# include the path of trex_stl_api.py import sys sys.path.insert(0, "../") from trex_stl_api import * import dpkt import time import json def simple_burst (): # build A side packet pkt_a = STLPktBuilder() pkt_a.add_pkt_layer("l2", dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet()) pkt_a.add_pkt_layer("l3_ip", dpkt.ip.IP()) pkt_a.add_pkt_layer("l4_udp", dpkt.udp.UDP()) pkt_a.set_pkt_payload("somepayload") pkt_a.set_layer_attr("l3_ip", "len", len(pkt_a.get_layer('l3_ip'))) # build B side packet pkt_b = pkt_a.clone() # set IP range for pkt and split it by multiple cores pkt_a.set_vm_ip_range(ip_layer_name = "l3_ip", ip_field = "src", ip_start="", ip_end="", operation = "inc", split = True) pkt_a.set_vm_ip_range(ip_layer_name = "l3_ip", ip_field = "dst", ip_start="", ip_end="", operation = "inc") # build B side packet pkt_b.set_vm_ip_range(ip_layer_name = "l3_ip", ip_field = "src", ip_start="", ip_end="", operation = "inc", split = True) pkt_b.set_vm_ip_range(ip_layer_name = "l3_ip", ip_field = "dst", ip_start="", ip_end="", operation = "inc") # create client c = STLClient() passed = True try: # turn this on for some information #c.set_verbose("high") # create two streams s1 = STLStream(packet = pkt_a, mode = STLTXCont(pps = 100)) # second stream with a phase of 1ms (inter stream gap) s2 = STLStream(packet = pkt_b, isg = 1000, mode = STLTXCont(pps = 100)) # connect to server c.connect() # prepare our ports (my machine has 0 <--> 1 with static route) c.reset(ports = [0, 1]) # add both streams to ports c.add_streams(s1, ports = [0]) c.add_streams(s2, ports = [1]) # clear the stats before injecting c.clear_stats() # choose rate and start traffic for 10 seconds on 5 mpps print "Running 5 Mpps on ports 0, 1 for 10 seconds..." c.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = "5mpps", duration = 10) # block until done c.wait_on_traffic(ports = [0, 1]) # read the stats after the test stats = c.get_stats() print json.dumps(stats[0], indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True) print json.dumps(stats[1], indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True) lost_a = stats[0]["opackets"] - stats[1]["ipackets"] lost_b = stats[1]["opackets"] - stats[0]["ipackets"] print "\npackets lost from 0 --> 1: {0} pkts".format(lost_a) print "packets lost from 1 --> 0: {0} pkts".format(lost_b) if (lost_a == 0) and (lost_b == 0): passed = True else: passed = False except STLError as e: passed = False print e finally: c.disconnect() if passed: print "\nTest has passed :-)\n" else: print "\nTest has failed :-(\n" # run the tests simple_burst()