/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef COMMON_H_ #define COMMON_H_ #include static void sig_handle(int signum) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s(%d)\n", __func__, signum); force_quit = 1; } static void netfe_stream_dump(const struct netfe_stream *fes, struct sockaddr_storage *la, struct sockaddr_storage *ra) { struct sockaddr_in *l4, *r4; struct sockaddr_in6 *l6, *r6; uint16_t lport, rport; char laddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; char raddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; if (la->ss_family == AF_INET) { l4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)la; r4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)ra; lport = l4->sin_port; rport = r4->sin_port; } else if (la->ss_family == AF_INET6) { l6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)la; r6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ra; lport = l6->sin6_port; rport = r6->sin6_port; } else { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "stream@%p - unknown family=%hu\n", fes->s, la->ss_family); return; } format_addr(la, laddr, sizeof(laddr)); format_addr(ra, raddr, sizeof(raddr)); RTE_LOG(INFO, USER1, "stream@%p={s=%p," "family=%hu,proto=%s,laddr=%s,lport=%hu,raddr=%s,rport=%hu;" "stats={" "rxp=%" PRIu64 ",rxb=%" PRIu64 ",txp=%" PRIu64 ",txb=%" PRIu64 ",drops=%" PRIu64 "," "rxev[IDLE, DOWN, UP]=[%" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 "]," "txev[IDLE, DOWN, UP]=[%" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 "]" "};};\n", fes, fes->s, la->ss_family, proto_name[fes->proto], laddr, ntohs(lport), raddr, ntohs(rport), fes->stat.rxp, fes->stat.rxb, fes->stat.txp, fes->stat.txb, fes->stat.drops, fes->stat.rxev[TLE_SEV_IDLE], fes->stat.rxev[TLE_SEV_DOWN], fes->stat.rxev[TLE_SEV_UP], fes->stat.txev[TLE_SEV_IDLE], fes->stat.txev[TLE_SEV_DOWN], fes->stat.txev[TLE_SEV_UP]); } static inline uint32_t netfe_get_streams(struct netfe_stream_list *list, struct netfe_stream *rs[], uint32_t num) { struct netfe_stream *s; uint32_t i, n; n = RTE_MIN(list->num, num); for (i = 0, s = LIST_FIRST(&list->head); i != n; i++, s = LIST_NEXT(s, link)) { rs[i] = s; } if (s == NULL) /* we retrieved all free entries */ LIST_INIT(&list->head); else LIST_FIRST(&list->head) = s; list->num -= n; return n; } static inline struct netfe_stream * netfe_get_stream(struct netfe_stream_list *list) { struct netfe_stream *s; s = NULL; if (list->num == 0) return s; netfe_get_streams(list, &s, 1); return s; } static inline void netfe_put_streams(struct netfe_lcore *fe, struct netfe_stream_list *list, struct netfe_stream *fs[], uint32_t num) { uint32_t i, n; n = RTE_MIN(fe->snum - list->num, num); if (n != num) RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: list overflow by %u\n", __func__, num - n); for (i = 0; i != n; i++) LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&list->head, fs[i], link); list->num += n; } static inline void netfe_put_stream(struct netfe_lcore *fe, struct netfe_stream_list *list, struct netfe_stream *s) { if (list->num == fe->snum) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: list is full\n", __func__); return; } netfe_put_streams(fe, list, &s, 1); } static inline void netfe_rem_stream(struct netfe_stream_list *list, struct netfe_stream *s) { LIST_REMOVE(s, link); list->num--; } static void netfe_stream_close(struct netfe_lcore *fe, struct netfe_stream *fes) { tle_stream_close(fes->s); tle_event_free(fes->txev); tle_event_free(fes->rxev); tle_event_free(fes->erev); memset(fes, 0, sizeof(*fes)); netfe_put_stream(fe, &fe->free, fes); } /* * Helper functions, verify the queue for corresponding UDP port. */ static uint8_t verify_queue_for_port(const struct netbe_dev *prtq, const uint16_t lport) { uint32_t align_nb_q, qid; align_nb_q = rte_align32pow2(prtq->port.nb_lcore); qid = (lport % align_nb_q) % prtq->port.nb_lcore; if (prtq->rxqid == qid) return 1; return 0; } static inline