/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "stream.h" #include "misc.h" #include "halfsiphash.h" #define LPORT_START 0x8000 #define LPORT_END MAX_PORT_NUM #define LPORT_START_BLK PORT_BLK(LPORT_START) #define LPORT_END_BLK PORT_BLK(LPORT_END) const struct in6_addr tle_ipv6_any = IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT; const struct in6_addr tle_ipv6_none = { { .__u6_addr32 = { UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX }, }, }; struct stream_ops tle_stream_ops[TLE_PROTO_NUM] = {}; static int check_dev_prm(const struct tle_dev_param *dev_prm) { /* no valid IPv4/IPv6 addresses provided. */ if (dev_prm->local_addr4.s_addr == INADDR_ANY && memcmp(&dev_prm->local_addr6, &tle_ipv6_any, sizeof(tle_ipv6_any)) == 0) return -EINVAL; if (dev_prm->bl4.nb_port > UINT16_MAX || (dev_prm->bl4.nb_port != 0 && dev_prm->bl4.port == NULL)) return -EINVAL; if (dev_prm->bl6.nb_port > UINT16_MAX || (dev_prm->bl6.nb_port != 0 && dev_prm->bl6.port == NULL)) return -EINVAL; return 0; } static int check_ctx_prm(const struct tle_ctx_param *prm) { if (prm->proto >= TLE_PROTO_NUM) return -EINVAL; if (prm->hash_alg >= TLE_HASH_NUM) return -EINVAL; return 0; } struct tle_ctx * tle_ctx_create(const struct tle_ctx_param *ctx_prm) { struct tle_ctx *ctx; size_t sz; uint64_t ms; uint32_t i; int32_t rc; if (ctx_prm == NULL || check_ctx_prm(ctx_prm) != 0) { rte_errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } sz = sizeof(*ctx); ctx = rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL, sz, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, ctx_prm->socket_id); if (ctx == NULL) { UDP_LOG(ERR, "allocation of %zu bytes for new ctx " "on socket %d failed\n", sz, ctx_prm->socket_id); return NULL; } /* caclulate closest shift to convert from cycles to ms (approximate) */ ms = (rte_get_tsc_hz() + MS_PER_S - 1) / MS_PER_S; ctx->cycles_ms_shift = sizeof(ms) * CHAR_BIT - __builtin_clzll(ms) - 1; ctx->prm = *ctx_prm; rc = tle_stream_ops[ctx_prm->proto].init_streams(ctx); if (rc != 0) { UDP_LOG(ERR, "init_streams(ctx=%p, proto=%u) failed " "with error code: %d;\n", ctx, ctx_prm->proto, rc); tle_ctx_destroy(ctx); rte_errno = -rc; return NULL; } for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(ctx->use); i++) tle_pbm_init(ctx->use + i, LPORT_START_BLK); /* Initialization of siphash state is done here to speed up the * fastpath processing. */ if (ctx->prm.hash_alg == TLE_SIPHASH) siphash_initialization(&ctx->prm.secret_key, &ctx->prm.secret_key); return ctx; } void tle_ctx_destroy(struct tle_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t i; if (ctx == NULL) { rte_errno = EINVAL; return; } for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(ctx->dev); i++) tle_del_dev(ctx->dev + i); tle_stream_ops[ctx->prm.proto].fini_streams(ctx); rte_free(ctx); } void tle_ctx_invalidate(struct tle_ctx *ctx) { RTE_SET_USED(ctx); } static void fill_pbm(struct tle_pbm *pbm, const struct tle_bl_port *blp) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i != blp->nb_port; i++) tle_pbm_set(pbm, blp->port[i]); } static int init_dev_proto(struct tle_dev *dev, uint32_t idx, int32_t socket_id, const struct tle_bl_port *blp) { size_t sz; sz = sizeof(*dev->dp[idx]); dev->dp[idx] = rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL, sz, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, socket_id); if (dev->dp[idx] == NULL) { UDP_LOG(ERR, "allocation of %zu bytes on " "socket %d for %u-th device failed\n", sz, socket_id, idx); return ENOMEM; } tle_pbm_init(&dev->dp[idx]->use, LPORT_START_BLK); fill_pbm(&dev->dp[idx]->use, blp); return 0; } static struct tle_dev * find_free_dev(struct tle_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t i; if (ctx->nb_dev < RTE_DIM(ctx->dev)) { for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(ctx->dev); i++) { if (ctx->dev[i].ctx != ctx) return ctx->dev + i; } } rte_errno = ENODEV; return NULL; } struct tle_dev * tle_add_dev(struct tle_ctx *ctx, const struct tle_dev_param *dev_prm) { int32_t rc; uint32_t df; struct tle_dev *dev; if (ctx == NULL || dev_prm == NULL || check_dev_prm(dev_prm) != 0) { rte_errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } dev = find_free_dev(ctx); if (dev == NULL) return NULL; rc = 0; /* device can handle IPv4 traffic */ if (dev_prm->local_addr4.