/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "netbe.h" #include "parse.h" #define MAX_RULES 0x100 #define MAX_TBL8 0x800 #define RX_RING_SIZE 0x400 #define TX_RING_SIZE 0x800 #define MPOOL_CACHE_SIZE 0x100 #define MPOOL_NB_BUF 0x20000 #define FRAG_MBUF_BUF_SIZE (RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM + TLE_DST_MAX_HDR) #define FRAG_TTL MS_PER_S #define FRAG_TBL_BUCKET_ENTRIES 16 #define FIRST_PORT 0x8000 #define RX_CSUM_OFFLOAD (DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM | DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) #define TX_CSUM_OFFLOAD (DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM | DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(struct netbe_lcore *, _be); RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(struct netfe_lcore *, _fe); #include "fwdtbl.h" /** * Location to be modified to create the IPv4 hash key which helps * to distribute packets based on the destination TCP/UDP port. */ #define RSS_HASH_KEY_DEST_PORT_LOC_IPV4 15 /** * Location to be modified to create the IPv6 hash key which helps * to distribute packets based on the destination TCP/UDP port. */ #define RSS_HASH_KEY_DEST_PORT_LOC_IPV6 39 /** * Size of the rte_eth_rss_reta_entry64 array to update through * rte_eth_dev_rss_reta_update. */ #define RSS_RETA_CONF_ARRAY_SIZE (ETH_RSS_RETA_SIZE_512/RTE_RETA_GROUP_SIZE) static volatile int force_quit; static struct netbe_cfg becfg; static struct rte_mempool *mpool[RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES + 1]; static struct rte_mempool *frag_mpool[RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES + 1]; static char proto_name[3][10] = {"udp", "tcp", ""}; static const struct rte_eth_conf port_conf_default = { .rxmode = { .hw_vlan_strip = 1, .jumbo_frame = 0, }, }; /* function pointers */ static TLE_RX_BULK_FUNCTYPE tle_rx_bulk; static TLE_TX_BULK_FUNCTYPE tle_tx_bulk; static TLE_STREAM_RECV_FUNCTYPE tle_stream_recv; static TLE_STREAM_CLOSE_FUNCTYPE tle_stream_close; static LCORE_MAIN_FUNCTYPE lcore_main; #include "common.h" #include "parse.h" #include "lcore.h" #include "port.h" #include "tcp.h" #include "udp.h" int verbose = VERBOSE_NONE; static void netbe_lcore_fini(struct netbe_cfg *cfg) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i != cfg->cpu_num; i++) { tle_ctx_destroy(cfg->cpu[i].ctx); rte_ip_frag_table_destroy(cfg->cpu[i].ftbl); rte_lpm_free(cfg->cpu[i].lpm4); rte_lpm6_free(cfg->cpu[i].lpm6); rte_free(cfg->cpu[i].prtq); cfg->cpu[i].prtq_num = 0; } rte_free(cfg->cpu); cfg->cpu_num = 0; for (i = 0; i != cfg->prt_num; i++) { rte_free(cfg->prt[i].lcore_id); cfg->prt[i].nb_lcore = 0; } rte_free(cfg->prt); cfg->prt_num = 0; } static int netbe_dest_init(const char *fname, struct netbe_cfg *cfg) { int32_t rc; uint32_t f, i, p; uint32_t k, l, cnt; struct netbe_lcore *lc; struct netbe_dest_prm prm; rc = netbe_parse_dest(fname, &prm); if (rc != 0) return rc; rc = 0; for (i = 0; i != prm.nb_dest; i++) { p = prm.dest[i].port; f = prm.dest[i].family; cnt = 0; for (k = 0; k != cfg->cpu_num; k++) { lc = cfg->cpu + k; for (l = 0; l != lc->prtq_num; l++) if (lc->prtq[l].port.id == p) { rc = netbe_add_dest(lc, l, f, prm.dest + i, 1); if (rc != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s(lc=%u, family=%u) " "could not add " "destinations(%u)\n", __func__, lc->id, f, i); return -ENOSPC; } cnt++; } } if (cnt == 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s(%s) error at line %u: " "port %u not managed by any lcore;\n", __func__, fname, prm.dest[i].line, p); break; } } free(prm.dest); return rc; } static void func_ptrs_init(uint32_t proto) { if (proto == TLE_PROTO_TCP) { tle_rx_bulk = tle_tcp_rx_bulk; tle_tx_bulk = tle_tcp_tx_bulk; tle_stream_recv = tle_tcp_stream_recv; tle_stream_close = tle_tcp_stream_close; lcore_main = lcore_main_tcp; } else { tle_rx_bulk = tle_udp_rx_bulk; tle_tx_bulk = tle_udp_tx_bulk; tle_stream_recv = tle_udp_stream_recv; tle_stream_close = tle_udp_stream_close; lcore_main = lcore_main_udp; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int32_t rc; uint32_t i; struct tle_ctx_param ctx_prm; struct netfe_lcore_prm feprm; struct rte_eth_stats stats; char fecfg_fname[PATH_MAX + 1]; char becfg_fname[PATH_MAX + 1]; struct lcore_prm prm[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; fecfg_fname[0] = 0; becfg_fname[0] = 0; memset(prm, 0, sizeof(prm)); rc = rte_eal_init(argc, argv); if (rc < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: rte_eal_init failed with error code: %d\n", __func__, rc); memset(&ctx_prm, 0, sizeof(ctx_prm)); ctx_prm.timewait = TLE_TCP_TIMEWAIT_DEFAULT; signal(SIGINT, sig_handle); argc -= rc; argv += rc; rc = parse_app_options(argc, argv, &becfg, &ctx_prm, fecfg_fname, becfg_fname); if (rc != 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: parse_app_options failed with error code: %d\n", __func__, rc); /* init all the function pointer */ func_ptrs_init(becfg.proto); rc = netbe_port_init(&becfg); if (rc != 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: netbe_port_init failed with error code: %d\n", __func__, rc); rc = netbe_lcore_init(&becfg, &ctx_prm); if (rc != 0) sig_handle(SIGQUIT); rc = netbe_dest_init(becfg_fname, &becfg); if (rc != 0) sig_handle(SIGQUIT); for (i = 0; i != becfg.prt_num && rc == 0; i++) { RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "%s: starting port %u\n", __func__, becfg.prt[i].id); rc = rte_eth_dev_start(becfg.prt[i].id); if (rc != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "%s: rte_eth_dev_start(%u) returned " "error code: %d\n", __func__, becfg.prt[i].id, rc); sig_handle(SIGQUIT); } rte_eth_dev_info_get(becfg.prt[i].id, &dev_info); rc = update_rss_reta(&becfg.prt[i], &dev_info); if (rc != 0) sig_handle(SIGQUIT); } feprm.max_streams = ctx_prm.max_streams * becfg.cpu_num; rc = (rc != 0) ? rc : netfe_parse_cfg(fecfg_fname, &feprm); if (rc != 0) sig_handle(SIGQUIT); for (i = 0; rc == 0 && i != becfg.cpu_num; i++) prm[becfg.cpu[i].id].be.lc = becfg.cpu + i; rc = (rc != 0) ? rc : netfe_lcore_fill(prm, &feprm); if (rc != 0) sig_handle(SIGQUIT); /* launch all slave lcores. */ RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(i) { if (prm[i].be.lc != NULL || prm[i].fe.max_streams != 0) rte_eal_remote_launch(lcore_main, prm + i, i); } /* launch master lcore. */ i = rte_get_master_lcore(); if (prm[i].be.lc != NULL || prm[i].fe.max_streams != 0) lcore_main(prm + i); rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); for (i = 0; i != becfg.prt_num; i++) { RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "%s: stoping port %u\n", __func__, becfg.prt[i].id); rte_eth_stats_get(becfg.prt[i].id, &stats); RTE_LOG(NOTICE, USER1, "port %u stats={\n" "ipackets=%" PRIu64 ";" "ibytes=%" PRIu64 ";" "ierrors=%" PRIu64 ";" "imissed=%" PRIu64 ";\n" "opackets=%" PRIu64 ";" "obytes=%" PRIu64 ";" "oerrors=%" PRIu64 ";\n" "}\n", becfg.prt[i].id, stats.ipackets, stats.ibytes, stats.ierrors, stats.imissed, stats.opackets, stats.obytes, stats.oerrors); rte_eth_dev_stop(becfg.prt[i].id); } netbe_lcore_fini(&becfg); return 0; }