The TRex Scapy RPC Server ========================= :Author: Itamar Raviv :email: :revnumber: 1.00 :quotes.++: :numbered: :web_server_url: :local_web_server_url: csi-wiki-01:8181/trex :toclevels: 4 include::trex_ga.asciidoc[] == Change log [options="header",cols="^1,^h,3a"] |================= | Version | name | meaning | 1.00 | Itamar Raviv (itraviv) | - first version | 2.00 | Anton (XORED) | update by xored software |================= == Audience of this document TRex GUI guys == Scapy RPC Server - Overview Scapy Server is implemented following the link:[JSON-RPC 2.0 specification], + Therefore, requests and replies follow the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec. + The server operates on a Request-Response basis *over ZMQ*, and does not support batched commands handling. + Read more about ZMQ link:[here] image::images/scapy_json_rpc_server.png[title="Scapy JSON RPC Server",align="left",width=800, link="images/scapy_json_rpc_server.png"] === Error Codes Error codes are given according to this table: [also follows the JSON-RPC spec, with added error codes] [options="header",cols="^1,^h,3a"] |================= | Error Code | Message | Meaning | -32700 | Parse Error | Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON input. | -32600 | Invalid Request | The JSON sent is not a valid Request object. | -32601 | Method not found | The method does not exist / is not available | -32603 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s) | -32097 | Syntax Error | Syntax Error in input | -32098 | Scapy Server: message | Scapy Server had an error while executing your command, described in the message given | -32096 | Scapy Server: Unknown Error | Scapy Server encountered an error that cannot be described |================= == Data Bases and Data Structures used in Scapy Server === build_pkt, reconstruct_pkt packet model [[build_pkt_input]] Following JSON represents a Scapy structure, which can be used to build packet from scratch(build_pkt) or to modify particular fields in the prococol(reconstruct_pkt). Most fields can be omitted, in this case default or calculated values will be used. For reconstruct_pkt default values will be taken from the original packet. Exaples of JSON payloads and their scapy expression alternatives [source,python] ---- Ether(src="de:ad:be:ef:de:ad")/Dot1Q()/Dot1Q(vtype=1)/IP(src="", chksum="0x312")/TCP(sport=443) ---- [source,python] ---- [ { "id": "Ether", "fields": [{"id": "src", "value": "de:ad:be:ef:de:ad"}] }, { "id": "Dot1Q"}, { "id": "Dot1Q", "fields": [{"id": "vtype", "value": "1"}] }, { "id": "IP", "fields": [{"id": "src", "value": ""}, {"id": "chksum", "value": "0x312"}] }, { "id": "TCP", "fields": [{"id": "sport", "value": "443"}] } ] ---- === Scapy server value types Most values can be passed as strings(including decimal numbers, hex numbers, enums, values), but for binary payload, value object should be used [source,python] ---- - int/long/str - they can de specified directly as a value of a field - {"vtype": "BYTES", "base64": "my_payload_base64"} - binary payload passed as base64 - {"vtype": "EXPRESSION", "expr": "TCPOptions()"} - python expression(normally, should be avoided) - {"vtype": "UNDEFINED"} - unset field value, and let it be assigned automatically - {"vtype": "RANDOM"} - assign a random value to a field ---- Example of object value usage(to specify binary payload) ---- Ether()/IP()/TCP()/Raw(load=my_payload) ---- [source,python] ---- [ { "id": "Ether"}, { "id": "IP"}, { "id": "TCP"}, { "id": "Raw", "fields": [ { "id": "load", "value": {"vtype": "BYTES", "base64": "my_payload_base64"} } ]} ] ---- === Scapy packet result payload [[build_pkt_output]] build_pkt and reconstruct pkt take packet model and produce result JSON, with the binary payload and field values and offsets defined [source,python] ---- { "binary": "AAAAAQAAAAAAAgAACABFAAAoAAEAAEAGOs4QAAABMAAAAQAUAFAAAAAAAAAAAFACIABPfQAA", // base64 encoded binary payload "data": [ { "id": "Ether", # scapy class "name": "Ethernet", # human-readable protocol name "offset": 0, # global offset for all fields "fields": [ { "id": "dst", # scapy field id "hvalue": "00:00:00:01:00:00", # human readable value "length": 6, # 6 bytes "offset": 0, # 0 bytes offset from "value": "00:00:00:01:00:00" # internal value, which for this type is the same as hvalue }, { "id": "src", ... # same as for dst }, { "hvalue": "IPv4", # human-readable value "id": "type", "length": 2, "offset": 12, # "value": 2048 # integer value for IPv4(0x800) } ] }, { "id": "IP", "name": "IP", "offset": 14, "fields": [ { "hvalue": "4", "id": "version", "length": 0, # the length is 0, which means it is a bitfield. mask should be used to show location "offset": 0, # offset