# $Id: ssl.py 90 2014-04-02 22:06:23Z andrewflnr@gmail.com $ # Portion Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer Security.""" import dpkt import ssl_ciphersuites import struct import binascii # # Note from April 2011: cde...@gmail.com added code that parses SSL3/TLS messages more in depth. # # Jul 2012: afleenor@google.com modified and extended SSL support further. # class SSL2(dpkt.Packet): __hdr__ = ( ('len', 'H', 0), ('msg', 's', ''), ('pad', 's', ''), ) def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) if self.len & 0x8000: n = self.len = self.len & 0x7FFF self.msg, self.data = self.data[:n], self.data[n:] else: n = self.len = self.len & 0x3FFF padlen = ord(self.data[0]) self.msg = self.data[1:1 + n] self.pad = self.data[1 + n:1 + n + padlen] self.data = self.data[1 + n + padlen:] # SSLv3/TLS versions SSL3_V = 0x0300 TLS1_V = 0x0301 TLS11_V = 0x0302 TLS12_V = 0x0303 ssl3_versions_str = { SSL3_V: 'SSL3', TLS1_V: 'TLS 1.0', TLS11_V: 'TLS 1.1', TLS12_V: 'TLS 1.2' } SSL3_VERSION_BYTES = set(('\x03\x00', '\x03\x01', '\x03\x02', '\x03\x03')) # Alert levels SSL3_AD_WARNING = 1 SSL3_AD_FATAL = 2 alert_level_str = { SSL3_AD_WARNING: 'SSL3_AD_WARNING', SSL3_AD_FATAL: 'SSL3_AD_FATAL' } # SSL3 alert descriptions SSL3_AD_CLOSE_NOTIFY = 0 SSL3_AD_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE = 10 # fatal SSL3_AD_BAD_RECORD_MAC = 20 # fatal SSL3_AD_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE = 30 # fatal SSL3_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE = 40 # fatal SSL3_AD_NO_CERTIFICATE = 41 SSL3_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE = 42 SSL3_AD_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE = 43 SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED = 44 SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED = 45 SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN = 46 SSL3_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER = 47 # fatal # TLS1 alert descriptions TLS1_AD_DECRYPTION_FAILED = 21 TLS1_AD_RECORD_OVERFLOW = 22 TLS1_AD_UNKNOWN_CA = 48 # fatal TLS1_AD_ACCESS_DENIED = 49 # fatal TLS1_AD_DECODE_ERROR = 50 # fatal TLS1_AD_DECRYPT_ERROR = 51 TLS1_AD_EXPORT_RESTRICTION = 60 # fatal TLS1_AD_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 70 # fatal TLS1_AD_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY = 71 # fatal TLS1_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR = 80 # fatal TLS1_AD_USER_CANCELLED = 90 TLS1_AD_NO_RENEGOTIATION = 100 # /* codes 110-114 are from RFC3546 */ TLS1_AD_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION = 110 TLS1_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNOBTAINABLE = 111 TLS1_AD_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME = 112 TLS1_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_RESPONSE = 113 TLS1_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE_HASH_VALUE = 114 TLS1_AD_UNKNOWN_PSK_IDENTITY = 115 # fatal # Mapping alert types to strings alert_description_str = { SSL3_AD_CLOSE_NOTIFY: 'SSL3_AD_CLOSE_NOTIFY', SSL3_AD_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE: 'SSL3_AD_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE', SSL3_AD_BAD_RECORD_MAC: 'SSL3_AD_BAD_RECORD_MAC', SSL3_AD_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE: 'SSL3_AD_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE', SSL3_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE: 'SSL3_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE', SSL3_AD_NO_CERTIFICATE: 'SSL3_AD_NO_CERTIFICATE', SSL3_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE: 'SSL3_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE', SSL3_AD_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE: 'SSL3_AD_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE', SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED: 'SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED', SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED: 'SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED', SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN: 'SSL3_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN', SSL3_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: 'SSL3_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER', TLS1_AD_DECRYPTION_FAILED: 'TLS1_AD_DECRYPTION_FAILED', TLS1_AD_RECORD_OVERFLOW: 'TLS1_AD_RECORD_OVERFLOW', TLS1_AD_UNKNOWN_CA: 'TLS1_AD_UNKNOWN_CA', TLS1_AD_ACCESS_DENIED: 'TLS1_AD_ACCESS_DENIED', TLS1_AD_DECODE_ERROR: 