module openconfig-wifi-mac { yang-version "1"; // namespace namespace ""; // Assign this module a prefix to be used by other modules, when imported. prefix "oc-wifi-mac"; import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } // OC-specific types import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-vlan-types { prefix oc-vlan-types; } import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; } import openconfig-wifi-types { prefix oc-wifi-types; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } // Some required meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Model for managing MAC layer configuration of Radio interfaces."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.0"; revision "2017-12-21" { description "Add mobility-domain and move/create bssid-state list for counters."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2017-07-25" { description "Initial revision"; reference "0.1.0"; } grouping ssid-common-config { description "Configuration items common to all logical SSIDs."; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the SSID."; } leaf enabled { type boolean; default "true"; description "The desired operational state (up/down) of this SSID."; } leaf hidden { type boolean; default "false"; description "Whether this SSID IE is hidden within Beacons."; } leaf vlan-id { type oc-vlan-types:vlan-id; description "Optional VLAN tag used by the SSID. When unspecified, defaults to untagged."; } leaf operating-frequency { type identityref { base oc-wifi-types:OPERATING_FREQUENCY; } default "oc-wifi-types:FREQ_2_5_GHZ"; description "Operating frequency of this SSID. When none specified, the default is dual-band."; } leaf-list basic-data-rates { type identityref { base oc-wifi-types:DATA_RATE; } description "Basic data-rates for the SSID."; } leaf-list supported-data-rates { type identityref { base oc-wifi-types:DATA_RATE; } description "Supported data-rates for the SSID."; } // MCS rates explicitly absent, as they are typically not pruned. leaf broadcast-filter { type boolean; description "Convert all downstream broadcast ARP to unicast only if Station is associated to the AP. Drop packet if Station is not associated to the AP. All other broadcast, except DHCP, is dropped by the AP. DHCP Offers/ACKs are converted to Unicast, over-the-air."; } leaf multicast-filter { type boolean; description "Drop all downstream Multicast packets."; } leaf ipv6-ndp-filter { type boolean; description "Neighbor Advertisements will be cached at the AP (or WLC) and unicast in response to Neighbor Solicitations. Router Advertisements, in response to a Router Solicitation are converted to Unicast for over-the-air transmission."; } leaf ipv6-ndp-filter-timer { type uint16; units seconds; description "Time, in seconds, the ndp-filter will cache Neighbor Advertisements (NA)."; } leaf station-isolation { type boolean; description "Block Station peer to peer communication."; } leaf opmode { type enumeration { enum OPEN { description "Open authentication."; } enum WPA2_PERSONAL { description "WPA2-Personal with PSK authentication."; } enum WPA2_ENTERPRISE { description "WPA2-Enterprise with 802.1X authentication."; } } default "OPEN"; description "The type of Layer2 authentication in use."; } // Note, legacy 802.11 auth methods (ie Shared Key) explicitly absent here. // It should never be used. leaf wpa2-psk { when "../opmode = 'WPA2_PERSONAL'"; type string { length "8..63"; } description "The passphrase used on this WPA2-Personal SSID."; } leaf server-group { when "../opmode = 'WPA2_ENTERPRISE' or ../opmode = 'WPA2_PERSONAL'"; type string; description "Specifies the RADIUS server-group to be used, as defined in the openconfig-aaa.yang model. Including WPA2_PERSONAL as it can be accompained by MAB."; } leaf dva { type boolean; description "Enable/disable Dynamic VLAN Assignment, using 'Tunnel-Private-Group-Id' RADIUS attribute."; } leaf mobility-domain { type string; description "Specify the mobility domain where PMK-R0 distribution will occur. Specifically, which APs will recieve PMK-R0 if using 802.11r (FT)."; } leaf dhcp-required { type boolean; description "Allow a Station to access the network only if a DHCP exchange has occurred."; } leaf qbss-load { type boolean; description "Advertisement of the QBSS Load Information ELement."; } leaf advertise-apname { type boolean; description "Advertise the AP hostname in Beacon and Probe Resp. frames."; } leaf csa { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/Disable 802.11h channel-switch-announcement."; } leaf ptk-timeout { type uint16; units seconds; description "Time, in seconds, for the Pairwise Transient Key to be timed out."; } leaf gtk-timeout { type uint16; units seconds; description "TTL for the Group Temporal Key."; } leaf dot11k { type boolean; description "802.11k neighbor-list enabled/disabled."; } leaf okc { type boolean; description "Enable/disable Opportunistic Key Caching."; } } grouping dot11v-config { description "802.11v configuration & state data."; leaf dot11v-dms { type boolean; description "802.11v Directed Multicast Service enabled/disabled."; } leaf dot11v-bssidle { type boolean; description "802.11v BSS Max Idle enabled/disabled."; } leaf dot11v-bssidle-timeout { type uint16; units