from the IP.offset. it needs to be added to all fields of IP "value": 4 }, { "hvalue": "5", "id": "ihl", "length": 0, # again length is 0. that's other part of the first byte of IP "offset": 0, "value": 5 }, { "hvalue": "0x0", "id": "tos", "length": 1, "offset": 1, "value": 0 }, { "hvalue": "40", "id": "len", "length": 2, "offset": 2, "value": 40 }, { "hvalue": "1", "id": "id", "length": 2, "offset": 4, "value": 1 }, { "hvalue": "", # no flags are specified here. but this field can contain "US" for URG+SYN flags "id": "flags", "length": 0, "offset": 6, "value": 0 }, { "hvalue": "0", "id": "frag", "length": 0, "offset": 6, "value": 0 }, { "hvalue": "64", "id": "ttl", "length": 1, "offset": 8, "value": 64 }, { "hvalue": "tcp", # this field is enum. enum dictionary can be obtained as a medatata for IP fields. "id": "proto", "length": 1, "offset": 9, "value": 6 }, { "hvalue": "0x3ace", "id": "chksum", "length": 2, "offset": 10, "value": 15054 }, { "hvalue": "[]", "id": "options", "length": 2, "offset": 20, "value": { # options can not be representted as a human string, so they are passed as an expression "expr": "[]", "vtype": "EXPRESSION" } } ] }, { "id": "TCP", "name": "TCP", "offset": 34 "fields": [ { "hvalue": "20", "id": "sport", "length": 2, "offset": 0, "value": 20 }, # .. some more TCP fields here { "hvalue": "{}", "id": "options", "ignored": true, "length": 2, "offset": 20, "value": { # TCPOptions are represented as a python expression with tuple and binary buffers "expr": "[('MSS', 1460), ('NOP', None), ('NOP', None), ('SAckOK', b'')]", "vtype": "EXPRESSION" } } ] } ] } ---- === Scapy server field definitions [[get_definitions_model]] Scapy server can return metadata object, describing protocols and fields. Most values, including field types are optional in the definition. If field type is missing, it can be treated as a STRING. [source,python] ---- "protocols": [ { "id": "Ether", # scapy class "name": "Ethernet", # name of the protocol "fields": [ { "id": "dst", "name": "Destination", # GUI will display Destination instead of dst "type": "STRING", "regex": "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$" }, { "id": "src", "name": "Source", "type": "STRING", "regex": "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$" }, { "values_dict": { "ATMMPOA": 34892, "RAW_FR": 25945, "DNA_DL": 24577, "ATMFATE": 34948, "ATALK": 32923, "BPQ": 2303, "X25": 2053, "PPP_DISC": 34915, "DEC": 24576, "n_802_1Q": 33024, "PPP_SES": 34916, "TEB": 25944, "SCA": 24583, "PPP": 34827, "FR_ARP": 2056, "CUST": 24582, "ARP": 2054, "DNA_RC": 24578, "NetBEUI": 33169, "AARP": 33011, "DIAG": 24581, "IPv4": 2048, "DNA_RT": 24579, "IPv6": 34525, "LAT": 24580, "IPX": 33079, "LOOP": 36864 }, "id": "type", "name": "Type" "type": "ENUM" } ] }, { "id": "TCP", "name": "TCP", "fields": [ { "id": "sport", "name": "Source port", "type": "NUMBER", "min": 0, # optional min value "max": 65535 # optional max value }, { "id": "dport", "name": "Destination port", "type": "NUMBER", "min": 0, "max": 65535 }, { "id": "seq", "name": "Sequence number", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "ack", "name": "Acknowledgment number", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "dataofs", "name": "Data offset", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "reserved", "name": "Reserved", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "flags", "name": "Flags", "auto": false, "type": "BITMASK", "bits": [ # fields definition for the UI {"name": "URG", "mask": 32, "values":[{"name":"Not Set", "value": 0}, {"name":"Set", "value": 32}]}, {"name": "ACK", "mask": 16, "values":[{"name":"Not Set", "value": 0}, {"name":"Set", "value": 16}]}, {"name": "PSH", "mask": 8, "values":[{"name":"Not Set", "value": 0}, {"name":"Set", "value": 8}]}, {"name": "RST", "mask": 4, "values":[{"name":"Not Set", "value": 0}, {"name":"Set", "value": 4}]}, {"name": "SYN", "mask": 2, "values":[{"name":"Not Set", "value": 0}, {"name":"Set", "value": 2}]}, {"name": "FIN", "mask": 1, "values":[{"name":"Not Set", "value": 0}, {"name":"Set", "value": 1}]} ] }, { "id": "window", "name": "Window size", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "chksum", "name": "Checksum", "auto": true, "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "urgptr", "name": "Urgent pointer", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "options", "name": "Options", "type": "EXPRESSION" } ] }, { "id": "IP", "name": "Internet Protocol Version 4", "fields": [ { "id": "version", # only renaming "name": "Version" }, { "id": "ihl", "name": "IHL", "type": "NUMBER", "auto": true # calculate IHL automatically }, { "id": "tos", "name": "TOS", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "len", "name": "Total