size_t pkt_buf_empty(struct pkt_buf *pb) { uint32_t i; size_t x; x = 0; for (i = 0; i != pb->num; i++) { x += pb->pkt[i]->pkt_len; NETFE_PKT_DUMP(pb->pkt[i]); rte_pktmbuf_free(pb->pkt[i]); } pb->num = 0; return x; } static inline void pkt_buf_fill(uint32_t lcore, struct pkt_buf *pb, uint32_t dlen) { uint32_t i; int32_t sid; sid = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore) + 1; for (i = pb->num; i != RTE_DIM(pb->pkt); i++) { pb->pkt[i] = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(mpool[sid]); if (pb->pkt[i] == NULL) break; rte_pktmbuf_append(pb->pkt[i], dlen); } pb->num = i; } static int netbe_lcore_setup(struct netbe_lcore *lc) { uint32_t i; int32_t rc; RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "%s:(lcore=%u, proto=%s, ctx=%p) start\n", __func__, lc->id, proto_name[lc->proto], lc->ctx); /* * ??????? * wait for FE lcores to start, so BE dont' drop any packets * because corresponding streams not opened yet by FE. * useful when used with pcap PMDS. * think better way, or should this timeout be a cmdlien parameter. * ??????? */ rte_delay_ms(10); rc = 0; for (i = 0; i != lc->prtq_num && rc == 0; i++) { RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "%s:%u(port=%u, q=%u, proto=%s, dev=%p)\n", __func__, i, lc->prtq[i].port.id, lc->prtq[i].rxqid, proto_name[lc->proto], lc->prtq[i].dev); rc = setup_rx_cb(&lc->prtq[i].port, lc, lc->prtq[i].rxqid, becfg.arp); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (rc == 0) RTE_PER_LCORE(_be) = lc; return rc; } static void netbe_lcore_clear(void) { uint32_t i, j; struct netbe_lcore *lc; lc = RTE_PER_LCORE(_be); if (lc == NULL) return; RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "%s(lcore=%u, proto=%s, ctx: %p) finish\n", __func__, lc->id, proto_name[lc->proto], lc->ctx); for (i = 0; i != lc->prtq_num; i++) { RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "%s:%u(port=%u, q=%u, lcore=%u, dev=%p) " "rx_stats={" "in=%" PRIu64 ",up=%" PRIu64 ",drop=%" PRIu64 "}, " "tx_stats={" "in=%" PRIu64 ",up=%" PRIu64 ",drop=%" PRIu64 "};\n", __func__, i, lc->prtq[i].port.id, lc->prtq[i].rxqid, lc->id, lc->prtq[i].dev, lc->prtq[i].rx_stat.in, lc->prtq[i].rx_stat.up, lc->prtq[i].rx_stat.drop, lc->prtq[i].tx_stat.down, lc->prtq[i].tx_stat.out, lc->prtq[i].tx_stat.drop); } RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "tcp_stat={\n"); for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(lc->tcp_stat.flags); i++) { if (lc->tcp_stat.flags[i] != 0) RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "[flag=%#x]==%" PRIu64 ";\n", i, lc->tcp_stat.flags[i]); } RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "};\n"); for (i = 0; i != lc->prtq_num; i++) for (j = 0; j != lc->prtq[i].tx_buf.num; j++) rte_pktmbuf_free(lc->prtq[i].tx_buf.pkt[j]); RTE_PER_LCORE(_be) = NULL; } static int netbe_add_ipv4_route(struct netbe_lcore *lc, const struct netbe_dest *dst, uint8_t idx) { int32_t rc; uint32_t addr, depth; char str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; depth = dst->prfx; addr = rte_be_to_cpu_32(dst->ipv4.s_addr); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &dst->ipv4, str, sizeof(str)); rc = rte_lpm_add(lc->lpm4, addr, depth, idx); RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "%s(lcore=%u,port=%u,dev=%p," "ipv4=%s/%u,mtu=%u," "mac=%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx) " "returns %d;\n", __func__, lc->id, dst->port, lc->dst4[idx].dev, str, depth, lc->dst4[idx].mtu, dst->mac.addr_bytes[0], dst->mac.addr_bytes[1], dst->mac.addr_bytes[2], dst->mac.addr_bytes[3], dst->mac.addr_bytes[4], dst->mac.addr_bytes[5], rc); return rc; } static int netbe_add_ipv6_route(struct netbe_lcore *lc, const struct netbe_dest *dst, uint8_t idx) { int32_t rc; uint32_t depth; char str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; depth = dst->prfx; rc = rte_lpm6_add(lc->lpm6, (uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)dst->ipv6.s6_addr, depth, idx); inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &dst->ipv6, str, sizeof(str)); RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "%s(lcore=%u,port=%u,dev=%p," "ipv6=%s/%u,mtu=%u," "mac=%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx) " "returns %d;\n", __func__, lc->id, dst->port, lc->dst6[idx].dev, str, depth, lc->dst4[idx].mtu, dst->mac.addr_bytes[0], dst->mac.addr_bytes[1], dst->mac.addr_bytes[2], dst->mac.addr_bytes[3], dst->mac.addr_bytes[4], dst->mac.addr_bytes[5], rc); return rc; } static void fill_dst(struct tle_dest *dst, struct netbe_dev *bed, const struct netbe_dest *bdp, uint16_t l3_type, int32_t sid, uint8_t proto_id) { struct ether_hdr *eth; struct ipv4_hdr *ip4h; struct ipv6_hdr *ip6h; dst->dev = bed->dev; dst->head_mp = frag_mpool[sid + 1]; dst->mtu = RTE_MIN(bdp->mtu, bed->port.mtu); dst->l2_len = sizeof(*eth); eth = (struct ether_hdr *)dst->hdr; ether_addr_copy(&bed->port.mac, ð->s_addr); ether_addr_copy(&bdp->mac, ð->d_addr); eth->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(l3_type); if (l3_type == ETHER_TYPE_IPv4) { dst->l3_len = sizeof(*ip4h); ip4h = (struct ipv4_hdr *)(eth + 1); ip4h->version_ihl = 4 << 4 | sizeof(*ip4h) / IPV4_IHL_MULTIPLIER; ip4h->time_to_live = 64; ip4h->next_proto_id = proto_id; } else if (l3_type == ETHER_TYPE_IPv6) { dst->l3_len = sizeof(*ip6h); ip6h = (struct ipv6_hdr *)(eth + 1); ip6h->vtc_flow = 6 << 4; ip6h->proto = proto_id; ip6h->hop_limits = 64; } } static int netbe_add_dest(struct netbe_lcore *lc, uint32_t dev_idx, uint16_t family, const struct netbe_dest *dst, uint32_t dnum) { int32_t rc, sid; uint8_t proto; uint16_t l3_type; uint32_t i, n, m; struct tle_dest *dp; if (family == AF_INET) { n = lc->dst4_num; dp = lc->dst4 + n; m = RTE_DIM(lc->dst4); l3_type = ETHER_TYPE_IPv4; } else { n = lc->dst6_num; dp = lc->dst6 + n; m = RTE_DIM(lc->dst6); l3_type = ETHER_TYPE_IPv6; } if (n + dnum >= m) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s(lcore=%u, family=%hu, dnum=%u) exceeds " "maximum allowed number of destinations(%u);\n", __func__, lc->id, family, dnum, m); return -ENOSPC; } sid = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lc->id); proto = (becfg.proto == TLE_PROTO_UDP) ? IPPROTO_UDP : IPPROTO_TCP; rc = 0; for (i = 0; i != dnum && rc == 0; i++) { fill_dst(dp + i, lc->prtq + dev_idx, dst + i, l3_type, sid, proto); if (family == AF_INET) rc = netbe_add_ipv4_route(lc, dst + i, n + i); else rc = netbe_add_ipv6_route(lc, dst + i, n + i); } if (family == AF_INET) lc->dst4_num = n + i; else lc->dst6_num = n + i; return rc; } static inline void fill_arp_reply(struct netbe_dev *dev, struct rte_mbuf *m) { struct ether_hdr *eth; struct arp_hdr *ahdr; struct arp_ipv4 *adata; uint32_t tip; /* set up the ethernet data */ eth = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, struct ether_hdr *); eth->d_addr = eth->s_addr; eth->s_addr = dev->port.mac; /* set up the arp data */ ahdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m, struct arp_hdr *, m->l2_len); adata = &ahdr->arp_data; ahdr->arp_op = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ARP_OP_REPLY); tip = adata->arp_tip; adata->arp_tip = adata->arp_sip; adata->arp_sip = tip; adata->arp_tha = adata->arp_sha; adata->arp_sha = dev->port.mac; } /* this is a semi ARP response implementation of RFC 826 * in RFC, it algo is as below * * ?Do I have the hardware type in ar$hrd? * Yes: (almost definitely) * [optionally check the hardware length ar$hln] * ?Do I speak the protocol in ar$pro? * Yes: * [optionally check the protocol length ar$pln] * Merge_flag := false * If the pair is * already in my translation table, update the sender * hardware address field of the entry with the new * information in the packet and set Merge_flag to true. * ?Am I the target protocol address? * Yes: * If Merge_flag is false, add the triplet to * the translation table. * ?Is the opcode ares_op$REQUEST? (NOW look at the opcode!!) * Yes: * Swap hardware