path: root/app/nginx/src/http/modules/ngx_http_degradation_module.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/nginx/src/http/modules/ngx_http_degradation_module.c')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/nginx/src/http/modules/ngx_http_degradation_module.c b/app/nginx/src/http/modules/ngx_http_degradation_module.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9c65cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/nginx/src/http/modules/ngx_http_degradation_module.c
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
+ * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.
+ */
+#include <ngx_config.h>
+#include <ngx_core.h>
+#include <ngx_http.h>
+typedef struct {
+ size_t sbrk_size;
+} ngx_http_degradation_main_conf_t;
+typedef struct {
+ ngx_uint_t degrade;
+} ngx_http_degradation_loc_conf_t;
+static ngx_conf_enum_t ngx_http_degrade[] = {
+ { ngx_string("204"), 204 },
+ { ngx_string("444"), 444 },
+ { ngx_null_string, 0 }
+static void *ngx_http_degradation_create_main_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf);
+static void *ngx_http_degradation_create_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf);
+static char *ngx_http_degradation_merge_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *parent,
+ void *child);
+static char *ngx_http_degradation(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd,
+ void *conf);
+static ngx_int_t ngx_http_degradation_init(ngx_conf_t *cf);
+static ngx_command_t ngx_http_degradation_commands[] = {
+ { ngx_string("degradation"),
+ ngx_http_degradation,
+ 0,
+ NULL },
+ { ngx_string("degrade"),
+ ngx_conf_set_enum_slot,
+ offsetof(ngx_http_degradation_loc_conf_t, degrade),
+ &ngx_http_degrade },
+ ngx_null_command
+static ngx_http_module_t ngx_http_degradation_module_ctx = {
+ NULL, /* preconfiguration */
+ ngx_http_degradation_init, /* postconfiguration */
+ ngx_http_degradation_create_main_conf, /* create main configuration */
+ NULL, /* init main configuration */
+ NULL, /* create server configuration */
+ NULL, /* merge server configuration */
+ ngx_http_degradation_create_loc_conf, /* create location configuration */
+ ngx_http_degradation_merge_loc_conf /* merge location configuration */
+ngx_module_t ngx_http_degradation_module = {
+ &ngx_http_degradation_module_ctx, /* module context */
+ ngx_http_degradation_commands, /* module directives */
+ NGX_HTTP_MODULE, /* module type */
+ NULL, /* init master */
+ NULL, /* init module */
+ NULL, /* init process */
+ NULL, /* init thread */
+ NULL, /* exit thread */
+ NULL, /* exit process */
+ NULL, /* exit master */
+static ngx_int_t
+ngx_http_degradation_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r)
+ ngx_http_degradation_loc_conf_t *dlcf;
+ dlcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_degradation_module);
+ if (dlcf->degrade && ngx_http_degraded(r)) {
+ return dlcf->degrade;
+ }
+ return NGX_DECLINED;
+ngx_http_degraded(ngx_http_request_t *r)
+ time_t now;
+ ngx_uint_t log;
+ static size_t sbrk_size;
+ static time_t sbrk_time;
+ ngx_http_degradation_main_conf_t *dmcf;
+ dmcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_degradation_module);
+ if (dmcf->sbrk_size) {
+ log = 0;
+ now = ngx_time();
+ /* lock mutex */
+ if (now != sbrk_time) {
+ /*
+ * ELF/i386 is loaded at 0x08000000, 128M
+ * ELF/amd64 is loaded at 0x00400000, 4M
+ *
+ * use a function address to subtract the loading address
+ */
+ sbrk_size = (size_t) sbrk(0) - ((uintptr_t) ngx_palloc & ~0x3FFFFF);
+ sbrk_time = now;
+ log = 1;
+ }
+ /* unlock mutex */
+ if (sbrk_size >= dmcf->sbrk_size) {
+ if (log) {
+ ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_NOTICE, r->connection->log, 0,
+ "degradation sbrk:%uzM",
+ sbrk_size / (1024 * 1024));
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void *
+ngx_http_degradation_create_main_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf)
+ ngx_http_degradation_main_conf_t *dmcf;
+ dmcf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_degradation_main_conf_t));
+ if (dmcf == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return dmcf;
+static void *
+ngx_http_degradation_create_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf)
+ ngx_http_degradation_loc_conf_t *conf;
+ conf = ngx_palloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_degradation_loc_conf_t));
+ if (conf == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ conf->degrade = NGX_CONF_UNSET_UINT;
+ return conf;
+static char *
+ngx_http_degradation_merge_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *parent, void *child)
+ ngx_http_degradation_loc_conf_t *prev = parent;
+ ngx_http_degradation_loc_conf_t *conf = child;
+ ngx_conf_merge_uint_value(conf->degrade, prev->degrade, 0);
+ return NGX_CONF_OK;
+static char *
+ngx_http_degradation(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf)
+ ngx_http_degradation_main_conf_t *dmcf = conf;
+ ngx_str_t *value, s;
+ value = cf->args->elts;
+ if (ngx_strncmp(value[1].data, "sbrk=", 5) == 0) {
+ s.len = value[1].len - 5;
+ s.data = value[1].data + 5;
+ dmcf->sbrk_size = ngx_parse_size(&s);
+ if (dmcf->sbrk_size == (size_t) NGX_ERROR) {
+ ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
+ "invalid sbrk size \"%V\"", &value[1]);
+ return NGX_CONF_ERROR;
+ }
+ return NGX_CONF_OK;
+ }
+ ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
+ "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[1]);
+ return NGX_CONF_ERROR;
+static ngx_int_t
+ngx_http_degradation_init(ngx_conf_t *cf)
+ ngx_http_handler_pt *h;
+ ngx_http_core_main_conf_t *cmcf;
+ cmcf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, ngx_http_core_module);
+ h = ngx_array_push(&cmcf->phases[NGX_HTTP_PREACCESS_PHASE].handlers);
+ if (h == NULL) {
+ return NGX_ERROR;
+ }
+ *h = ngx_http_degradation_handler;
+ return NGX_OK;