seconds; description "802.11v BSS Max Idle timeout."; } leaf dot11v-bsstransition { type boolean; description "802.11v BSS Transition enabled/disabled."; } } grouping dot11r-config { description "802.11r related configuration & state data."; leaf dot11r { type boolean; description "Enable/disable 802.11r FT."; } leaf dot11r-domainid { type uint16; description "Mobility Domain ID."; } leaf dot11r-method { type enumeration { enum OVA { description "802.11r Over-the-AIR."; } enum ODS { description "802.11r Over-the-DS."; } } default "OVA"; description "The type of 802.11r FT in use."; } leaf dot11r-r1key-timeout { type uint16; units seconds; description "TTL for the Pairwise Master Key R1."; } // At present R1 Key distribution is left up to vendor. All APs in mgmnt // subnet, all APs on WLC etc. } grouping dot1x-timers-config { description "Configurable 802.1X timers, per ESS."; leaf max-auth-failures { type uint8; description "Number of consecutive authentication failures, via RADIUS Access-Reject, before Station is blacklisted."; } leaf blacklist-time { type uint16; units seconds; description "Length of time, in seconds, a Station will be blacklisted as a result of max-auth-failures."; } } grouping wmm-config { description "WMM & QoS marking config, per BSS."; leaf trust-dscp { type boolean; default "true"; description "The AP should trust DSCP on 802.11 frames received in this BSS."; } leaf-list wmm-vo-remark { type uint8; max-elements 8; description "Allowed DSCP markings for WMM AC_VO. Remark to lowest in this list if DSCP marking falls outside of these allowed markings. From 1 (min) to 8 (max) integers."; } leaf-list wmm-vi-remark { type uint8; max-elements 8; description "Allowed DSCP markings for WMM AC_VI. Remark to lowest in this list if DSCP marking falls outside of these allowed markings. From 1 (min) to 8 (max) integers."; } leaf-list wmm-be-remark { type uint8; max-elements 8; description "Allowed DSCP markings for WMM AC_BE. Remark to lowest in this list if DSCP marking falls outside of these allowed markings. From 1 (min) to 8 (max) integers."; } leaf-list wmm-bk-remark { type uint8; max-elements 8; description "Allowed DSCP markings for WMM AC_BK. Remark to lowest in this list if DSCP marking falls outside of these allowed markings. From 1 (min) to 8 (max) integers."; } } grouping band-steering-config { description "Grouping for band-steering specific configuration."; leaf band-steering { type boolean; description "Enable/disable band-steering."; } leaf steering-rssi { type int8; description "Minimum RSSI a dual-band Station's Probe Request must be heard at on a 5GHz radio, in order for band-steering to withhold 2.4GHz Probe Responses."; } } grouping ssid-common-state { description "Grouping for defining ssid-specific operational state"; leaf bssid { type oc-yang:mac-address; description "Represents the BSSID. Typically this is base-radio mac +/- in last octet; though not strictly required."; } leaf bss-channel-utilization { type oc-types:percentage; description "Total 802.11 channel utilization on this BSS. The total channel utilization should include all time periods the AP spent actively receiving and transmitting 802.11 frames on this BSS."; } leaf rx-bss-dot11-channel-utilization { type oc-types:percentage; description "Rx channel utilization percent for this BSS."; } leaf tx-bss-dot11-channel-utilization { type oc-types:percentage; description "Tx channel utilization percent for this BSS."; } } grouping bss-common-state { description "Grouping for defining bss-specific operational state."; leaf ess { type leafref { path "../../../../ssids/ssid/name"; } description "Name of the ESS this BSS is utilizing."; } leaf num-associated-clients { type uint8; description "Number of associated STAs to this BSS."; } } grouping bssid-counters-state { description "BSSID telemetry statistics."; leaf bssid { type oc-yang:mac-address; description "MAC of the BSS."; } container counters { config false; description "BSS Counters."; // Rx Counters leaf rx-mgmt { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Received 802.11 Management frames."; } leaf rx-control { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Received 802.11 Control frames."; } container rx-data-dist { description "The distribution of Data frame sizes in bytes of successfully recieved AMPDU, or MPDU for non-aggregated, frames. The distribution should characterize frame sizes starting at 64 bytes or less with the bin size doubling for each successive bin to a maximum of 1MB or larger, as represented in the following table: Lower Bound Upper Bound 0 64 65 128 129 256 257 512 513 1024 1025 2048 2049 4096 4097 8192 8193 16384 16385 32768 32769 65536 65537 131072 131073 262144 262145 524288 524289 1048576"; leaf rx-0-64 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 0 to 64 Bytes."; } leaf rx-65-128 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 65 to 128 Bytes."; } leaf rx-129-256 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 129 to 256 Bytes."; } leaf rx-257-512 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 257 to 512 Bytes."; } leaf rx-513-1024 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 513 to 1024 Bytes."; } leaf rx-1025-2048 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 