#ifndef SCANSCALAR_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66 #define SCANSCALAR_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ >= 4)) // GCC supports "pragma once" correctly since 3.4 #pragma once #endif #include <string> #include "regex.h" #include "stream.h" namespace YAML { enum CHOMP { STRIP = -1, CLIP, KEEP }; enum ACTION { NONE, BREAK, THROW }; enum FOLD { DONT_FOLD, FOLD_BLOCK, FOLD_FLOW }; struct ScanScalarParams { ScanScalarParams(): eatEnd(false), indent(0), detectIndent(false), eatLeadingWhitespace(0), escape(0), fold(DONT_FOLD), trimTrailingSpaces(0), chomp(CLIP), onDocIndicator(NONE), onTabInIndentation(NONE), leadingSpaces(false) {} // input: RegEx end; // what condition ends this scalar? bool eatEnd; // should we eat that condition when we see it? int indent; // what level of indentation should be eaten and ignored? bool detectIndent; // should we try to autodetect the indent? bool eatLeadingWhitespace; // should we continue eating this delicious indentation after 'indent' spaces? char escape; // what character do we escape on (i.e., slash or single quote) (0 for none) FOLD fold; // how do we fold line ends? bool trimTrailingSpaces; // do we remove all trailing spaces (at the very end) CHOMP chomp; // do we strip, clip, or keep trailing newlines (at the very end) // Note: strip means kill all, clip means keep at most one, keep means keep all ACTION onDocIndicator; // what do we do if we see a document indicator? ACTION onTabInIndentation; // what do we do if we see a tab where we should be seeing indentation spaces // output: bool leadingSpaces; }; std::string ScanScalar(Stream& INPUT, ScanScalarParams& info); } #endif // SCANSCALAR_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66