# Copyright (c) 2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- # Recommended collection name is a version string. # Comment https link towards the build used to get or verify the CRC values. # Link cannot easily be name as it is too long. # Note that you cannot easily avoid quotes for CRC values. # With leading 0x, yaml interprets the values as numbers. # Even with 0x removed, hexa CRC value may appear as decimal number. # Trailing comments are optional, for tracking how to test the message. # Please keep alphabetic order. # Use bash command "env LC_COLLATE=C sort -u" if not clear. # TODO: Update comments, as we removed device tests. # https://packagecloud.io/app/fdio/release # /search?q=24.10&filter=debs&filter=all&dist=debian 24.10-release: # plugins/acl/acl.api acl_add_replace: '0xee5c2f18' # dev acl_add_replace_reply: '0xac407b0c' # dev acl_details: '0x95babae0' # dev teardown acl_dump: '0xef34fea4' # dev teardown acl_interface_list_details: '0xe695d256' # dev teardown acl_interface_list_dump: '0xf9e6675e' # dev teardown acl_interface_set_acl_list: '0x473982bd' # dev acl_interface_set_acl_list_reply: '0xe8d4e804' # dev # vlibmemory/vlib.api add_node_next: '0x2457116d' # dev add_node_next_reply: '0x2ed75f32' # dev # plugins/adl/adl.api adl_allowlist_enable_disable: '0xea88828d' # dev adl_allowlist_enable_disable_reply: '0xe8d4e804' # dev adl_interface_enable_disable: '0x5501adee' # dev adl_interface_enable_disable_reply: '0xe8d4e804' # dev # plugins/af_xdp/af_xdp.api af_xdp_create_v3: '0xcf4b1827' # perf af_xdp_create_v3_reply: '0x5383d31f' # perf # plugins/avf/avf.api avf_create: '0xdaab8ae2' # dev avf_create_reply: '0x5383d31f' # dev # vnet/bonding/bond.api bond_add_member: '0xe7d14948' # perf bond_add_member_reply: '0xe8d4e804' # perf bond_create2: '0x912fda76' # perf bond_create2_reply: '0x5383d31f' # perf # 4x^ 64B-1c-1lbvpplacp-dot1q-l2xcbase-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-ndrpdr # ^ ndrpdrAND1cAND64bAND1lbvpplacp-dot1q-l2xcbase-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm # vnet/l2/l2.api bridge_domain_add_del_v2: '0x600b7170' # dev bridge_domain_add_del_v2_reply: '0xfcb1e980' # dev # bridge_domain_dump / details # honeycomb # vnet/classify/classify.api classify_add_del_session: '0xf20879f0' # dev classify_add_del_session_reply: '0xe8d4e804' # dev classify_add_del_table: '0x6849e39e' # dev classify_add_del_table_reply: '0x05486349' # dev # classify_session_dump / details # honeycomb # classify_table_by_interface / reply # honeycomb # classify_table_info / reply # honeycomb # vlibmemory/vlib.api cli_inband: '0xf8377302' # dev setup cli_inband_reply: '0x05879051' # dev setup # vnet/interface.api create_loopback_instance: '0xd36a3ee2' # dev create_loopback_instance_reply: '0x5383d31f' # dev # vnet/interface.api create_subif: '0x790ca755' # perf create_subif_reply: '0x5383d31f' # perf # ^^ 64B-1c-dot1ad-l2xcbase-ndrpdr # ^ ndrpdrAND1cAND64bANDdot1ad-l2xcbase # plugins/vhost/vhost_user.api create_vhost_user_if_v2: '0xdba1cc1d' # dev create_vhost_user_if_v2_reply: '0x5383d31f' # dev # vnet/interface.api create_vlan_subif: '0xaf34ac8b' # dev create_vlan_subif_reply: '0x5383d31f' # dev # plugins/crypto_sw_scheduler/crypto_sw_scheduler.api crypto_set_async_dispatch_v2: '0x667d2d54' # perf crypto_set_async_dispatch_v2_reply: '0xe8d4e804' # perf crypto_sw_scheduler_set_worker: '0xb4274502' # perf crypto_sw_scheduler_set_worker
#include <vom/dump_cmd.hpp>
#include <vapi/interface.api.vapi.hpp>
class interface_dump : public VOM::dump_cmd<vapi::Sw_interface_dump>
* Default Constructor - dump everything
* Constructor to dump one interface only
interface_dump(std::string interface_name);
* Issue the command to VPP/HW
VOM::rc_t issue(VOM::connection& con);
* convert to string format for debug purposes
std::string to_string() const;
std::string m_name; //interface name
#endif //__OPER_INTERFACE_H_