1025 to 2048 Bytes."; } leaf rx-2049-4096 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 2049 to 4096 Bytes."; } leaf rx-4097-8192 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 4097 to 8192 Bytes."; } leaf rx-8193-16384 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 8193 to 16384 Bytes."; } leaf rx-16385-32768 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 16385 to 32768 Bytes."; } leaf rx-32769-65536 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 32769 to 65536 Bytes."; } leaf rx-65537-131072 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU from 65537 to 131072 Bytes."; } leaf rx-131073-262144 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU from 131073 to 262144 Bytes."; } leaf rx-262145-524288 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU from 262145 to 524288 Bytes."; } leaf rx-524289-1048576 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU from 524289 to 1048576 Bytes."; } } container rx-data-wmm { description "Received 802.11 Data frames, per WMM Access Category."; leaf vi { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames marked as Access Category Video."; } leaf vo { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames marked as Access Category Voice."; } leaf be { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames marked as Access Category Best Effort."; } leaf bk { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames marked as Access Category Background."; } } container rx-mcs { description "Received Data frames, per MCS Index. It is expected that vendors bucketize 802.11n MCS frames in their matching 802.11ac buckets. Example, 802.11n MCS 15 = 802.11ac MCS 7. 802.11n MCS 20 = 802.11ac MCS 4."; leaf mcs0 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 0."; } leaf mcs1 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 1."; } leaf mcs2 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 2."; } leaf mcs3 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 3."; } leaf mcs4 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 4."; } leaf mcs5 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 5."; } leaf mcs6 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 6."; } leaf mcs7 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 7."; } leaf mcs8 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 8."; } leaf mcs9 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Data frames at MCS 9."; } } leaf rx-retries { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Total number of received frames with the Retry bit set, within this BSS."; } leaf rx-retries-data { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of received QoS Data frames with the Retry bit set"; } leaf rx-retries-subframe { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Aggregated MPDUs which had individual subframes that fail and require retransmission."; } leaf rx-bytes-data { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Bytes received from QoS Data frames"; } // Tx Counters leaf tx-mgmt { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted 802.11 Management frames."; } leaf tx-control { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted 802.11 Control frames."; } container tx-data-dist { description "The distribution of Data frame sizes in bytes of successfully transmitted AMPDU, or MPDU for non-aggregated, frames. The distribution should characterize frame sizes starting at 64 bytes or less with the bin size doubling for each successive bin to a maximum of 1MB or larger, as represented in the following table: Lower Bound Upper Bound 0 64 65 128 129 256 257 512 513 1024 1025 2048 2049 4096 4097 8192 8193 16384 16385 32768 32769 65536 65537 131072 131073 262144 262145 524288 524289 1048576"; leaf tx-0-64 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 0 to 64 Bytes."; } leaf tx-65-128 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 65 to 128 Bytes."; } leaf tx-129-256 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 129 to 256 Bytes."; } leaf tx-257-512 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 257 to 512 Bytes."; } leaf tx-513-1024 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 513 to 1024 Bytes."; } leaf tx-1025-2048 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 1025 to 2048 Bytes."; } leaf tx-2049-4096 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 2049 to 4096 Bytes."; } leaf tx-4097-8192 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 4097 to 8192 Bytes."; } leaf tx-8193-16384 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 8193 to 16384 Bytes."; } leaf tx-16385-32768 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 16385 to 32768 Bytes."; } leaf tx-32769-65536 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU or MPDUs from 32769 to 65536 Bytes."; } leaf tx-65537-131072 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU from 65537 to 131072 Bytes."; } leaf tx-131073-262144 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU from 131073 to 262144 Bytes."; } leaf tx-262145-524288 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU from 262145 to 524288 Bytes."; } leaf tx-524289-1048576 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Transmitted AMPDU from 524289 to 1048576 Bytes."; } } container tx-data-wmm { description "Transmitted QoS Data frames, per WMM AC."; leaf vi { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames marked as Access Category Video."; } leaf vo { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames marked as Access Category Voice."; } leaf bk { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames marked as Access Category Background."; } leaf be { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames marked as Access Category Best Effort."; } } container tx-mcs { description "Transmitted Data frames, per MCS Index. It is expected that vendors bucketize 802.11n MCS frames in their matching 802.11ac buckets. Example, 802.11n MCS 15 = 802.11ac MCS 7. 