/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct memstat { struct { rte_atomic64_t nb_call; rte_atomic64_t nb_fail; rte_atomic64_t sz; } alloc; struct { rte_atomic64_t nb_call; rte_atomic64_t nb_fail; } free; uint64_t nb_alloc_obj; }; struct memtank_stat { uint64_t nb_cycle; struct { uint64_t nb_call; uint64_t nb_req; uint64_t nb_alloc; uint64_t nb_cycle; uint64_t max_cycle; uint64_t min_cycle; } alloc; struct { uint64_t nb_call; uint64_t nb_free; uint64_t nb_cycle; uint64_t max_cycle; uint64_t min_cycle; } free; struct { uint64_t nb_call; uint64_t nb_chunk; uint64_t nb_cycle; uint64_t max_cycle; uint64_t min_cycle; } grow; struct { uint64_t nb_call; uint64_t nb_chunk; uint64_t nb_cycle; uint64_t max_cycle; uint64_t min_cycle; } shrink; }; struct master_args { uint64_t run_cycles; uint32_t delay_us; uint32_t flags; }; struct worker_args { uint32_t max_obj; uint32_t obj_size; uint32_t alloc_flags; uint32_t free_flags; struct rte_ring *rng; }; struct memtank_arg { struct tle_memtank *mt; union { struct master_args master; struct worker_args worker; }; struct memtank_stat stats; } __rte_cache_aligned; #define BULK_NUM 32 #define OBJ_SZ_MIN 1 #define OBJ_SZ_MAX 0x100000 #define OBJ_SZ_DEF (4 * RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE + 1) #define TEST_TIME 10 #define CLEANUP_TIME 3 #define FREE_THRSH_MIN 0 #define FREE_THRSH_MAX 100 enum { WRK_CMD_STOP, WRK_CMD_RUN, }; enum { MASTER_FLAG_GROW = 1, MASTER_FLAG_SHRINK = 2, }; enum { MEM_FUNC_SYS, MEM_FUNC_RTE, }; static uint32_t wrk_cmd __rte_cache_aligned; static struct tle_memtank_prm mtnk_prm = { .min_free = 4 * BULK_NUM, .max_free = 32 * BULK_NUM, .obj_size = OBJ_SZ_DEF, .obj_align = RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, .nb_obj_chunk = BULK_NUM, .flags = TLE_MTANK_OBJ_DBG, }; static struct { uint32_t run_time; /* test run-time in seconds */ uint32_t wrk_max_obj; /* max alloced objects per worker */ uint32_t wrk_free_thrsh; /* wrk free thresh % (0-100) */ int32_t mem_func; /* memory subsystem to use for alloc/free */ } global_cfg = { .run_time = TEST_TIME, .wrk_max_obj = 2 * BULK_NUM, .wrk_free_thrsh = FREE_THRSH_MIN, .mem_func = MEM_FUNC_SYS, }; static void * alloc_func(size_t sz) { switch (global_cfg.mem_func) { case MEM_FUNC_SYS: return malloc(sz); case MEM_FUNC_RTE: return rte_malloc(NULL, sz, 0); } return NULL; } static void free_func(void *p) { switch (global_cfg.mem_func) { case MEM_FUNC_SYS: return free(p); case MEM_FUNC_RTE: return rte_free(p); } } static void * test_alloc1(size_t sz, void *p) { struct memstat *ms; void *buf; ms = p; buf = alloc_func(sz); rte_atomic64_inc(&ms->alloc.nb_call); if (buf != NULL) { memset(buf, 0, sz); rte_atomic64_add(&ms->alloc.sz, sz); } else rte_atomic64_inc(&ms->alloc.nb_fail); return buf; } static void test_free1(void *buf, void *p) { struct memstat *ms; ms = p; free_func(buf); rte_atomic64_inc(&ms->free.nb_call); if (buf == NULL) rte_atomic64_inc(&ms->free.nb_fail); } static void memstat_dump(FILE *f, struct memstat *ms) { uint64_t alloc_sz, nb_alloc; long double muc, mut; nb_alloc = rte_atomic64_read(&ms->alloc.nb_call) - rte_atomic64_read(&ms->alloc.nb_fail); alloc_sz = rte_atomic64_read(&ms->alloc.sz) / nb_alloc; nb_alloc -= rte_atomic64_read(&ms->free.nb_call) - rte_atomic64_read(&ms->free.nb_fail); alloc_sz *= nb_alloc; mut = (alloc_sz == 0) ? 1 : (long double)ms->nb_alloc_obj * mtnk_prm.obj_size / alloc_sz; muc = (alloc_sz == 0) ? 