'TLS1_AD_DECODE_ERROR', TLS1_AD_DECRYPT_ERROR: 'TLS1_AD_DECRYPT_ERROR', TLS1_AD_EXPORT_RESTRICTION: 'TLS1_AD_EXPORT_RESTRICTION', TLS1_AD_PROTOCOL_VERSION: 'TLS1_AD_PROTOCOL_VERSION', TLS1_AD_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY: 'TLS1_AD_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY', TLS1_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR: 'TLS1_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR', TLS1_AD_USER_CANCELLED: 'TLS1_AD_USER_CANCELLED', TLS1_AD_NO_RENEGOTIATION: 'TLS1_AD_NO_RENEGOTIATION', TLS1_AD_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION: 'TLS1_AD_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION', TLS1_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNOBTAINABLE: 'TLS1_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNOBTAINABLE', TLS1_AD_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME: 'TLS1_AD_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME', TLS1_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_RESPONSE: 'TLS1_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_RESPONSE', TLS1_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE_HASH_VALUE: 'TLS1_AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE_HASH_VALUE', TLS1_AD_UNKNOWN_PSK_IDENTITY: 'TLS1_AD_UNKNOWN_PSK_IDENTITY' } # struct format strings for parsing buffer lengths # don't forget, you have to pad a 3-byte value with \x00 _SIZE_FORMATS = ['!B', '!H', '!I', '!I'] def parse_variable_array(buf, lenbytes): """ Parse an array described using the 'Type name' syntax from the spec Read a length at the start of buf, and returns that many bytes after, in a tuple with the TOTAL bytes consumed (including the size). This does not check that the array is the right length for any given datatype. """ # first have to figure out how to parse length assert lenbytes <= 4 # pretty sure 4 is impossible, too size_format = _SIZE_FORMATS[lenbytes - 1] padding = '\x00' if lenbytes == 3 else '' # read off the length size = struct.unpack(size_format, padding + buf[:lenbytes])[0] # read the actual data data = buf[lenbytes:lenbytes + size] # if len(data) != size: insufficient data return data, size + lenbytes class SSL3Exception(Exception): pass class TLSRecord(dpkt.Packet): """ SSLv3 or TLSv1+ packet. In addition to the fields specified in the header, there are compressed and decrypted fields, indicating whether, in the language of the spec, this is a TLSPlaintext, TLSCompressed, or TLSCiphertext. The application will have to figure out when it's appropriate to change these values. """ __hdr__ = ( ('type', 'B', 0), ('version', 'H', 0), ('length', 'H', 0), ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # assume plaintext unless specified otherwise in arguments self.compressed = kwargs.pop('compressed', False) self.encrypted = kwargs.pop('encrypted', False) # parent constructor dpkt.Packet.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # make sure length and data are consistent self.length = len(self.data) def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) header_length = self.__hdr_len__ self.data = buf[header_length:header_length + self.length] # make sure buffer was long enough if len(self.data) != self.length: raise dpkt.NeedData('TLSRecord data was too short.') # assume compressed and encrypted when it's been parsed from # raw data self.compressed = True self.encrypted = True class TLSChangeCipherSpec(dpkt.Packet): """ ChangeCipherSpec message is just a single byte with value 1 """ __hdr__ = (('type', 'B', 1),) class TLSAppData(str): """ As far as TLSRecord is concerned, AppData is just an opaque blob. """ pass class TLSAlert(dpkt.Packet): __hdr__ = ( ('level', 'B', 1), ('description', 'B', 0), ) class TLSHelloRequest(dpkt.Packet): __hdr__ = tuple() class TLSClientHello(dpkt.Packet): __hdr__ = ( ('version', 'H', 0x0301), ('random', '32s', '\x00' * 32), ) # the rest is variable-length and has to be done manually def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) # now session, cipher suites, extensions are in self.data self.session_id, pointer = parse_variable_array(self.data, 1) # print 'pointer',pointer # handle ciphersuites ciphersuites, parsed = parse_variable_array(self.data[pointer:], 2) pointer += parsed self.num_ciphersuites = len(ciphersuites) / 2 # check len(ciphersuites) % 2 == 0 ? # compression methods compression_methods, parsed = parse_variable_array( self.data[pointer:], 1) pointer += parsed