# Asciidoc-deck.js A Deck.js backend for asciidoc. ## Dependencies * AsciiDoc * Deck.js (included in the backend package) Optional: * If you want to highlight source code, please install Pygments or source-highlight. ## Installation Download the [backend package][deckjs] and use asciidoc to install: ~~~~.bash asciidoc --backend install deckjs-X.Y.Z.zip ~~~~ This will install the backend to `~/.asciidoc/backend/deckjs`. You can also use this backend without installation, see the next section. ## Usage * With deckjs backend installed, use following command to generate slides: ~~~~.bash asciidoc -b deckjs file.asciidoc ~~~~ By default, the `linkcss` option is disabled so all the required js and css file will be embedded into the output slide. Checkout the [template file][example] for how to enable all kinds of options. * To use without Installation, you need to specify different argument: ~~~~.bash asciidoc -f deckjs.conf file.asciidoc ~~~~ Make sure your asciidoc can properly find `deckjs.conf`. For asciidoc's configuration file loading strategy, please refer to [this guide][asc-conf-guide]. Note that without installation, you also have to enable `linkcss` option. Then put `deck.js`, `ad-stylesheet` and generated slide into the same directory. [deckjs]:https://github.com/houqp/asciidoc-deckjs/downloads [deckjs-ext]:https://github.com/downloads/houqp/asciidoc-deckjs/deck.js.extended.zip [asc-conf-guide]:http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/userguide.html#X27 [example]:http://houqp.github.com/asciidoc-deckjs/example-template.asciidoc