1 : (long double)(ms->nb_alloc_obj + mtnk_prm.max_free) * mtnk_prm.obj_size / alloc_sz; fprintf(f, "%s(%p)={\n", __func__, ms); fprintf(f, "\talloc={\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_call=%" PRIu64 ",\n", rte_atomic64_read(&ms->alloc.nb_call)); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_fail=%" PRIu64 ",\n", rte_atomic64_read(&ms->alloc.nb_fail)); fprintf(f, "\t\tsz=%" PRIu64 ",\n", rte_atomic64_read(&ms->alloc.sz)); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); fprintf(f, "\tfree={\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_call=%" PRIu64 ",\n", rte_atomic64_read(&ms->free.nb_call)); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_fail=%" PRIu64 ",\n", rte_atomic64_read(&ms->free.nb_fail)); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); fprintf(f, "\tnb_alloc_obj=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->nb_alloc_obj); fprintf(f, "\tnb_alloc_chunk=%" PRIu64 ",\n", nb_alloc); fprintf(f, "\talloc_sz=%" PRIu64 ",\n", alloc_sz); fprintf(f, "\tmem_util(total)=%.2Lf %%,\n", mut * 100); fprintf(f, "\tmem_util(cached)=%.2Lf %%,\n", muc * 100); fprintf(f, "};\n"); } static void memtank_stat_reset(struct memtank_stat *ms) { static const struct memtank_stat init_stat = { .alloc.min_cycle = UINT64_MAX, .free.min_cycle = UINT64_MAX, .grow.min_cycle = UINT64_MAX, .shrink.min_cycle = UINT64_MAX, }; *ms = init_stat; } static void memtank_stat_aggr(struct memtank_stat *as, const struct memtank_stat *ms) { if (ms->alloc.nb_call != 0) { as->alloc.nb_call += ms->alloc.nb_call; as->alloc.nb_req += ms->alloc.nb_req; as->alloc.nb_alloc += ms->alloc.nb_alloc; as->alloc.nb_cycle += ms->alloc.nb_cycle; as->alloc.max_cycle = RTE_MAX(as->alloc.max_cycle, ms->alloc.max_cycle); as->alloc.min_cycle = RTE_MIN(as->alloc.min_cycle, ms->alloc.min_cycle); } if (ms->free.nb_call != 0) { as->free.nb_call += ms->free.nb_call; as->free.nb_free += ms->free.nb_free; as->free.nb_cycle += ms->free.nb_cycle; as->free.max_cycle = RTE_MAX(as->free.max_cycle, ms->free.max_cycle); as->free.min_cycle = RTE_MIN(as->free.min_cycle, ms->free.min_cycle); } if (ms->grow.nb_call != 0) { as->grow.nb_call += ms->grow.nb_call; as->grow.nb_chunk += ms->grow.nb_chunk; as->grow.nb_cycle += ms->grow.nb_cycle; as->grow.max_cycle = RTE_MAX(as->grow.max_cycle, ms->grow.max_cycle); as->grow.min_cycle = RTE_MIN(as->grow.min_cycle, ms->grow.min_cycle); } if (ms->shrink.nb_call != 0) { as->shrink.nb_call += ms->shrink.nb_call; as->shrink.nb_chunk += ms->shrink.nb_chunk; as->shrink.nb_cycle += ms->shrink.nb_cycle; as->shrink.max_cycle = RTE_MAX(as->shrink.max_cycle, ms->shrink.max_cycle); as->shrink.min_cycle = RTE_MIN(as->shrink.min_cycle, ms->shrink.min_cycle); } } static void memtank_stat_dump(FILE *f, uint32_t lc, const struct memtank_stat *ms) { uint64_t t; long double st; st = (long double)rte_get_timer_hz() / US_PER_S; if (lc == UINT32_MAX) fprintf(f, "%s(AGGREGATE)={\n", __func__); else fprintf(f, "%s(lc=%u)={\n", __func__, lc); fprintf(f, "\tnb_cycle=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->nb_cycle); if (ms->alloc.nb_call != 0) { fprintf(f, "\talloc={\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_call=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->alloc.nb_call); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_req=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->alloc.nb_req); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_alloc=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->alloc.nb_alloc); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_cycle=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->alloc.nb_cycle); t = ms->alloc.nb_req - ms->alloc.nb_alloc; fprintf(f, "\t\tfailed req: %"PRIu64 "(%.2Lf %%)\n", t, (long double)t * 100 / ms->alloc.nb_req); fprintf(f, "\t\tcycles/alloc: %.2Lf\n", (long double)ms->alloc.nb_cycle / ms->alloc.nb_alloc); fprintf(f, "\t\tobj/call(avg): %.2Lf\n", (long double)ms->alloc.nb_alloc / ms->alloc.nb_call); fprintf(f, "\t\tmax cycles/call=%" PRIu64 "(%.2Lf usec),\n", ms->alloc.max_cycle, (long double)ms->alloc.max_cycle / st); fprintf(f, "\t\tmin cycles/call=%" PRIu64 "(%.2Lf usec),\n", ms->alloc.min_cycle, (long double)ms->alloc.min_cycle / st); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } if (ms->free.nb_call != 0) { fprintf(f, "\tfree={\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_call=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->free.nb_call); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_free=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->free.nb_free); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_cycle=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->free.nb_cycle); fprintf(f, "\t\tcycles/free: %.2Lf\n", (long double)ms->free.nb_cycle / ms->free.nb_free); fprintf(f, "\t\tobj/call(avg): %.2Lf\n", (long double)ms->free.nb_free / ms->free.nb_call); fprintf(f, "\t\tmax cycles/call=%" PRIu64 "(%.2Lf usec),\n", ms->free.max_cycle, (long double)ms->free.max_cycle / st); fprintf(f, "\t\tmin cycles/call=%" PRIu64 "(%.2Lf usec),\n", ms->free.min_cycle, (long double)ms->free.min_cycle / st); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } if (ms->grow.nb_call != 0) { fprintf(f, "\tgrow={\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_call=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->grow.nb_call); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_chunk=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->grow.nb_chunk); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_cycle=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->grow.nb_cycle); fprintf(f, "\t\tcycles/chunk: %.2Lf\n", (long double)ms->grow.nb_cycle / ms->grow.nb_chunk); fprintf(f, "\t\tobj/call(avg): %.2Lf\n", (long double)ms->grow.nb_chunk / ms->grow.nb_call); fprintf(f, "\t\tmax cycles/call=%" PRIu64 "(%.2Lf usec),\n", ms->grow.max_cycle, (long double)ms->grow.max_cycle / st); fprintf(f, "\t\tmin cycles/call=%" PRIu64 "(%.2Lf usec),\n", ms->grow.min_cycle, (long double)ms->grow.min_cycle / st); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } if (ms->shrink.nb_call != 0) { fprintf(f, "\tshrink={\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_call=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->shrink.nb_call); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_chunk=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->shrink.nb_chunk); fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_cycle=%" PRIu64 ",\n", ms->shrink.nb_cycle); fprintf(f, "\t\tcycles/chunk: %.2Lf\n", (long double)ms->shrink.nb_cycle / ms->shrink.nb_chunk); fprintf(f, "\t\tobj/call(avg): %.2Lf\n", (long double)ms->shrink.nb_chunk / ms->shrink.nb_call); fprintf(f, "\t\tmax cycles/call=%" PRIu64 "(%.2Lf usec),\n", ms->shrink.max_cycle, (long double)ms->shrink.max_cycle / st); fprintf(f, "\t\tmin cycles/call=%" PRIu64 "(%.2Lf usec),\n", ms->shrink.min_cycle, (long double)ms->shrink.min_cycle / st); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n"); } static int32_t check_fill_objs(void *obj[], uint32_t sz, uint32_t num, uint8_t check, uint8_t fill) { uint32_t i; uint8_t buf[sz]; static rte_spinlock_t dump_lock; memset(buf, check, sz); for (i = 0; i != num; i++) { if (memcmp(buf, obj[i], sz) != 0) { rte_spinlock_lock(&dump_lock); printf ("%s(%u, %u, %hu, %hu) failed at %u-th iter, " "offendig object: %p\n", __func__, sz, num, check, fill, i, obj[i]); rte_memdump(stdout, "expected", buf, sz); rte_memdump(stdout, "result", obj[i], sz); rte_spinlock_unlock(&dump_lock); return -EINVAL; } memset(obj[i], fill, sz); } return 0; } static int create_worker_ring(struct