self.num_compression_methods = parsed - 1 self.compression_methods = map(ord, compression_methods) # extensions class TLSServerHello(dpkt.Packet): __hdr__ = ( ('version', 'H', '0x0301'), ('random', '32s', '\x00' * 32), ) # session is variable, forcing rest to be manual def unpack(self, buf): try: dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) self.session_id, pointer = parse_variable_array(self.data, 1) # single cipher suite self.cipher_suite = struct.unpack('!H', self.data[pointer:pointer + 2])[0] pointer += 2 # single compression method self.compression = struct.unpack('!B', self.data[pointer:pointer + 1])[0] pointer += 1 # ignore extensions for now except struct.error: # probably data too short raise dpkt.NeedData class TLSUnknownHandshake(dpkt.Packet): __hdr__ = tuple() TLSCertificate = TLSUnknownHandshake TLSServerKeyExchange = TLSUnknownHandshake TLSCertificateRequest = TLSUnknownHandshake TLSServerHelloDone = TLSUnknownHandshake TLSCertificateVerify = TLSUnknownHandshake TLSClientKeyExchange = TLSUnknownHandshake TLSFinished = TLSUnknownHandshake # mapping of handshake type ids to their names # and the classes that implement them HANDSHAKE_TYPES = { 0: ('HelloRequest', TLSHelloRequest), 1: ('ClientHello', TLSClientHello), 2: ('ServerHello', TLSServerHello), 11: ('Certificate', TLSCertificate), 12: ('ServerKeyExchange', TLSServerKeyExchange), 13: ('CertificateRequest', TLSCertificateRequest), 14: ('ServerHelloDone', TLSServerHelloDone), 15: ('CertificateVerify', TLSCertificateVerify), 16: ('ClientKeyExchange', TLSClientKeyExchange), 20: ('Finished', TLSFinished), } class TLSHandshake(dpkt.Packet): """ A TLS Handshake message This goes for all messages encapsulated in the Record layer, but especially important for handshakes and app data: A message may be spread across a number of TLSRecords, in addition to the possibility of there being more than one in a given Record. You have to put together the contents of TLSRecord's yourself. """ # struct.unpack can't handle the 3-byte int, so we parse it as bytes # (and store it as bytes so dpkt doesn't get confused), and turn it into # an int in a user-facing property __hdr__ = ( ('type', 'B', 0), ('length_bytes', '3s', 0), ) def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) # Wait, might there be more than one message of self.type? embedded_type = HANDSHAKE_TYPES.get(self.type, None) if embedded_type is None: raise SSL3Exception('Unknown or invalid handshake type %d' % self.type) # only take the right number of bytes self.data = self.data[:self.length] if len(self.data) != self.length: raise dpkt.NeedData # get class out of embedded_type tuple self.data = embedded_type[1](self.data) @property def length(self): return struct.unpack('!I', '\x00' + self.length_bytes)[0] RECORD_TYPES = { 20: TLSChangeCipherSpec, 21: TLSAlert, 22: TLSHandshake, 23: TLSAppData, } class SSLFactory(object): def __new__(cls, buf): v = buf[1:3] if v in SSL3_VERSION_BYTES: return TLSRecord(buf) # SSL2 has no characteristic header or magic bytes, so we just assume # that the msg is an SSL2 msg if it is not detected as SSL3+ return SSL2(buf) def tls_multi_factory(buf): """ Attempt to parse one or more TLSRecord's out of buf Args: buf: string containing SSL/TLS messages. May have an incomplete record on the end Returns: [TLSRecord] int, total bytes consumed, != len(buf) if an incomplete record was left at the end. Raises SSL3Exception. """ i, n = 0, len(buf) msgs = [] while i < n: v = buf[i + 1:i + 3] if v in SSL3_VERSION_BYTES: try: msg = TLSRecord(buf[i:]) msgs.append(msg) except dpkt.NeedData: break else: raise SSL3Exception('Bad TLS version in buf: %r' % buf[i:i + 5]) i += len(msg) return msgs, i _hexdecode = binascii.a2b_hex class TestTLSRecord(object): """ Test basic TLSRecord functionality For this test, the contents of the record doesn't matter, since we're not parsing the next layer. """ @classmethod def setup_class(cls): # add some extra data, to make sure length is parsed correctly cls.p = TLSRecord('\x17\x03\x01\x00\x08abcdefghzzzzzzzzzzz') def test_content_type(self): assert (self.p.type == 23) def test_version(self): assert (self.p.version == 0x0301) def test_length(self): assert (self.p.length == 8) def test_data(self): assert (self.p.data == 'abcdefgh') def test_initial_flags(self): assert (self.p.compressed == True) assert (self.p.encrypted == True) def test_repack(self): p2 = TLSRecord(type=23, version=0x0301, data='abcdefgh') assert (p2.type == 23) assert (p2.version == 0x0301) assert (p2.length == 8) assert (p2.data == 'abcdefgh') assert (p2.pack() == self.p.pack()) def test_total_length(self): # that len(p) includes header assert (len(self.p) == 13) def test_raises_need_data_when_buf_is_short(self): import pytest pytest.raises(dpkt.NeedData, TLSRecord, '\x16\x03\x01\x00\x10abc') class TestTLSChangeCipherSpec(object): """It's just a byte. This will be quick, I promise""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.p = TLSChangeCipherSpec('\x01') def test_parses(self): assert (self.p.type == 1) def test_total_length(self): assert (len(self.p) == 1) class TestTLSAppData(object): """AppData is basically just a string""" def test_value(self): d = TLSAppData('abcdefgh') assert (d == 'abcdefgh') class TestTLSHandshake(object): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.h = TLSHandshake('\x00\x00\x00\x01\xff') def test_created_inside_message(self): assert (isinstance(self.h.data, TLSHelloRequest) == True) def test_length(self): assert (self.h.length == 0x01) def test_raises_need_data(self): import pytest pytest.raises(dpkt.NeedData, TLSHandshake, '\x00\x00\x01\x01') class TestClientHello(object): """This data is extracted from and verified by Wireshark""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.data = _hexdecode( "01000199" # handshake header "0301" # version "5008220ce5e0e78b6891afe204498c9363feffbe03235a2d9e05b7d990eb708d" # rand "2009bc0192e008e6fa8fe47998fca91311ba30ddde14a9587dc674b11c3d3e5ed1" # session id # cipher suites "005400ffc00ac0140088008700390038c00fc00500840035c007c009c011c0130045004400330032c00cc00ec002c0040096004100050004002fc008c01200160013c00dc003feff000ac006c010c00bc00100020001" "0100" # compresssion methods # extensions "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" "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") # random garbage cls.p = TLSHandshake(cls.data) def test_client_hello_constructed(self): """Make sure the correct class was constructed""" # print self.p assert (isinstance(self.p.data, TLSClientHello) == True) # def testClientDateCorrect(self): # self.assertEqual(self.p.random_unixtime, 1342710284) def test_client_random_correct(self): assert (self.p.data.random == _hexdecode('5008220ce5e0e78b6891afe204498c9363feffbe03235a2d9e05b7d990eb708d')) def test_cipher_suite_length(self): # we won't bother testing the identity of each cipher suite in the list. assert (self.p.data.num_ciphersuites == 42) # self.assertEqual(len(self.p.ciphersuites), 42) def test_session_id(self): assert (self.p.data.session_id == _hexdecode('09bc0192e008e6fa8fe47998fca91311ba30ddde14a9587dc674b11c3d3e5ed1')) def test_compression_methods(self): assert (self.p.data.num_compression_methods == 1) def test_total_length(self): assert (len(self.p) == 413) class TestServerHello(object): """Again, from Wireshark""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.data = _hexdecode( '0200004d03015008220c8ec43c5462315a7c99f5d5b6bff009ad285b51dc18485f352e9fdecd2009bc0192e008e6fa8fe47998fca91311ba30ddde14a9587dc674b11c3d3e5ed10002000005ff01000100') cls.p = TLSHandshake(cls.data) def test_constructed(self): assert (isinstance(self.p.data, TLSServerHello) == True) # def testDateCorrect(self): # self.assertEqual(self.p.random_unixtime, 1342710284) def test_random_correct(self): assert (self.p.data.random == _hexdecode('5008220c8ec43c5462315a7c99f5d5b6bff009ad285b51dc18485f352e9fdecd')) def test_cipher_suite(self): assert (ssl_ciphersuites.BY_CODE[self.p.data.cipher_suite].name == 'TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA') def test_total_length(self): assert (len(self.p) == 81) class TestTLSMultiFactory(object): """Made up test data""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.data = _hexdecode('1703010010' # header 1 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' # data 1 '1703010010' # header 2 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' # data 2 '1703010010' # header 3 'CCCCCCCC') # data 3 (incomplete) cls.msgs, cls.bytes_parsed = tls_multi_factory(cls.data) def test_num_messages(self): # only complete messages should be parsed, incomplete ones left # in buffer assert (len(self.msgs) == 2) def test_bytes_parsed(self): assert (self.bytes_parsed == (5 + 16) * 2) def test_first_msg_data(self): assert (self.msgs[0].data == _hexdecode('AA' * 16)) def test_second_msg_data(self): assert (self.msgs[1].data == _hexdecode('BB' * 16))