802.11n MCS 20 = 802.11ac MCS 4."; leaf mcs0 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 0."; } leaf mcs1 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 1."; } leaf mcs2 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 2."; } leaf mcs3 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 3."; } leaf mcs4 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 4."; } leaf mcs5 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 5."; } leaf mcs6 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 6."; } leaf mcs7 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 7."; } leaf mcs8 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 8."; } leaf mcs9 { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Data frames at MCS 9."; } } leaf tx-retries { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of frames transmitted with the Retry bit set"; } leaf tx-retries-data { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Number of transmitted QoS Data frames with the Retry bit set"; } leaf tx-retries-subframe { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Aggregated MPDUs which had individual subframes that fail and require retransmission."; } leaf tx-bytes-data { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Bytes transmitted from QoS Data frames"; } } } grouping clients-state { description "List of clients; followed by state data, per client."; leaf mac { type oc-yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of the client."; } container counters { description "Per-client counters."; leaf tx-bytes { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx Bytes to this client."; } leaf rx-bytes { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx Bytes from this client."; } leaf rx-retries { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Rx retried frames from this client."; } leaf tx-retries { type oc-yang:counter64; description "Tx retried frames to this client."; } } } grouping client-connect-state { description "Grouping for connection state related data, per client."; container state { description "Container for connection state related data, per client."; leaf client-state { type identityref { base oc-wifi-types:CLIENT_STATE; } description "Various states a Client STA may be in."; } leaf connection-time { type uint16; units seconds; description "Time, in seconds, since Client Association."; } leaf username { type string; description "Username of Client; can be outer-identity (if PEAP), CN of certificate (if EAP-TLS) etc."; } leaf hostname { type string; description "Hostname of the client, as discovered via DHCP, mDNS or otherwise."; } leaf ipv4-address { type oc-inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address of the client."; } leaf ipv6-address { type oc-inet:ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address of the client."; } leaf operating-system { type string; description "Optional/if known; the OS of the client."; } } } grouping dot11k-neighbors-state { description "Grouping for Client beacon reports. Requires 802.11k enabled. See Sec. of 802.11k-2008 Standard."; container state { description "Container for Client beacon reports. Requires 802.11k enabled. See Sec. of 802.11k-2008 Standard."; leaf neighbor-bssid { type oc-yang:mac-address; description "The BSSID of this neighbor."; } leaf neighbor-channel { type uint8; description "The channel of this neighbor."; } leaf neighbor-rssi { type int8; description "The RSSI of this neighbor in dBm, expressed as a negative number."; } leaf neighbor-antenna { type uint8; description "Antenna details for this neighbor."; } leaf channel-load-report { type uint8; description "Channel load, as reported by Client to AP normalized to 255. See Sec. of 802.11ac-2013 Spec."; } } } grouping client-capabilities-state { description "Groupig for Client capabilities, as reported by Assoc. Req. or Probe Req. frames. Capability is supported, if present."; container state { description "Container for Client capabilities, as reported by Assoc. Req. or Probe Req. frames. Capability is supported, if present."; leaf-list client-capabilities { type identityref { base oc-wifi-types:CLIENT_CAPABILITIES; } description "Features supported by client that are Optional within the 802.11 specifications."; } leaf-list channel-support { type uint8; description "List of supported channels."; } } } grouping client-rf-state { description "Grouping for RF related client state data."; container state { description "Container for RF related client state data."; leaf rssi { type int8; description "The RSSI of this client in dBm. Expressed as negative number"; } leaf snr { type uint8; description "The SNR of AP to Client, in dB."; } leaf ss { type uint8; description "Number of Spatial Streams supported by the client."; } leaf phy-rate { type uint16; description "Last used PHY rate of connected client."; } leaf connection-mode { type enumeration { enum A { description "Client connected using 802.11a."; } enum B { description "Client connected using 802.11b."; } enum G { description "Client connected using 802.11g."; } enum N { description "Client connected using 802.11n."; } enum AC { description "Client connected using 802.11ac."; } } description "802.11 protocol used for the client's connection."; } leaf frequency { type uint8; description "Frequency the client is utilizing. Typically, 2.4 or 5[GHz]."; } } } grouping clients-top { description "Top-level grouping for clients operational state data."; container clients { description "Top-level container for clients operational state data."; list client { key "mac"; config false; description "List of clients per BSS."; leaf mac { type leafref { path "../state/mac"; } config false; description "The clients WiFi MAC address."; } container state { config false; description "Client state data."; uses clients-state; } container client-rf { config false; description "RF radio-data per non-AP STA."; uses client-rf-state; } container client-capabilities { config false; description "Capabilites as advertised by the Client."; uses client-capabilities-state; } container dot11k-neighbors { config false; description "80211.k nieghbor information given from the Client to the infrastructure."; uses dot11k-neighbors-state; } container client-connection { config false; description "Connection-state and meta-data associated with the Client."; uses client-connect-state; } } } } grouping wmm-top { description "Top-level grouping for WMM configuration and operational state data."; container wmm { description "Top-level container for WMM configuration and state container."; container config { description "Container for WMM configuration elements."; uses wmm-config; } container state { config false; description "Container for WMM state elements."; uses wmm-config; } } } grouping dot11r-top { description "Top-level grouping for 802.11r configuration and operational state data."; container dot11r { description "Top-level container for 802.11r configuration and state container."; container config { description "Container for 802.11r configuration elements."; uses dot11r-config; } container state { config false; description "Container for 802.11r state elements."; uses dot11r-config; } } } grouping dot11v-top { description "Top-level grouping for 802.11v configuration and operational state data."; container dot11v { description "Top-level container for 802.11v configuration and operational state data."; container config { description "Container for 802.11v configuration elements."; uses dot11v-config; } container state { config false; description "Container for 802.11r state elements."; uses dot11v-config; } } } grouping dot1x-timers-top { description "Top-level grouping for dot1x configuration and operational state data."; container dot1x-timers { description "Top-level container for dot1x configuration and operational state data."; container config { description "Container for dot1x configuration elements."; uses dot1x-timers-config; } container state { config false; description "Container for dot1x state elements."; uses dot1x-timers-config; } } } grouping band-steering-top { description "Top-level grouping for band-steering configuration and operational state data."; container band-steering { description "Top-level container for band-steering configuration and operational state data."; container config { description "Container for band-steering configuration elements."; uses band-steering-config; } container state { config false; description "Container for band-steering state elements."; uses band-steering-config; } } } grouping bssid-counters-top { description "Top-level grouping for BSSID operational state data."; container bssids { description "Top-level container for BSSID operational state data."; list bssid { key "bssid"; config false; description "List of BSSIDs."; leaf bssid { type leafref { path "../state/bssid"; } config false; description "The BSSID MAC address."; } container state { config false; description "BSSID state data."; uses bss-common-state; uses bssid-counters-state; } } } } grouping ssid-top { description "Top-level grouping for ssid configuration and operational state data."; container ssids { description "Top level container for ssids, including configuration and state data."; list ssid { key "name"; description "The list of named ssids on the APs."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "References the configured name of the ssid"; } container config { description "Configurable items at the global, ssid level"; uses ssid-common-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data at the ssid level"; uses ssid-common-config; uses ssid-common-state; } uses wmm-top; uses dot11r-top; uses dot11v-top; uses clients-top; uses dot1x-timers-top; uses band-steering-top; } } } uses ssid-top; uses bssid-counters-top; }