SR module."; reference "0.0.2"; } revision "2016-07-28" { description "Initial revision of SR module."; reference "0.0.1"; } typedef sr-dataplane-type { type enumeration { enum MPLS { description "The entity uses MPLS labels as Segment Identifiers."; } enum IPV6 { description "The entity uses IPv6 prefixes as Segment Identifiers."; } } description "Types of data plane that can be used to instantiate a Segment Routing block of SIDs."; } typedef sr-sid-type { type union { type oc-mpls-t:mpls-label; type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; } description "The defined value of a segment identifier."; } grouping srgb-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the SRGB."; leaf local-id { type string; description "Unique identifier for the segment routing global block on the local system."; } leaf dataplane-type { type sr-dataplane-type; description "The dataplane being used to instantiate the SRGB. When MPLS is specified the set of MPLS label blocks that are defined in the mpls-label-blocks list are used to make up the SRGB. When IPv6 is specified, the set of IPv6 prefixes specified in the ipv6-prefixes list are used."; } leaf-list mpls-label-blocks { when "../dataplane-type = 'MPLS'" { description "Allow the MPLS label block to be specified only for SRGBs that are using the MPLS dataplane."; } type leafref { // We are at /network-instances/network-instance/segment-routing/ // srgbs/srgb/config/mpls-label-blocks path "../../../../../mpls/global/reserved-label-blocks/" + "reserved-label-block/config/local-id"; } description "A list of refences to the label blocks that are used to make up the SRGB."; } leaf-list ipv6-prefixes { when "../dataplane-type = 'IPV6'" { description "Allow IPv6 prefixes to be specified only when the dataplane realisation of the SRGB is IPv6."; } type inet:ipv6-prefix; description "A list of IPv6 prefixes which are to be used for segment routing using the IPv6 dataplane."; } } grouping srgb-state { description "Operational state parameters relating to the SRGB."; leaf size { type uint32; description "The total number of SRGB entries that are available within the SRGB."; } leaf used { type uint32; description "The total number of SRGB entries that have already been alocated by protocols referencing the SRGB."; } } grouping srlb-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to an SRLB."; leaf local-id { type string; description "A unique local identifier used for the Segment Routing Local Block. The identifier is used when referencing the SRLB within other contexts."; } leaf dataplane-type { type sr-dataplane-type; description "The dataplane that is to be used for the Segment Routing Local Block. When MPLS is specified, the local block corresponds to a block of MPLS labels; when IPv6 is specified it corresponds to an IPv6 prefix."; } leaf mpls-label-block { when "../dataplane-type = 'MPLS'" { description "Allow the MPLS label block to be specified only for SRLBs that are using the MPLS dataplane."; } type leafref { path "../../../../../mpls/global/reserved-label-blocks/" + "reserved-label-block/config/local-id"; } description "A reference to the MPLS label block that is used to contain the SIDs of the SRLB."; } leaf ipv6-prefix { when "../dataplane-type = 'IPV6'" { description "Allow IPv6 prefixes to be specified only when the dataplane realisation of the SRGB is IPv6."; } type inet:ipv6-prefix; description "The IPv6 prefix that is used for the SRLB."; } } grouping sr-structural { description "Top-level structural grouping defining Segment Routing Global Blocks."; container srgbs { description "Configuration and operational state parameters relating to the SRGBs defined for the system."; list srgb { key "local-id"; description "A single definition of an SRGB which may comprise of multiple sets of dataplane addresses (IPv6 addresses, or MPLS labels)."; leaf local-id { type leafref { path "../config/local-id"; } description "A reference to the identifier for the SRGB."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the SRGB."; uses srgb-config; } container state { config false; description "State parameters relating to the SRGB."; uses srgb-config; uses srgb-state; } } } container srlbs { description "Configuration and operational state parameters relating to the Segment Routing Local Blocks (SRLBs) defined for the system."; list srlb { key "local-id"; description "A definition of a Segment Routing Local Block, defined to be a set of Segment Identifiers (specified as MPLS labels or IPv6 addreses) that are defined for local allocation by the system. A block may optionally be advertised into an IGP."; leaf local-id { type leafref { path "../config/local-id"; } description "Reference to the local identifier used for the SRLB."