Length", "type": "NUMBER", "auto": true }, { "id": "id", "name": "Identification", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "flags", "name": "Flags", "type": "BITMASK", "min": 0, "max": 8, "bits": [ # bitmask definition for IP.flags {"name": "Reserved", "mask": 4, "values":[{"name":"Not Set", "value": 0}, {"name":"Set", "value": 4}]}, {"name": "Fragment", "mask": 2, "values":[{"name":"May fragment (0)", "value": 0}, {"name":"Don't fragment (1)", "value": 2}]}, {"name": "More Fragments(MF)", "mask": 1, "values":[{"name":"Not Set", "value": 0}, {"name":"Set", "value": 1}]} ] }, { "id": "frag", "name": "Fragment offset", "type": "NUMBER" }, { "id": "ttl", "name": "TTL", "type": "NUMBER", "min": 1, "max": 255 }, { "id": "proto", "name": "Protocol" }, { "id": "chksum", "name": "Checksum", "type": "STRING", "auto": true }, { "id": "src", "name": "Source address", "type": "STRING", "regexp": "regexp-to-check-this-field" }, { "id": "dst", "name": "Destination address", "regexp": "regexp-to-check-this-field" }, { "id": "options", "name": "Options", "type": "EXPRESSION" } ] }, { "id": "Dot1Q", "name": "802.1Q", "fields": [ { "id": "prio", "name": "prio" "type": "NUMBER", }, { "id": "id", "type": "NUMBER", "name": "id" }, { "id": "vlan", "type": "NUMBER", "name": "vlan" }, { "values_dict": { "ATMMPOA": 34892, "RAW_FR": 25945, "DNA_DL": 24577, "ATMFATE": 34948, "ATALK": 32923, "BPQ": 2303, "X25": 2053, "PPP_DISC": 34915, "DEC": 24576, "n_802_1Q": 33024, "PPP_SES": 34916, "TEB": 25944, "SCA": 24583, "PPP": 34827, "FR_ARP": 2056, "CUST": 24582, "ARP": 2054, "DNA_RC": 24578, "NetBEUI": 33169, "AARP": 33011, "DIAG": 24581, "IPv4": 2048, "DNA_RT": 24579, "IPv6": 34525, "LAT": 24580, "IPX": 33079, "LOOP": 36864 }, "id": "type", "name": "type", "type": "ENUM" } ] }, { "id": "Raw", "name": "Raw", "fields": [ { "id": "load", "name": "Payload", "type": "BYTES" } ] } ] ] ---- == RPC Commands The following RPC commands are supported. Please refer to databases section for elaboration for each database. === Supported Methods * *Name* - supported_methods * *Description* - returns the list of all supported methods by Scapy Server and their parameters * *Parameters* - the parameter ('all') will return *ALL* supported methods. + other string delivered as parameter will return True/False if the string matches a supported method name * *Result* - according to input: 'all' string will return list of supported methods, otherwise will return True/False as mentioned. + The returned dictionary describes for each method it's number of parameters followed by a list of their names. *Example:* [source,python] ---- 'Request': { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "supported_methods", "params": ["all"] } 'Result': {'id': '1', 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'result': { . . . . 'build_pkt': [1, [u'pkt_descriptor']], 'check_update': [2, [u'db_md5', u'field_md5']], 'get_all': [0, []], 'get_tree': [0, []], 'get_version': [0, []], 'supported_methods': [1, [u'method_name']] } } ---- === GetAll * *Name* - 'get_all' * *Description* - Returns the supported protocols library (DB) and Field-to-RegEx mapping library, and their MD5 * *Paramters* - None * *Result* ['object'] - JSON format of dictionary. see table below .Object type 'return values for get_all' [options="header",cols="1,1,3,3"] |================= | Key | Key Type | Value | Value Type | db | string | supported protocols dictionary | protocol dictionary | fields | string | Field-to-RegEx dictionary | Field-to-RegEx dictionary | db_md5 | string | MD5 of DB | encoded in base64 | fields_md5 | string | MD5 of fields | encoded in base64 |================= *Example:* [source,python] ---- 'Request': { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "get_all", "params": [] } 'Response': { "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "id" : 1, "result" : {'db': {'ARP': [('hwtype', 'XShortField', '(1)'), ('ptype', 'XShortEnumField', '(2048)'), ('hwlen', 'ByteField', '(6)'), ('plen', 'ByteField', '(4)'), ('op', 'ShortEnumField', '(1)'), ('hwsrc', 'ARPSourceMACField', '(None)'), ('psrc', 'SourceIPField', '(None)'), ('hwdst', 'MACField', "('00:00:00:00:00:00')"), ('pdst', 'IPField', "('')")], . . . 