worker_args *wa, uint32_t lc) { int32_t rc; size_t sz; struct rte_ring *ring; sz = rte_ring_get_memsize(wa->max_obj); ring = malloc(sz); if (ring == NULL) { printf("%s(%u): alloca(%zu) for FIFO with %u elems failed", __func__, lc, sz, wa->max_obj); return -ENOMEM; } rc = rte_ring_init(ring, "", wa->max_obj, RING_F_SP_ENQ | RING_F_SC_DEQ); if (rc != 0) { printf("%s(%u): rte_ring_init(%p, %u) failed, error: %d(%s)\n", __func__, lc, ring, wa->max_obj, rc, strerror(-rc)); free(ring); return rc; } wa->rng = ring; return rc; } static int test_worker_cleanup(void *arg) { void *obj[BULK_NUM]; int32_t rc; uint32_t lc, n, num; struct memtank_arg *ma; struct rte_ring *ring; ma = arg; ring = ma->worker.rng; lc = rte_lcore_id(); rc = 0; for (n = rte_ring_count(ring); rc == 0 && n != 0; n -= num) { num = rte_rand() % RTE_DIM(obj); num = RTE_MIN(num, n); if (num != 0) { /* retrieve objects to free */ rte_ring_dequeue_bulk(ring, obj, num, NULL); /* check and fill contents of freeing objects */ rc = check_fill_objs(obj, ma->worker.obj_size, num, lc, 0); if (rc == 0) { tle_memtank_free(ma->mt, obj, num, ma->worker.free_flags); ma->stats.free.nb_free += num; } } } return rc; } static int test_memtank_worker(void *arg) { int32_t rc; uint32_t ft, lc, n, num; uint64_t cl, tm0, tm1; struct memtank_arg *ma; struct rte_ring *ring; void *obj[BULK_NUM]; ma = arg; lc = rte_lcore_id(); /* calculate free threshold */ ft = ma->worker.max_obj * global_cfg.wrk_free_thrsh / FREE_THRSH_MAX; ring = ma->worker.rng; while (wrk_cmd != WRK_CMD_RUN) { rte_smp_rmb(); rte_pause(); } cl = rte_rdtsc_precise(); do { num = rte_rand() % RTE_DIM(obj); n = rte_ring_free_count(ring); num = RTE_MIN(num, n); /* perform alloc*/ if (num != 0) { tm0 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); n = tle_memtank_alloc(ma->mt, obj, num, ma->worker.alloc_flags); tm1 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); /* check and fill contents of allocated objects */ rc = check_fill_objs(obj, ma->worker.obj_size, n, 0, lc); if (rc != 0) break; tm1 = tm1 - tm0; /* collect alloc stat */ ma->stats.alloc.nb_call++; ma->stats.alloc.nb_req += num; ma->stats.alloc.nb_alloc += n; ma->stats.alloc.nb_cycle += tm1; ma->stats.alloc.max_cycle = RTE_MAX(ma->stats.alloc.max_cycle, tm1); ma->stats.alloc.min_cycle = RTE_MIN(ma->stats.alloc.min_cycle, tm1); /* store allocated objects */ rte_ring_enqueue_bulk(ring, obj, n, NULL); } /* get some objects to free */ num = rte_rand() % RTE_DIM(obj); n = rte_ring_count(ring); num = (n >= ft) ? RTE_MIN(num, n) : 0; /* perform free*/ if (num != 0) { /* retrieve objects to free */ rte_ring_dequeue_bulk(ring, obj, num, NULL); /* check and fill contents of freeing objects */ rc = check_fill_objs(obj, ma->worker.obj_size, num, lc, 0); if (rc != 0) break; tm0 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); tle_memtank_free(ma->mt, obj, num, ma->worker.free_flags); tm1 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); tm1 = tm1 - tm0; /* collect free stat */ ma->stats.free.nb_call++; ma->stats.free.nb_free += num; ma->stats.free.nb_cycle += tm1; ma->stats.free.max_cycle = RTE_MAX(ma->stats.free.max_cycle, tm1); ma->stats.free.min_cycle = RTE_MIN(ma->stats.free.min_cycle, tm1); } rte_smp_mb(); } while (wrk_cmd == WRK_CMD_RUN); ma->stats.nb_cycle = rte_rdtsc_precise() - cl; return rc; } static int test_memtank_master(void *arg) { struct memtank_arg *ma; uint64_t cl, tm0, tm1, tm2; uint32_t i, n; ma = (struct memtank_arg *)arg; for (cl = 0, i = 0; cl < ma->master.run_cycles; cl += tm2 - tm0, i++) { tm0 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); if (ma->master.flags & MASTER_FLAG_SHRINK) { n = tle_memtank_shrink(ma->mt); tm1 