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the SRLB."; uses srlb-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parmeters relating to the SRLB."; uses srlb-config; } } } } grouping sr-mpls-top { description "Structural grouping defining SR definition within MPLS."; container segment-routing { description "MPLS-specific Segment Routing configuration and operational state parameters"; container aggregate-sid-counters { description "Per-SID counters aggregated across all interfaces on the local system"; list aggregate-sid-counter { key "mpls-label"; config false; description "Counters aggregated across all of the interfaces of the local system corresponding to traffic received or forwarded with a particular SID"; leaf mpls-label { type leafref { path "../state/mpls-label"; } description "The MPLS label representing the segment identifier"; } container state { config false; description "State parameters for per-SID statistics"; uses sr-mpls-sid-counters-state; uses sr-mpls-common-counters; } } } container interfaces { description "Interface related Segment Routing parameters."; list interface { key "interface-id"; description "Parameters and MPLS-specific configuration relating to Segment Routing on an interface."; leaf interface-id { type leafref { path "../config/interface-id"; } description "A reference to the ID for the interface for which SR is configured"; } container config { description "MPLS-specific Segment Routing configuration parameters related to an interface."; uses sr-mpls-interface-config; } container state { config false; description "MPLS-specific Segment Routing operational state parameters related to an interface."; uses sr-mpls-interface-config; uses sr-mpls-interface-state; } container sid-counters { description "Per-SID statistics for MPLS"; list sid-counter { key "mpls-label"; config false; description "Per segment identifier counters for the MPLS dataplane."; leaf mpls-label { type leafref { path "../state/mpls-label"; } description "The MPLS label representing the segment identifier"; } container state { config false; description "State parameters for per-SID statistics"; uses sr-mpls-sid-counters-state; uses sr-mpls-common-counters; } container forwarding-classes { description "Per-SID per-forwarding class counters for Segment Routing."; list forwarding-class { key "exp"; config false; description "SID entries for the forwarding class associated with the referenced MPLS EXP."; leaf exp { type leafref { path "../state/exp"; } description "Reference to the value of the EXP bits of the segment identifier."; } container state { config false; description "Per-SID, per forwarding class counters for Segment Routing with the MPLS dataplane"; uses sr-mpls-interface-sid-fc-state; uses sr-mpls-common-counters; } } } } } uses oc-if:interface-ref; } } } } grouping sr-mpls-interface-config { description "MPLS-specific Segment Routing configuration for an interface"; leaf interface-id { type string; description "A unique identifier for the interface."; } } grouping sr-mpls-interface-state { description "MPLS-specific Segment Routing operational state parameters for an interface"; uses sr-mpls-common-counters; } grouping sr-mpls-interface-sid-fc-state { description "Per-SID per forwarding class statistics for SR with the MPLS dataplane"; leaf exp { type uint8 { range "0..7"; } description "The value of the MPLS EXP (experimental) or Traffic Class bits that the SID statistics relate to. Packets received with a MPLS label value equal to the SID's MPLS label and EXP bits equal to the this value should be counted towards the associated ingress statistics. Packets that are forwarded to the destination MPLS label corresponding to the SID should be counted towards this value. In the egress direction, where forwarding follows a SID value that requires PHP at the local node, packets should still be counted towards the egress counters."; } } grouping sr-mpls-sid-counters-state { description "Per-SID statistics leaves"; leaf mpls-label { type oc-mpls-t:mpls-label; description "The MPLS label used for the segment identifier"; } } grouping sr-mpls-common-counters { description "Per segment identifier counters used in the model"; leaf in-pkts { type yang:counter64; description "A cumulative counter of the packets received within the context which have matched a label corresponding to an SR Segment Identifier."; } leaf in-octets { type yang:counter64; description "The cumulative counter of the total bytes received within the context which have matched a label corresponding to an SR Segment Identifier"; } leaf out-pkts { type yang:counter64; description "A cumulative counter of the total number of packets transmitted by the local system within the context which have a label imposed that corresponds to an Segment Identifier."; } leaf out-octets { type yang:counter64; description "A cumulative counter of the total bytes transmitted by the local system within the context which have a label imported that corresponds to an SR Segment Identifier."; } } grouping sr-igp-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to segment routing within an IGP."; leaf enabled { type boolean; description "When this leaf is set to true, the segment routing extensions are utilised within the IGP."; } leaf srgb { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../segment-routing/srgbs/srgb/config/local-id"; } description "A reference to the Segment Routing Global Block (SRGB) that is to be used by this IGP instance."; } leaf srlb { // Leaf is defined at // /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol//global/ // segment-routing/config type leafref { path "../../../../../../../segment-routing/srlbs/srlb/config/local-id"; } description "A reference to the Segment Routing Local Block (SRLB) that is to be advertised by the IGP instance."; } } grouping sr-igp-top { description "Per-instance configuration and state parameters for Segment Routing in an IGP."; container segment-routing { description "Configuration and operational state relating to segment routing."