:author: hhaim :email: ifndef::backend-docbook[] ++++++++++++++
Smiley face

++++++++++++++ include::trex_ga.asciidoc[] == TRex release notes == endif::backend-docbook[] ifdef::backend-docbook[] == TRex release notes == :numbered: endif::backend-docbook[] == Release 2.10 == * Added support for IP based configuration files (As opposed to MAC based used until now), with the ability of TRex to send ARP requests for default gateway, and gratitues ARP for its own addresses. See link:trex_manual.html#_configuration_yaml_parameter_of_cfg_option[here] and link:trex_config_guide.html[here] for details. * Added commands/API to Stateless client/console: ** Getting extended counters of port for improved debug purposes. See example: link:trex_stateless.html#_stats[stats] ** Changing of port attributes and getting async feedback on the changed status. See example: link:trex_stateless.html#_portattr[portattr] * For developers - added/updated RPC commands (which can be used for GUI etc.): ** Getting system info added new options, for example description of interface: link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html#_get_system_info[get_system_info] ** Setting port attributes added new options: link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html#_setting_port_attributes[set_port_attr] ** Getting xstats names (can be polled once and then combined with updated values): link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html#_get_xstat_names[get_port_xstats_names] ** Getting xstats values: link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html#_get_xstat_values[get_port_xstats_values] === fix issues: === * link:https://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-253[trex-253] * link:https://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-212[trex-212] * link:https://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-251[trex-251] == Release 2.09 == * Stateless, split to core algorithm is more accurate and simple see link:trex_stateless.html#_tutorial_field_engine_split_to_core[split_to_core] * Add repeatable random instruction see an example link:https://github.com/cisco-system-traffic-generator/trex-core/tree/master/scripts/stl/udp_1pkt_repeat_random.py[stl/udp_1pkt_repeat_random.py] link:cp_stl_docs/api/field_engine.html#stlvmflowvarrepetablerandom[repetable_random] and link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html#_repetable_random[repetable_random_spec] * Add TCP/UDP checksum fix instruction see an example link:https://github.com/cisco-system-traffic-generator/trex-core/tree/master/scripts/stl/syn_attack_fix_cs_hw.py[stl/syn_attack_fix_cs_hw.py] link:cp_stl_docs/api/field_engine.html#stlvmfixchecksumhw[fix checksum] and link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html#_fix_checksum_hw[fix_checksum_hw_spec] * Improve Stateless Field Engine (FE) performance * Support dual mode for push pcap/remote Python API. see here link:cp_stl_docs/api/client_code.html#trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_client.STLClient.push_remote[push_remote] and link:cp_stl_docs/api/client_code.html#trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_client.STLClient.push_pcap[push_pcap] Using this feature pcap can be splited to client/server ports * Add infra for L2 emulation support === fix issues: === * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-243[trex-243] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-247[trex-247] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-244[trex-244] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-249[trex-249] == Release 2.08 == * Scapy JSON-RPC server for GUI packet crafting, see link:trex_scapy_rpc_server.html[trex_scapy_rpc_server] * Client.start Python API supports Core mask - significantly improve the Stateless performance. link:cp_stl_docs/_modules/trex_stl_lib/trex_stl_client.html#STLClient.start[start API], and link:trex_stateless.html#_core_masking_per_interface[core_masking] * Upgrade the ./dpdk_setup_ports.py script. It simplifies the way to create first time *optimized* config file (/etc/trex_cfg.yaml). More info at the manual: link:trex_manual.html#_script_for_creating_config_file[Script for creating config file] [source,bash] ---- $sudo ./dpdk_setup_ports.py -t # show the list of ports $sudo ./dpdk_setup_ports.py -l # return DPDK interfaces to Linux (if there is proper Linux driver) $sudo ./dpdk_setup_ports.py -i # interactive creation of config file $sudo ./dpdk_setup_ports.py -c 03:00.0 03:00.1 -o /etc/trex_cfg.yaml # create optimum /etc/trex_cfg.yaml file ---- * Preliminary Cisco VIC support. Advanced Stateless/Stateful functionality is still not supported. * Enforce latest firmware for XL710/X710 (5.04) * Add a way to stop/close NICS at TRex termination (link would be down) `-close-at-end` * IPv6 XL710 ICMP packets are supported now === fix issues: === * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-240[trex-240] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-242[trex-242] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-246[trex-246] == Release 2.07 == * DPDK 16.07 * ASYNC ZMQ is compressed by default. It improves response time see link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-232[trex-232] ** You will need to update the GUI * Support Ubuntu 16.01 - Stateful serverr is Python 3.0 and Python 3.5 for ZMQ library * XL710/X710 low latency was improved - see