deck.js Support for Asciidoc
:author: Foo Bar 
:email: <>
:description: just a template file.
:revdate: 2011-12-16
:revnumber: 0.1
	Themes that you can choose includes:
	web-2.0, swiss, neon, beamer
:deckjs_theme: web-2.0
	Transitions that you can choose includes:
	fade, horizontal-slide, vertical-slide
:deckjs_transition: horizontal-slide
	AsciiDoc use `source-highlight` as default highlighter.

	Styles available for pygment highlighter:
	monokai, manni, perldoc, borland, colorful, default, murphy, vs, trac,
	tango, fruity, autumn, bw, emacs, vim, pastie, friendly, native,

	Uncomment following two lines if you want to highlight your code
	with `Pygments`.
//:pygments_style: native
	Uncomment following line if you want to scroll inside slides
	with {down,up} arrow keys.
	Uncomment following line if you want to link css and js file 
	from outside instead of embedding them into the output file.
	Uncomment following line if you want to count each incremental
	bullet as a new slide

== Slide One

 * item 1
 * item 2

== Slide Two

That's all.