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the configuration of segment routing for the IGP instance."; uses sr-igp-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to segment routing for the IGP instance."; uses sr-igp-config; } } } grouping sr-igp-interface-prefix-sid-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to an IGP prefix SID advertisement"; leaf prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "The IP prefix for which the IGP prefix SID should be advertised. The value specified is a local prefix on the interface which is advertised into the IGP."; } leaf sid-id { type sr-sid-type; description "The Segment Identifier to be used when advertising the IGP Prefix SID."; } leaf label-options { type enumeration { enum NO_PHP { description "When this value is specified, the penultimate hop must not pop the Prefix-SID label before forwarding it to the local system."; } enum EXPLICIT_NULL { description "When set, the penultimate hop must swap the prefix SID for the relevant explicit null label before forwarding the packet."; } } description "The options associated with the IGP prefix SID for MPLS. The value of this leaf specifies the option that the SID should be advertised into the IGP with."; } } grouping sr-igp-interface-adjsid-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to an Adj-SID on an interface"; leaf sid-id { type union { type sr-sid-type; type enumeration { enum DYNAMIC { description "The SID chosen for the Adjacency SID should be dynamically allocated from the system's dynamic range of Segment Identifiers. For MPLS, this range should be considered to be those labels that do not fall within a reserved label block."; } } } description "The value of the Adj-SID to be advertised. Where a static SID identifier is specified, this should be advertised directly by the system. Where the DYNAMIC value is specified, this should be treated as a dynamically allocated value. When the MPLS data plane is in use the dynamic value should not fall within a reserved-label-block."; } leaf protection-eligible { type boolean; default true; description "Whether the Adj-SID should be considered to be eligible for protection using IP or MPLS FRR during a network failure. When this value is set to true, the B-flag of the Adj-SID is set to 1, and the local system should provide FRR paths for the associated label forwarding entry. When it is set to false, the local system must not provide FRR for the specified LFIB entry."; } leaf group { type boolean; default false; description "When set to true, the Adj-SID is indicated to be part of a group, and the G flag is set to 1 in the corresponding advertisement in the IGP."; } leaf neighbor { type inet:ip-address; description "The remote system on the interface with which the Adj-SID is associated."; } } grouping sr-igp-interface-adjsid-state { description "Operational state parameters relating to the adjacency SID for an interface"; leaf allocated-dynamic-local { type sr-sid-type; description "Where an Adjacency SID with a dynamic value is to be allocated by the system, this leaf reports to the value of the Adj-SID allocated to this interface."; } } grouping sr-igp-interface-top { description "Per-interface configuration and operational state relating to an interface within the IGP."; container segment-routing { description "Configuration and operatioanl state parameters relating to segment routing for an interface within the IGP."; container prefix-sids { description "Configuration and operational state parameters relating to the advertisement of a segment routing IGP-Prefix SID for this interface."; list prefix-sid { key "prefix"; description "An IGP prefix that should have a segment routing IGP-Prefix SID allocated to it. The value of the SID is specified by the SID ID, as an absolute value. If the absolute value falls within the SRGB, the Global flag should be advertised by the system."; leaf prefix { type leafref { path "../config/prefix"; } description "Reference to the prefix for which the IGP-Prefix SID is to be advertised"; } container config { description "Configuration parameters for the IGP Prefix SID."; uses sr-igp-interface-prefix-sid-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters for the IGP-Prefix SID."; uses sr-igp-interface-prefix-sid-config; } } } container adjacency-sids { description "Configuration and operational state parameters relating to the advertisement of a segment routing adjacency SID for this interface."; list adjacency-sid { key "neighbor sid-id"; description "An Adjacency SID to be advertised for the specified interface. The Adj-SID's identifier (the SID ID) must be unique, with flags specified indicating the parameters that should be set for the SID. Where a SID value is specified that is allocated from the SRGB, the global flag must be set by the system."; leaf sid-id { type leafref { path "../config/sid-id"; } description "Reference to the segment identifier to be used by the local system."; } leaf neighbor { type leafref { path "../config/neighbor"; } description "Reference to the neighbor with which the Adjacency SID is associated."; } container config { description "Configuraton parameters relating to the AdjSID."; uses sr-igp-interface-adjsid-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the AdjSID."; uses sr-igp-interface-adjsid-config; uses sr-igp-interface-adjsid-state; } } } } } grouping sr-top { description "Top level grouping for Segment Routing"; container segment-routing { description "Configuration and operational state parameters relating to segment routing."; uses sr-structural; } } }