'db_md5': 'Z+gRt88y7SC0bDu496/DQg==\n', 'fields': {'ARPSourceMACField': 'empty', 'BCDFloatField': 'empty', 'BitEnumField': 'empty', . . . } ---- === Check if Database is updated * *Name* - 'check_update' * *Description* - checks if both protocol database and fields database are up to date according to md5 comparison * *Parameters* - md5 of database, md5 of fields * *Result* - upon failure: error code -32098 (see link:trex_scapy_rpc_server.html#_error_codes[RPC server error codes]) + followed by a message: "Fields DB is not up to date" or "Protocol DB is not up to date" + upon success: return 'true' as result (see below) + + *Example:* [source,python] ---- 'Request': { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "check_update", "params": ["md5_of_protocol_db", "md5_of_fields"] } 'Response': #on failure { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "error": { "code": -32098, "message:": "Scapy Server: Fields DB is not up to date" } } 'Response': #on success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "result": true } ---- === Get Version * *Name* - 'get_version' * *Description* - Queries the server for version information * *Paramters* - None * *Result* ['object'] - See table below .Object type 'return values for get_version' [options="header",cols="1,1,3"] |================= | Field | Type | Description | version | string | Scapy Server version | built_by | string | who built this version |================= *Example:* [source,python] ---- 'Request': { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "get_version", "params": [] } 'Response': { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "result": { "version": "v1.0", "built_by": "itraviv" } } ---- === Build Packet * *Name* - 'build_pkt' * *Description* - Builds a new packet from the definition and returns binary data and json structure + * *Return Value* - Returns xref:build_pkt_output[Scapy packet result payload]. * *Paramters* - JSON xref:build_pkt_input[packet definition model]. === Create packet from binary data and modify fields * *Name* - 'reconstruct_pkt' * *Description* - Builds a new packet from the binary data and returns binary data and json structure + * *Return Value* - Returns xref:build_pkt_output[Scapy packet result payload]. * *Paramters* - base64-encoded packet bytes, optional JSON xref:build_pkt_input[packet definition model] with fields to override. === Get protocol definitions * *Name* - 'get_definitions' * *Description* - Returns definitions for protocols and fields + * *Return Value* - array of protocol definitions in a "result.protocols" json. xref:get_definitions_model[Output model] * *Paramters* - array of protocol class names to define or null to fetch metadata for all protocols. ex. ["Ether", "TCP"] === Get protocol tree hierarchy example * *Name* - 'get_tree' * *Description* - returns a *suggested* dictionary of protocols ordered in a hierarchy tree. + User can still create non valid hierarchies. (such as Ether()/DNS()/IP()) * *Parameters* - none * *Result* [dictionary] - Example for packet layers that can be used to build a packet. Ordered in an hierarchy tree. *Example:* [source,python] ---- 'Request': { "id": "1", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_tree", "params": [] } 'Response': {'id': '1', 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'result': {'ALL': { 'Ether': {'ARP': {}, 'IP': { 'TCP': {'RAW': 'payload'}, 'UDP': {'RAW': 'payload'} } } } } } ---- == Usage of Scapy RPC Server Notice the existance of the following files: * * * === In this section we will see how to bring up the Scapy ZMQ server. There are 2 ways to run this server: * Through command line * Through Python interpreter ==== Running Scapy ZMQ Server from command line Run the file with the argument -s to declare the port that the server will listen to. + Running the file without the "-s" argument will use *port 4507 by default*. + + Notice: * The Server's IP will be the IP address of the local host. * The Server will accept requests from *any* IP address on that port. [source,bash] ---- user$ python -s 5555 ***Scapy Server Started*** Listening on port: 5555 Server IP address: ---- ==== Running Scapy ZMQ Server from the Python interpreter * Run the Python Interpreter (Scapy Server currently supports Python2) * Import the file * Create a Scapy_server Object with argument as port number. default argument is port 4507 * Invoke method activate(). (This method is blocking because the server is listening on the port). [source,bash] ---- user$ python >>> from scapy_zmq_server import * >>> s = Scapy_server() // starts with port 4507 >>> s = Scapy_server(5555) //starts with port 5555 >>> s.activate() ***Scapy Server Started*** Listening on port: 5555 Server IP address: ---- ==== Shutting down Scapy ZMQ Server There are 2 ways to shut down the server: * The server can be shut down using the keyboard interrupt Ctrl+C * The server can be shut down remotely with the method "shut_down" with no arguments [source,bash] ---- //Sending Request: {"params": [], "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "shut_down", "id": "1"} //Will result in this print by the server: Server: Shut down by remote user ----