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) { rc = init_dev_proto(dev, TLE_V4, ctx->prm.socket_id, &dev_prm->bl4); if (rc == 0) fill_pbm(&ctx->use[TLE_V4], &dev_prm->bl4); } /* device can handle IPv6 traffic */ if (rc == 0 && memcmp(&dev_prm->local_addr6, &tle_ipv6_any, sizeof(tle_ipv6_any)) != 0) { rc = init_dev_proto(dev, TLE_V6, ctx->prm.socket_id, &dev_prm->bl6); if (rc == 0) fill_pbm(&ctx->use[TLE_V6], &dev_prm->bl6); } if (rc != 0) { /* cleanup and return an error. */ rte_free(dev->dp[TLE_V4]); rte_free(dev->dp[TLE_V6]); rte_errno = rc; return NULL; } /* setup TX data. */ df = ((ctx->prm.flags & TLE_CTX_FLAG_ST) == 0) ? 0 : RING_F_SP_ENQ | RING_F_SC_DEQ; tle_dring_reset(&dev->tx.dr, df); if ((dev_prm->tx_offload & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) != 0 && ctx->prm.proto == TLE_PROTO_UDP) { dev->tx.ol_flags[TLE_V4] |= RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV4 | RTE_MBUF_F_TX_UDP_CKSUM; dev->tx.ol_flags[TLE_V6] |= RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV6 | RTE_MBUF_F_TX_UDP_CKSUM; } else if ((dev_prm->tx_offload & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM) != 0 && ctx->prm.proto == TLE_PROTO_TCP) { dev->tx.ol_flags[TLE_V4] |= RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV4 | RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TCP_CKSUM; dev->tx.ol_flags[TLE_V6] |= RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV6 | RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TCP_CKSUM; } if ((dev_prm->tx_offload & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM) != 0) dev->tx.ol_flags[TLE_V4] |= RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV4 | RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IP_CKSUM; dev->prm = *dev_prm; dev->ctx = ctx; ctx->nb_dev++; return dev; } static void empty_dring(struct tle_dring *dr, uint32_t proto) { uint32_t i, k, n; struct tle_stream *s; struct rte_mbuf *pkt[MAX_PKT_BURST]; struct tle_drb *drb[MAX_PKT_BURST]; do { k = RTE_DIM(drb); n = tle_dring_sc_dequeue(dr, (const void **)(uintptr_t)pkt, RTE_DIM(pkt), drb, &k); /* free mbufs */ for (i = 0; i != n; i++) rte_pktmbuf_free(pkt[i]); /* free drbs */ for (i = 0; i != k; i++) { s = drb[i]->udata; tle_stream_ops[proto].free_drbs(s, drb + i, 1); } } while (n != 0); } int tle_del_dev(struct tle_dev *dev) { uint32_t p; struct tle_ctx *ctx; if (dev == NULL || dev->ctx == NULL) return -EINVAL; ctx = dev->ctx; p = dev - ctx->dev; if (p >= RTE_DIM(ctx->dev) || (dev->dp[TLE_V4] == NULL && dev->dp[TLE_V6] == NULL)) return -EINVAL; /* emtpy TX queues. */ empty_dring(&dev->tx.dr, ctx->prm.proto); rte_free(dev->dp[TLE_V4]); rte_free(dev->dp[TLE_V6]); memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); ctx->nb_dev--; return 0; } static struct tle_dev * find_ipv4_dev(struct tle_ctx *ctx, const struct in_addr *addr) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(ctx->dev); i++) { if (ctx->dev[i].prm.local_addr4.s_addr == addr->s_addr && ctx->dev[i].dp[TLE_V4] != NULL) return ctx->dev + i; } return NULL; } static struct tle_dev * find_ipv6_dev(struct tle_ctx *ctx, const struct in6_addr *addr) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(ctx->dev); i++) { if (memcmp(&ctx->dev[i].prm.local_addr6, addr, sizeof(*addr)) == 0 && ctx->dev[i].dp[TLE_V6] != NULL) return ctx->dev + i; } return NULL; } static int stream_fill_dev(struct tle_ctx *ctx, struct tle_stream *s, const struct sockaddr *addr) { struct tle_dev *dev; struct tle_pbm *pbm; const struct sockaddr_in *lin4; const struct sockaddr_in6 *lin6; uint32_t i, p, sp, t; if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { lin4 = (const struct sockaddr_in *)addr; t = TLE_V4; p = lin4->sin_port; } else if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { lin6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)addr; t = TLE_V6; p = lin6->sin6_port; } else return EINVAL; p = ntohs(p); /* if local address is not wildcard, find device it belongs to. */ if (t == TLE_V4 && lin4->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) { dev = find_ipv4_dev(ctx, &lin4->sin_addr); if (dev == NULL) return ENODEV; } else if (t == TLE_V6 && memcmp(&tle_ipv6_any, &lin6->sin6_addr, sizeof(tle_ipv6_any)) != 0) { dev = find_ipv6_dev(ctx, &lin6->sin6_addr); if (dev == NULL) return ENODEV; } else dev = NULL; if (dev != NULL) pbm = &dev->dp[t]->use; else pbm = &ctx->use[t]; /* try to acquire local port number. */ if (p == 0) { p = tle_pbm_find_range(pbm, pbm->blk, LPORT_END_BLK); if (p == 0 && pbm->blk > LPORT_START_BLK) p = tle_pbm_find_range(pbm, LPORT_START_BLK, pbm->blk); } else if (tle_pbm_check(pbm, p) != 0) return EEXIST; if (p == 0) return ENFILE; /* fill socket's dst port and type */ sp = htons(p); s->type = t; s->port.dst = sp; /* mark port as in-use */ tle_pbm_set(&ctx->use[t], p); if (dev != NULL) { tle_pbm_set(pbm, p); dev->dp[t]->streams[sp] = s; } else { for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(ctx->dev); i++) { if (ctx->dev[i].dp[t] != NULL) { tle_pbm_set(&ctx->dev[i].dp[t]->use, p); ctx->dev[i].dp[t]->streams[sp] = s; } } } return 0; } static int stream_clear_dev(struct tle_ctx *ctx, const struct tle_stream *s) { struct tle_dev *dev; uint32_t i, p, sp, t; t = s->type; sp = s->port.dst; p = ntohs(sp); /* if local address is not wildcard, find device it belongs to. */ if (t == TLE_V4 && s->ipv4.addr.dst != INADDR_ANY) { dev = find_ipv4_dev(ctx, (const struct in_addr *)&s->ipv4.addr.dst); if (dev == NULL) return ENODEV; } else if (t == TLE_V6 && memcmp(&tle_ipv6_any, &s->ipv6.addr.dst, sizeof(tle_ipv6_any)) != 0) { dev = find_ipv6_dev(ctx, (const struct in6_addr *)&s->ipv6.addr.dst); if (dev == NULL) return ENODEV; } else dev = NULL; tle_pbm_clear(&ctx->use[t], p); if (dev != NULL) { if (dev->dp[t]->streams[sp] == s) { tle_pbm_clear(&dev->dp[t]->use, p); dev->dp[t]->streams[sp] = NULL; } } else { for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(ctx->dev); i++) { if (ctx->dev[i].dp[t] != NULL && ctx->dev[i].dp[t]->streams[sp] == s) { tle_pbm_clear(&ctx->dev[i].dp[t]->use, p); ctx->dev[i].dp[t]->streams[sp] = NULL; } } } return 0; } static void fill_ipv4_am(const struct sockaddr_in *in, uint32_t *addr, uint32_t *mask) { *addr = in->sin_addr.s_addr; *mask = (*addr == INADDR_ANY) ? INADDR_ANY : INADDR_NONE; } static void fill_ipv6_am(const struct sockaddr_in6 *in, rte_xmm_t *addr, rte_xmm_t *mask) { const struct in6_addr *pm; memcpy(addr, &in->sin6_addr, sizeof(*addr)); if (memcmp(&tle_ipv6_any, addr, sizeof(*addr)) == 0) pm = &tle_ipv6_any; else pm = &tle_ipv6_none; memcpy(mask, pm, sizeof(*mask)); } int stream_fill_ctx(struct tle_ctx *ctx, struct tle_stream *s, const struct sockaddr *laddr, const struct sockaddr *raddr) { const struct sockaddr_in *rin; int32_t rc; /* setup ports and port mask fields (except dst port). */ rin = (const struct sockaddr_in *)raddr; s->port.src = rin->sin_port; s->pmsk.src = (s->port.src == 0) ? 0 : UINT16_MAX; s->pmsk.dst = UINT16_MAX; /* setup src and dst addresses. */ if (laddr->sa_family == AF_INET) { fill_ipv4_am((const struct sockaddr_in *)laddr, &s->ipv4.addr.dst, &s->ipv4.mask.dst); fill_ipv4_am((const struct sockaddr_in *)raddr, &s->ipv4.addr.src, &s->ipv4.mask.src); } else if (laddr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { fill_ipv6_am((const struct sockaddr_in6 *)laddr, &s->ipv6.addr.dst, &s->ipv6.mask.dst); fill_ipv6_am((const struct sockaddr_in6 *)raddr, &s->ipv6.addr.src, &s->ipv6.mask.src); } rte_spinlock_lock(&ctx->dev_lock); rc = stream_fill_dev(ctx, s, laddr); rte_spinlock_unlock(&ctx->dev_lock); return rc; } /* free stream's destination port */ int stream_clear_ctx(struct tle_ctx *ctx, struct tle_stream *s) { int32_t rc; rte_spinlock_lock(&ctx->dev_lock); rc = stream_clear_dev(ctx, s); rte_spinlock_unlock(&ctx->dev_lock); return rc; }