and protocol fields, putting the local * hardware and protocol addresses in the sender fields. * Set the ar$op field to ares_op$REPLY * Send the packet to the (new) target hardware address on * the same hardware on which the request was received. * * So, in our implementation we skip updating the local cache, * we assume that local cache is ok, so we just reply the packet. */ static inline void send_arp_reply(struct netbe_dev *dev, struct pkt_buf *pb) { uint32_t i, n, num; struct rte_mbuf **m; m = pb->pkt; num = pb->num; for (i = 0; i != num; i++) { fill_arp_reply(dev, m[i]); NETBE_PKT_DUMP(m[i]); } n = rte_eth_tx_burst(dev->port.id, dev->txqid, m, num); NETBE_TRACE("%s: sent n=%u arp replies\n", __func__, n); /* free mbufs with unsent arp response */ for (i = n; i != num; i++) rte_pktmbuf_free(m[i]); pb->num = 0; } static inline void netbe_rx(struct netbe_lcore *lc, uint32_t pidx) { uint32_t j, k, n; struct rte_mbuf *pkt[MAX_PKT_BURST]; struct rte_mbuf *rp[MAX_PKT_BURST]; int32_t rc[MAX_PKT_BURST]; struct pkt_buf *abuf; n = rte_eth_rx_burst(lc->prtq[pidx].port.id, lc->prtq[pidx].rxqid, pkt, RTE_DIM(pkt)); if (n != 0) { lc->prtq[pidx].rx_stat.in += n; NETBE_TRACE("%s(%u): rte_eth_rx_burst(%u, %u) returns %u\n", __func__, lc->id, lc->prtq[pidx].port.id, lc->prtq[pidx].rxqid, n); k = tle_rx_bulk(lc->prtq[pidx].dev, pkt, rp, rc, n); lc->prtq[pidx].rx_stat.up += k; lc->prtq[pidx].rx_stat.drop += n - k; NETBE_TRACE("%s(%u): tle_%s_rx_bulk(%p, %u) returns %u\n", __func__, lc->id, proto_name[lc->proto], lc->prtq[pidx].dev, n, k); for (j = 0; j != n - k; j++) { NETBE_TRACE("%s:%d(port=%u) rp[%u]={%p, %d};\n", __func__, __LINE__, lc->prtq[pidx].port.id, j, rp[j], rc[j]); rte_pktmbuf_free(rp[j]); } } /* respond to incoming arp requests */ abuf = &lc->prtq[pidx].arp_buf; if (abuf->num == 0) return; send_arp_reply(&lc->prtq[pidx], abuf); } static inline void netbe_tx(struct netbe_lcore *lc, uint32_t pidx) { uint32_t j, k, n; struct rte_mbuf **mb; n = lc->prtq[pidx].tx_buf.num; k = RTE_DIM(lc->prtq[pidx].tx_buf.pkt) - n; mb = lc->prtq[pidx].tx_buf.pkt; if (k >= RTE_DIM(lc->prtq[pidx].tx_buf.pkt) / 2) { j = tle_tx_bulk(lc->prtq[pidx].dev, mb + n, k); n += j; lc->prtq[pidx].tx_stat.down += j; } if (n == 0) return; NETBE_TRACE("%s(%u): tle_%s_tx_bulk(%p) returns %u,\n" "total pkts to send: %u\n", __func__, lc->id, proto_name[lc->proto], lc->prtq[pidx].dev, j, n); for (j = 0; j != n; j++) NETBE_PKT_DUMP(mb[j]); k = rte_eth_tx_burst(lc->prtq[pidx].port.id, lc->prtq[pidx].txqid, mb, n); lc->prtq[pidx].tx_stat.out += k; lc->prtq[pidx].tx_stat.drop += n - k; NETBE_TRACE("%s(%u): rte_eth_tx_burst(%u, %u, %u) returns %u\n", __func__, lc->id, lc->prtq[pidx].port.id, lc->prtq[pidx].txqid, n, k); lc->prtq[pidx].tx_buf.num = n - k; if (k != 0) for (j = k; j != n; j++) mb[j - k] = mb[j]; } static inline void netbe_lcore(void) { uint32_t i; struct netbe_lcore *lc; lc = RTE_PER_LCORE(_be); if (lc == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i != lc->prtq_num; i++) { netbe_rx(lc, i); netbe_tx(lc, i); } } static inline void netfe_rx_process(__rte_unused uint32_t lcore, struct netfe_stream *fes) { uint32_t k, n; n = fes->pbuf.num; k = RTE_DIM(fes->pbuf.pkt) - n; /* packet buffer is full, can't receive any new packets. */ if (k == 0) { tle_event_idle(fes->rxev); fes->stat.rxev[TLE_SEV_IDLE]++; return; } n = tle_stream_recv(fes->s, fes->pbuf.pkt + n, k); if (n == 0) return; NETFE_TRACE("%s(%u): tle_%s_stream_recv(%p, %u) returns %u\n", __func__, lcore, proto_name[fes->proto], fes->s, k, n); fes->pbuf.num += n; fes->stat.rxp += n; /* free all received mbufs. */ if (fes->op == RXONLY) fes->stat.rxb += pkt_buf_empty(&fes->pbuf); /* mark stream as writable */ else if (k == RTE_DIM(fes->pbuf.pkt)) { if (fes->op == RXTX) { tle_event_active(fes->txev, TLE_SEV_UP); fes->stat.txev[TLE_SEV_UP]++; } else if (fes->op == FWD) { tle_event_raise(fes->txev); fes->stat.txev[TLE_SEV_UP]++; } } } #endif /* COMMON_H_ */