# hhaim 2015 import sys import os import argparse; import uuid import urllib2 H_COV_VER = "0.0.1" class cov_driver(object): args=None; BUILD_NUM_FILE = "../VERSION" COV_FILE_OUT = 'trex-64.bz2' #'http://www.python.org/' def check_url_is_valid (url): try: f = urllib2.urlopen(url) f.read() return 0 except : return -1 def get_build_num (): s=''; if os.path.isfile(BUILD_NUM_FILE): f=open(BUILD_NUM_FILE,'r'); s+=f.readline().rstrip(); f.close(); return s; def get_build_num_dis (): return get_build_num ()+ "-"+str(uuid.uuid1()) def process_options (): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=""" cov -b # build sa cov -u #upload sa """, description="sa utility ", epilog=" written by hhaim"); parser.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='build ') parser.add_argument('-u', action='store_true', help='upload ') parser.add_argument('-nc', action='store_true', help='build without clean ') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=H_COV_VER ) cov_driver.args = parser.parse_args(); def run_cmd (cmd,is_exception=True): print "run cmd '%s'" % (cmd) res=os.system(cmd); if is_exception and (res !=0): s= "ERORR cmd return error !"; raise Exception(s); else: print "OK" def run_build (is_clean): clean_str = "" if is_clean : clean_str = "clean" cov_build_cmd = cov_driver.tool_path+"cov-analysis-linux64- --dir cov-int ./b %s build --target=_t-rex-64" % (clean_str); run_cmd(cov_build_cmd); if os.path.isfile(COV_FILE_OUT) : run_cmd(('rm %s' % COV_FILE_OUT)); run_cmd("tar caf %s cov-int" % COV_FILE_OUT); def upload (): if not os.path.isfile(COV_FILE_OUT) : s="ERROR file %s does not exit try to build it " % (COV_FILE_OUT); raise Exception (s) if check_url_is_valid ('http://www.google.com/')<0: s="ERROR, You are under firewall, try from another build server"; raise Exception (s) ver=get_build_num_dis () cmd='curl --form token=fRIZZCAGD9TnkSiuxXiEAQ --form email='+cov_driver.user_name+'@cisco.com --form file=@./'+COV_FILE_OUT+' --form version="'+ver+'" --form description="'+ver+'" https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=cisco-system-traffic-generator%2Ftrex-core' run_cmd(cmd); print "You should get an email with the results" print "or visit http://scan.coverity.com/projects/cisco-system-traffic-generator-trex-core?tab=overview" def check_env (env,err): if os.environ.has_key(env) == False : s= "ERROR you should define %s, %s" % (env,err) raise Exception(s); def main_cov (): args=cov_driver.args # default nothing was given if args.b == False and args.u == False : run_build (True) upload () if args.b : is_clean = not args.nc run_build (is_clean) if args.u: upload () def main (): try: check_env ('NBAR_ENV',"should defined to the tools path") check_env ('USER',"should be defined as your user name") cov_driver.tool_path=os.environ['NBAR_ENV'] cov_driver.user_name=os.environ['USER'] process_options () main_cov () exit(0); except Exception, e: print str(e); exit(-1); if __name__ == "__main__": main();