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); ma->stats.shrink.nb_call++; ma->stats.shrink.nb_chunk += n; tm1 = tm1 - tm0; if (n != 0) { ma->stats.shrink.nb_cycle += tm1; ma->stats.shrink.max_cycle = RTE_MAX(ma->stats.shrink.max_cycle, tm1); ma->stats.shrink.min_cycle = RTE_MIN(ma->stats.shrink.min_cycle, tm1); } } if (ma->master.flags & MASTER_FLAG_GROW) { tm1 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); n = tle_memtank_grow(ma->mt); tm2 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); ma->stats.grow.nb_call++; ma->stats.grow.nb_chunk += n; tm2 = tm2 - tm1; if (n != 0) { ma->stats.grow.nb_cycle += tm2; ma->stats.grow.max_cycle = RTE_MAX(ma->stats.grow.max_cycle, tm2); ma->stats.grow.min_cycle = RTE_MIN(ma->stats.grow.min_cycle, tm2); } } wrk_cmd = WRK_CMD_RUN; rte_smp_mb(); rte_delay_us(ma->master.delay_us); tm2 = rte_rdtsc_precise(); } ma->stats.nb_cycle = cl; rte_smp_mb(); wrk_cmd = WRK_CMD_STOP; return 0; } static int fill_worker_args(struct worker_args *wa, uint32_t alloc_flags, uint32_t free_flags, uint32_t lc) { wa->max_obj = global_cfg.wrk_max_obj; wa->obj_size = mtnk_prm.obj_size; wa->alloc_flags = alloc_flags; wa->free_flags = free_flags; return create_worker_ring(wa, lc); } static void fill_master_args(struct master_args *ma, uint32_t flags) { uint64_t tm; tm = global_cfg.run_time * rte_get_timer_hz(); ma->run_cycles = tm; ma->delay_us = US_PER_S / MS_PER_S; ma->flags = flags; } static int test_memtank_cleanup(struct tle_memtank *mt, struct memstat *ms, struct memtank_arg arg[], const char *tname) { int32_t rc; uint32_t lc; printf("%s(%s)\n", __func__, tname); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_WORKER(lc) rte_eal_remote_launch(test_worker_cleanup, &arg[lc], lc); /* launch on master */ lc = rte_lcore_id(); arg[lc].master.run_cycles = CLEANUP_TIME * rte_get_timer_hz(); test_memtank_master(&arg[lc]); rc = 0; ms->nb_alloc_obj = 0; RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_WORKER(lc) { rc |= rte_eal_wait_lcore(lc); ms->nb_alloc_obj += arg[lc].stats.alloc.nb_alloc - arg[lc].stats.free.nb_free; } tle_memtank_dump(stdout, mt, TLE_MTANK_DUMP_STAT); memstat_dump(stdout, ms); rc = tle_memtank_sanity_check(mt, 0); return rc; } /* * alloc/free by workers threads. * grow/shrink by master */ static int test_memtank_mt(const char *tname, uint32_t alloc_flags, uint32_t free_flags) { int32_t rc; uint32_t lc; struct tle_memtank *mt; struct tle_memtank_prm prm; struct memstat ms; struct memtank_stat wrk_stats; struct memtank_arg arg[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; printf("%s(%s) start\n", __func__, tname); memset(&prm, 0, sizeof(prm)); memset(&ms, 0, sizeof(ms)); prm = mtnk_prm; prm.alloc = test_alloc1; prm.free = test_free1; prm.udata = &ms; mt = tle_memtank_create(&prm); if (mt == NULL) { printf("%s(%s): memtank_create() failed\n", __func__, tname); return -ENOMEM; } /* dump initial memory stats */ memstat_dump(stdout, &ms); rc = 0; memset(arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); /* prepare args on all slaves */ RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_WORKER(lc) { arg[lc].mt = mt; rc = fill_worker_args(&arg[lc].worker, alloc_flags, free_flags, lc); if (rc != 0) break; memtank_stat_reset(&arg[lc].stats); } if (rc != 0) { tle_memtank_destroy(mt); return rc; } /* launch on all slaves */ RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_WORKER(lc) rte_eal_remote_launch(test_memtank_worker, &arg[lc], lc); /* launch on master */ lc = rte_lcore_id(); arg[lc].mt = mt; fill_master_args(&arg[lc].master, MASTER_FLAG_GROW | MASTER_FLAG_SHRINK); test_memtank_master(&arg[lc]); /* wait for slaves and collect stats. */ memtank_stat_reset(&wrk_stats); rc = 0; RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_WORKER(lc) { rc |= rte_eal_wait_lcore(lc); memtank_stat_dump(stdout, lc, &arg[lc].stats); memtank_stat_aggr(&wrk_stats, &arg[lc].stats); ms.nb_alloc_obj += arg[lc].stats.alloc.nb_alloc - arg[lc].stats.free.nb_free; } memtank_stat_dump(stdout, UINT32_MAX, &wrk_stats); lc = rte_lcore_id(); memtank_stat_dump(stdout, lc, &arg[lc].stats); tle_memtank_dump(stdout, mt, TLE_MTANK_DUMP_STAT); memstat_dump(stdout, &ms); rc |= tle_memtank_sanity_check(mt, 0); /* run cleanup on all slave cores */ if (rc == 0) rc = test_memtank_cleanup(mt, &ms, arg, tname); tle_memtank_destroy(mt); return rc; } /* * alloc/free by workers threads. * grow/shrink by master */ static int test_memtank_mt1(const char *tname) { return test_memtank_mt(tname, 0, 0); } /* * alloc/free with grow/shrink by worker threads. * master does nothing */ static int test_memtank_mt2(const char *tname) { const uint32_t alloc_flags = TLE_MTANK_ALLOC_CHUNK | TLE_MTANK_ALLOC_GROW; const uint32_t free_flags = TLE_MTANK_FREE_SHRINK; return test_memtank_mt(tname, alloc_flags, free_flags); } static int parse_uint_val(const char *str, uint32_t *val, uint32_t min, uint32_t max) { unsigned long v; char *end; errno = 0; v = strtoul(str, &end, 0); if (errno != 0 || end[0] != 0 || v < min || v > max) return -EINVAL; val[0] = v; return 0; } static int parse_mem_str(const char *str) { uint32_t i; static const struct { const char *name; int32_t val; } name2val[] = { { .name = "sys", .val = MEM_FUNC_SYS, }, { .name = "rte", .val = MEM_FUNC_RTE, }, }; for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(name2val); i++) { if (strcmp(str, name2val[i].name) == 0) return name2val[i].val; } return -EINVAL; } static int parse_opt(int argc, char * const argv[]) { int32_t opt, rc; uint32_t v; rc = 0; optind = 0; optarg = NULL; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "f:m:s:t:w:")) != EOF) { switch (opt) { case 'f': rc = parse_uint_val(optarg, &v, FREE_THRSH_MIN, FREE_THRSH_MAX); if (rc == 0) global_cfg.wrk_free_thrsh = v; break; case 'm': rc = parse_mem_str(optarg); if (rc >= 0) global_cfg.mem_func = rc; break; case 's': rc = parse_uint_val(optarg, &v, OBJ_SZ_MIN, OBJ_SZ_MAX); if (rc == 0) mtnk_prm.obj_size = v; break; case 't': rc = parse_uint_val(optarg, &v, 0, UINT32_MAX); if (rc == 0) global_cfg.run_time = v; break; case 'w': rc = parse_uint_val(optarg, &v, 0, UINT32_MAX); if (rc == 0) global_cfg.wrk_max_obj = v; break; default: rc = -EINVAL; } } if (rc < 0) printf("%s: invalid value: \"%s\" for option: \'%c\'\n", __func__, optarg, opt); return rc; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int32_t rc; uint32_t i, k; const struct { const char *name; int (*func)(const char *); } tests[] = { { .name = "MT1-WRK_ALLOC_FREE-MST_GROW_SHRINK", .func = test_memtank_mt1, }, { .name = "MT1-WRK_ALLOC+GROW_FREE+SHRINK", .func = test_memtank_mt2, }, }; rc = rte_eal_init(argc, argv); if (rc < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: rte_eal_init failed with error code: %d\n", __func__, rc); rc = parse_opt(argc - rc, argv + rc); if (rc < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: parse_op failed with error code: %d\n", __func__, rc); /* update global values based on provided user input */ mtnk_prm.max_obj = global_cfg.wrk_max_obj * rte_lcore_count(); for (i = 0, k = 0; i != RTE_DIM(tests); i++) { printf("TEST %s START\n", tests[i].name); rc = tests[i].func(tests[i].name); k += (rc == 0); if (rc != 0) printf("TEST %s FAILED\n", tests[i].name); else printf("TEST %s OK\n", tests[i].name); } printf("Number of tests:\t%u\nSuccess:\t%u\nFailed:\t%u\n", i, k, i - k); return (k != i); }