link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-214[trex-214] * Support graceful shutdown command * Console - support L1 BPS using `-m 10bpsl1` see link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-230[trex-230] * Improve TUI refresh time * Support IPV6 latency streams (support is available for all interface types except 82599) see link:trex_stateless.html#_tutorial_per_stream_latency_jitter_packet_errors[IPV6 latency] [IMPORTANT] ===================================== For XL710/X710 there is a need to upgrade the firmware to 5.04 (or later) ===================================== === fix issues: === * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-214[trex-214] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-223[trex-223] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-226[trex-226] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-224[trex-224] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-235[trex-235] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-236[trex-236] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-238[trex-238] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-233[trex-233] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-231[trex-231] == Release 2.06 == * Support APIC-EM scale Stateful VLAN/IP/MAC mapping. * TCP SYN Randomization learning support for advanced ASA stateful testing - link:trex_manual.html#_nat_support[here] and link:trex_manual.html#_trex_with_asa_5585[here] * Advanced to latest DPDK 16.07RC3 - fix some XL710 driver performance issues === fix issues: === * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-229[trex-229] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-227[trex-227] == Release 2.05 == === fix issues: === * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-221[trex-221] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-220[trex-220] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-219[trex-219] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-218[trex-218] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-217[trex-217] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-216[trex-216] == Release 2.04 == * Watchdog support * Ability to export core file * Optimized the case of Latency stream, Field Engine and 9K template packets === fix issues: === * XL710/X710 present high latency with 9K packets link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-214[trex-214] * The latency seq number gets out of sync link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-215[trex-215] * Port/Latency stats should be with FCS link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-213[trex-213] * Stateless Unicode is not accepted for multiplier API see link:https://github.com/cisco-system-traffic-generator/trex-core/issues/15[github-issue15] == Release 2.03 == * More accurate stateless latency/more TUI support * Speedup DPDK XL710 fdir driver === fix issues: === * Disconnect issue link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-210[trex-210] == Release 2.02 == * The python latency statistic is compatible to JSON for easy manipulation * Add latency minimum value Python API taken from histogram === fix issues: === * Fix corruption of mbuf in case of with high rate latency stream. == Release 2.01 == * First release of latency/jitter per stream see link:trex_stateless.html#_tutorial_per_stream_latency_jitter_packet_errors[here] * Ability to send server side pcap file - unlimited pcap file size see link:/cp_stl_docs/_modules/trex_stl_lib/trex_stl_client.html#STLClient.push_remote[here] and link:trex_stateless.html#_pcap_based_traffic_tutorials[PCAP tutorial] * Significatly improve performance for both Stateful and Stateless - in some cases up to x2 due to Scheduler/CPU utilization rewrite * CPU utilization estimation is done differently * Ability to significatly improve performance for Stateless profile with Field engine (up to x5, 22MPPS) see link:trex_stateless.html#_tutorial_field_engine_significantly_improve_performance[here] * Add documentation index link:index.html[index] * Fix documentation Table of Content javascript * Update Stateless presentation link:http://www.slideshare.net/HanochHaim/trex-realistic-traffic-generator-stateless-support[Statelss presenation] * Stateful Python server API - Add support for iterator of remote file for Stateful GUI === fix issues: === * Performance issue, link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-207[trex-207] * Sporadic timeout on wait_on_traffic() API see link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-209[trex-209] == Release 2.00 == * Console ** Support partial port acquire using new CLI switch `-a ACQUIRE` (first phase) ** Add tx/rx graphs * Python API: add an API for reading events as warning/errors * HLTAPI support for per stream stats * support VALN mode for per stream stats for 82599 using `--vlan` switch at server invocation * A peek into TRex stateless GUI version for evaluation still without many features like packet builder, advance packet builder, per stream stats link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/vs9gojtdc5ewv05/setupCiscoTrex1.96-SNAPSHOT.exe?dl=0[TRex Stateless GUI Download] ** Only pcap file packet builder is supported in this version image::images/trex_stl_gui.png[title="TRex Stateless GUI",align="left",width=600, link="images/trex_stl_gui.png"] === fix issues: === * X710/XL710 per stream hardware stats ** link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-199[trex-199] ** Fix issue of RX bytes ** Fix issue with mbuf leak * Packet Memory shortage fix link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-197[trex-197] * Python Examples - move all examples to be 16.0.0.x/48.0.0.x for some refactor == Release 1.99 == * The Client package includes Console/examples * Client API verification mechanism. The client should match the server version range === fix issues: === * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-193[trex-193] * Python2/Python3 client API hardening * Per stream statistics in software hardening - add support for wait on rx packets == Release 1.98 == * Minor Console issue * [red]*Image is broken* see link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-193[trex-193] == Release 1.97 == * Support pyATS with Python 3/32bit * Per stream statistic supported by software for I350/82559/VXNET3 * [red]*Image is broken* see link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-193[trex-193] == Release 1.96 == * Support pyATS/32bit/Python2.x for TCL * Traffic profile direction/port directive works see link:draft_trex_stateless.html#_tutorial_advance_traffic_profile[here] * Documentation ** Add Python API documentation link:cp_stl_docs/index.html[here] ** Add pyATS2.0 support link:cp_stl_docs/index.html[here] ** Update per stream statistic documentation see link:draft_trex_stateless.html#_tutorial_per_stream_statistics[per stream statistic] ** Update HLTAPI arguments link:draft_trex_stateless.html#_hlt_supported_arguments_a_id_altapi_support_a[HLTAPI] === fix issues: === * Per stream statistic - Fix High speed of start/stop of giving zero in statistics * Fix E1000 DPDK driver prints with ESXi == Release 1.95 == * TUI support per stream stats (press s to get to this window) * per stream statistic API examples * Add Python API automatic documentation scripts * Fix issue with a packet smaller than 64 bytes === Known issue * High speed of start/stop of per stream stats give zero in statistics == Release 1.94 == * Fix Python API stop/sync issue. Now TX counters are synced in case of stop API * Improve performance of Python API, ~2000 cycles/sec of load/start/stop * Add per stream Tx/Rx statistics for XL710/X710 NICS work in flow-director hardware [source,python] ---- class STLS1(object): def get_streams (self, direction = 0): return [STLStream(packet = STLPktBuilder( pkt ="stl/yaml/udp_64B_no_crc.pcap"), mode = STLTXCont(pps=10), rx_stats = STLRxStats(user_id = 7)) <1> ] ---- <1> Configure this stream to be count on all RX ports as user_id=7 * Add HTLAPI full example (examples `examples/hlt_udp_simple.py`) * Add user manual draft for Stateless functionality link:draft_trex_stateless.html[here] == Release 1.93 == * Support port attribute API and Console command. See `$portattr -a --prom` * Support random seed per Stream attribute - see specification for more info * Add more sample/profiles (stl/hlt) from real use cases * Enhance Field Engine with new instructions * TUI now shows L1 and L2 bandwidth. Console support L1 and L2 and %% * Stream rate can be configured with PPS/bps_L1/bps_L2/port_percentage * Update Stateless JSON-RPC specification * HLT fixes and support split_by variable * First phase of per stream rx/tx statistic - XL710/X710 hardware support === fix issues: === * Fix some typo in Python API stl/example folder * Fix Field Engine IPv4 checksum issue with big packet size * Fix Field Engine issue with random variables * Fix `streams -a` crash * Fix X710 issue. Now return speed of 10gb instead of 40gb for Stateless port speed == Release 1.92 == ** Stream can set static Source/Destination MAC-Address as oppose to the default (TRex port from /etc/trex_config.yaml) [source,python] ---- def create_stream (self): base_pkt = Ether(src="00:00:dd:dd:00:01")/IP()/UDP() pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x' ---- ** Stream support action_count. Loop of streams can end after action_count number. The push command uses this new feature to import pcap to streams and stop after x iteration. [source,python] ---- STLStream( self_start = False, name ='S2', packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt2/pad), mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 3 ), action_count = 2, # loop 2 times next = 'S0' ) ---- ** Support new Field-Engine instructions (variable with step and write with mask). See new sample folder and specification for more info [source,python] ---- def create_stream (self): # 2 MPLS label the internal with s=1 (last one) pkt = Ether()/MPLS(label=17,cos=1,s=0,ttl=255)/MPLS(label=0,cos=1,s=1,ttl=12)/IP()/UDP()/('x'*20) vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mlabel", min_value=1, max_value=2000, size=2, op="inc"), STLVmWrMaskFlowVar(fv_name="mlabel", pkt_offset= "MPLS:1.label",pkt_cast_size=4, mask=0xFFFFF000,shift=12) # write mask ] ) ---- [source,python] ---- vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mac_src", min_value=1, max_value=30, size=1, op="dec",step=7), # step STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="mac_src", pkt_offset= 11) ] ) ---- ** More profile samples (native/hlt) == Release 1.91 == * Convert Stateless traffic profile to Scapy see `stl/*.py` sample folder * Add HLTAPI tests and profile `stl/hlt/*.py` * Fix simulator path issue fix * The Stateless python library is not self-contained. in `automation/trex_control_plane/stl/` library is `automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/` (import trex_stl_lib) How to run the simulator [source,bash] ---- ./stl-sim -f stl/udp_1pkt_range_clients_split.py -o b.pcap -l 100 -c 2 ---- * Add push command to convert pcap to streams ------------------- TRex > push --help usage: push [-h] -f FILE [--port PORTS [PORTS ...] | -a] [-d TIME] [-i IPG_USEC] [-s SPEEDUP] [--force] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FILE File path to load --port PORTS [PORTS ...] A list of ports on which to apply the command -a Set this flag to apply the command on all available ports -d TIME Set duration time for job. -i IPG_USEC, --ipg IPG_USEC IPG value in usec between packets. default will be from the pcap -s SPEEDUP, --speedup SPEEDUP Factor to accelerate the injection. effectively means IPG = IPG / SPEEDUP --force Set if you want to stop active ports before appyling command. TRex >push -f cap2/dns.pcap --port 0 -i 10 ------------------- == Release 1.90 == * Missing file in the pkg == Release 1.89 == * Integrate Scapy as a packet builder see `stl/profiles` folder * Improve Python API, samples can be seen link:https://github.com/cisco-system-traffic-generator/trex-core/tree/master/scripts/api/stl/examples[here] * Add Stateless simulator into the package Example how to run [source,bash] ---- ./stl-sim -f stl/profiles/udp_1pkt.py -l 10 -o a.pcap #<1> ./stl-sim -f stl/profiles/udp_1pkt_tuple_gen.py -l 20 -o a.pcap #<2> ./stl-sim -f stl/profiles/imix.py -l 100 -o a.pcap --json #<3> ---- <1> Limit the number of packets to 10 <2> Tuple generator example <3> imix The simulator takes Stateless profile,YAML or Py and output pcap file or json * Console can load the new Python profile [source,bash] ---- TRex > start -f stl/profiles/udp_1pkt.py -a -m 1mbps ---- * Basic Python HLTAPI support === fix issues: === * Dependent streams (e.g. `stl/burst_1000_pkt.yaml`) can be loaded == Release 1.88 == * Add the Python API to the package * Remove mock support == Release 1.87 == * Fix some 82599 ierror in case of high rate * First Stateless API examples under api folder (not part of the package) == Release 1.86 == * NAT Cisco ASA support ** Add support for learning using TCP-ACK field see more here link:trex_manual.html#_nat_support[here] and link:trex_manual.html#_trex_with_asa_5585[here] * More stateless support == Release 1.85 == * Upgrade to DPDK 2.2.0 ** Some XL710/X710 NIC phy issues solved ** VMXNET3 driver is optimized ** Cisco VIC should be supported, not tested yet * Jumbo packet size is supported for 1/10/40 Intel NIC up to 9K for both stateless and stateful * youTrack is public now, can be seen here link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack[here] * More stateless support ** Support random packet size trim instruction - see stl/udp_rand_size_9k.yaml for an example ** Move Python Regression to trex-core ** Add Coverity scripts ** Console/Python API can be call from Cisco CEL now (ZMQ Python library is compiled to an old glibc) ** Add simulator for stateless === fix issues: === * The infamous DPDK error is not seen in case of a wrong core argument see here link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-147[trex-147] == Release 1.84 == * more stateless support ** Add splitter range support see "split_by_var" in style/imix_1pkt_vm. yaml ** Add more samples see stl/syn_attack_sample.yaml. Improve random performance ** more improvement with TUI window == Release 1.83 == * more stateless support ** Add basic Packet Field engine see stl/imin_1pkt_vm.yaml ** some improvement with TUI window. Can be run in parallel with --tui option == Release 1.82 == * more stateless support ** console stats/tui function works now ** R/W support. only one client has R/W capability * XL710/X710 support ICMP filter === fix issues: === * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/trex-110[trex-110] == Release 1.81 == * more stateless support and fixes ** change the JSON-RPC result format * Support for specifying different modes for the packets used for latency measurement. Details link:trex_manual.html#_measure_jitter_latency[here]. === fix issues: === * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-149[trex-149] == Release 1.80 == * more stateless support ** All type of streams are supported (Continues/Burst/Multi-burst) ** Stream can call to other streams ** start/stop/pause/resume work from the Console ** -m[rate] is supported for example -m10gbps or -m10kpps from console ** update XL710 installation support == Release 1.79 == * Initial support for stateless ** Only continues streams are supported ** more info how to enable the interactive shell link:trex_console.html[here] == Release 1.78 == * some clean up in tuple generator * trex stateles console works with trex-mock === fix issues: === Python API fixup see here * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-126[trex-126] * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-123[trex-122] Check for 64bit Kernel * link:http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/youtrack/issue/trex-123[trex-123] == Release 1.77 == * improve tuple generator capability now it is more flexiable see more link:trex_manual.html#_clients_servers_ip_allocation_scheme[here] == Release 1.76 == === fix issues: === * minor pcap loader issues * plugin cleanup == Release 1.75 == === fix issues: === * First version that works from GitHub/Git - init script are in the output package == Release 1.72 ==